id | author(s) | quote | date | grabbed by |
486 | DN-boards1 | <DN-boards1> I've been attempting to observe Uranus with the naked eye. No luck. | 2015/05/06 Wed 22:05:32 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
488 | sir_galahad_ad | <sir_galahad_ad> my girlfriend just said to me "that's how i knew you were home. Because of the smell" | 2015/05/11 Mon 18:41:53 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
id | author(s) | quote | date | grabbed by |
1213 | atk | <atk> pragma-: HAVE YOU EVER PLAYED BATTLESHIPS? | 2018/07/01 Sun 00:16:10 | sjohnson! |
1215 | jp | <jp> i forgot <jp> ship cannot be L | 2018/07/01 Sun 15:28:04 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1212 | k | <k> yeah i know how to suck a penis jp <k> i don't need your advice | 2018/06/30 Sat 23:28:17 | jp! |
1214 | pragma- | <pragma-> YOUR PERCENTAGE <pragma-> WILL NOT <pragma-> BE PROMCOROEMTUT | 2018/07/01 Sun 00:20:03 | sjohnson! |
id | author(s) | quote | date | grabbed by |
215 | beramiah | <beramiah> C n00b here: is there any way to convert from an int**arr to an arr[][]? | 2013/03/11 Mon 20:47:15 | guidj0s |
369 | fisted | <fisted> can someone explain to me how the sizeof() function works? | 2014/04/29 Tue 16:25:08 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
371 | Seabasschan | <Seabasschan> The temptation to grab myself is becoming quite intense. | 2014/04/29 Tue 16:43:50 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
id | author(s) | quote | date | grabbed by |
115 | pragma_ | <pragma_> i just have these moments where i conveniently forget that i'm insane | 2011/02/11 Fri 20:47:30 | pragma_ |
id | author(s) | quote | date | grabbed by |
16 | codrus | <codrus> Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day. | 2009/12/10 Thu 12:10:25 | pragma_ |
52 | cyndre | <cyndre> AR - we had fun in the sun chasing nazi's on the run, but the fun didn't last, the nazi's RAN to fast | 2010/01/22 Fri 17:27:32 | notk0 |
24 | greatman-ever | <greatman-ever> for a man to be a great man one need to learn to control his penis | 2009/12/11 Fri 19:44:51 | pragma_ |
22 | halberd | <halberd> Utopiah, you lay off of pragma_ , it was a terrifying midget attack, there were just millions of them, tiny little buggers, they get up your nose, in your eyes, clawing at your brain, it's not a pretty sight | 2009/12/11 Fri 18:47:40 | pragma_ |
28 | halberd | <halberd> I think they kind of rub openings | 2009/12/11 Fri 23:59:11 | Sailormoon |
40 | incarnation | <incarnation> and I'm not saying I'm smart | 2009/12/13 Sun 20:50:13 | pragma_ |
49 | incarnation | <incarnation> i dont think 4chan exhibits immaturity, i think 4chan exhibits a sort of collective and extreme satire of the absurdity of hypocrisy | 2010/01/01 Fri 20:59:27 | pragma_ |
53 | incarnation | <incarnation> maybe i just dont masturbate in public because so many people hate it | 2010/03/02 Tue 14:40:19 | SailorReality |
54 | incarnation | <incarnation> admit it SailorReality you'd be a total public masturbator if it wasn't against the law | 2010/03/03 Wed 21:16:35 | Nately |
47 | kronix | <kronix> I found a photo of Sailormoon: | 2009/12/20 Sun 04:27:26 | pragma_ |
20 | nately | <nately> pragma_ is... the most interesting man in the world. | 2009/12/11 Fri 12:47:16 | pragma_ |
31 | nately | <nately> pragma_: you must be extraordinary | 2009/12/12 Sat 00:13:59 | pragma_ |
39 | nately | <nately> is there still random fap? | 2009/12/12 Sat 23:35:40 | pragma_ |
5 | parliament | <parliament> I imagine it's like he thinks of something to say, and then waits for an answer, realizes he didn't actually say anything, and mumbles out some incoherent fragment of his idea and stands there with a blank stare waiting for a reply | 2009/12/09 Wed 18:49:35 | pragma_ |
50 | parliament | <parliament> dear diary, today pragma_ and notk0 couldn't stop talking about my 5 phds and how they wish they could be me | 2010/01/02 Sat 14:25:20 | notk0 |
64 | plato | <plato> lol my sister gave me ringworms because we shared the same shower | 2010/03/28 Sun 13:51:07 | SailorReality |
29 | pnotes | <pnotes> how do male birds get their sperm in the females? | 2009/12/11 Fri 23:58:20 | Sailormoon |
17 | pragma_ | <pragma_> It's like trying to teach math to someone. You tell them, "You have 4 apples, and I take away 2; how many do you have left?" Then you tell them, "You have 3 oranges, and I give you 2; how many do you have?" But they instead go off to read about fruit. | 2009/12/10 Thu 16:07:17 | pragma_ |
23 | pragma_ | <pragma_> Also, each time you wank, you give your sperm-system more experience points and it gains levels. It learns from previous mistakes and it improves itself for future insemination. If you wank a few thousand times before you finally create a child, that child will be as fast as an African runner and as smart as Einstein. | 2009/12/11 Fri 19:38:08 | pragma_ |
30 | pragma_ | <pragma_> "most birds do not have a penis (ducks and ostriches are a couple that do), and mate simply by pressing their cloacas together (the cloaca is the single opening birds use to excrete, mate and lay eggs)" | 2009/12/12 Sat 00:02:52 | Sailormoon |
44 | pragma_ | <pragma_> I've known for a long while that politicans and rulers do not live by their own constitutions or rules; they preach one thing, and do a different thing in privacy; schools are just day-care centers and training camps to brainwash more complacant sheep for the diplomats and bureaucracies to utilize as slaves; paychecks are just a facade when you consider how much money the top dogs are making compared to the so-called workers | 2009/12/14 Mon 14:16:04 | pragma_ |
46 | pragma_ | <pragma_> "I just had an argument with a girl I know. She was saying how it's unfair that if a guy fucks a different girl every week, he's a legend, but if a girl fucks just two guys in a year, she's a slut. So in response I told her that if a key opens lots of locks, then it's a master key. But if a lock is opened by lots of keys, then it's a shitty lock. That shut her up." | 2009/12/16 Wed 14:17:13 | pragma_ |
51 | pragma_ | <pragma_> <Jayded> pragma_: I've had lots of lovers, I've traveled overseas as a gay sailor, played in homo bands, been whupped by homophobes, got drunk in gay bars, and had fun | 2010/01/07 Thu 06:22:55 | notk0 |
57 | pragma_ | <pragma_> If you really examine the course of the development of our world, we're really all (ants, birds, humans, reptiles, mammals, bacteria, fish, insects, plants, etc), all of us, are all just parasites eating each other and adapting to each other. | 2010/03/12 Fri 16:56:47 | pragma_ |
62 | pragma_ | <pragma_> i've had the cat pass through that flag with a red face at least twice | 2010/03/27 Sat 15:15:01 | PARLIAMENT |
6 | sailormoon | <sailormoon> I'm retarded | 2009/12/09 Wed 18:55:27 | pragma_ |
21 | sailormoon | <sailormoon> that makes sense pragma.. | 2009/12/11 Fri 18:38:25 | pragma_ |
55 | sailorreality | <sailorreality> If public masturbation were legal Id hang out in womens washrooms and then run after cumming on them and id also learn kung fu and aikido so if their boyfriends came at me id kick their ass and cum on their face | 2010/03/03 Wed 21:21:00 | Incarnation |
56 | sailorreality | <sailorreality> wait, how do u see their mouths if ur deaf? | 2010/03/04 Thu 22:14:35 | pragma_ |
59 | sarajevo | <sarajevo> anyways, i found out that my gf was cheating me with some fat fuck | 2010/03/25 Thu 22:54:15 | pragma_ |
58 | tau | <tau> SailorReality: i had problems with my brother we discussed i want to fill his face of beat. | 2010/03/19 Fri 21:38:57 | SailorReality |
60 | tau | <tau> SailorReality: stop or i will fill your face of beat. | 2010/03/26 Fri 16:03:07 | SailorReality |
63 | tau | <tau> but i never mated with one. | 2010/03/28 Sun 00:03:04 | SailorReality |
25 | tired | <tired> do you know how hard it is to get a table for 1 at chuckie cheese? | 2009/12/11 Fri 20:06:24 | pragma_ |
32 | tor]{ | <tor]{> and your jaw wont drop when God hands that rear end to ya with just a handful of people | 2009/12/12 Sat 11:48:46 | pragma_ |
33 | tor]{ | <tor]{> Christ laid the whole thing waste | 2009/12/12 Sat 11:56:02 | pragma_ |
34 | tor]{ | <tor]{> newton studied the bible as well | 2009/12/12 Sat 11:59:10 | pragma_ |
35 | tor]{ | <tor]{> there is nothing wrong with learning the occult | 2009/12/12 Sat 12:03:02 | pragma_ |
36 | tor]{ | <tor]{> God only exists to people who implement the tools he gave mankind to utilize his existence | 2009/12/12 Sat 12:07:12 | pragma_ |
37 | tor]{ | <tor]{> Satan is a greater being... | 2009/12/12 Sat 12:09:29 | pragma_ |
38 | tor]{ | <tor]{> benzap..forcing a belief on to people is manipulating scientific data to hide declines to push a fascist agenda like global warming across | 2009/12/12 Sat 12:12:48 | pragma_ |
19 | utopiah | <utopiah> Koganei: could you write a algorithm that would convert each philosophy paper to a running algorithm? you could call it philosophical_embodiment() and see if instancianting the state of the art from the last publications help to make the world a better place | 2009/12/11 Fri 11:53:36 | pragma_ |
id | author(s) | quote | date | grabbed by |
1058 | dmc | <dmc> is Wales not a country | 2018/02/14 Wed 21:04:09 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1241 | iamgarp | <iamgarp> I'M RIPPING HIS QUESTIONS WHETHER HE ALLOWS IT OR NOT | 2019/05/05 Sun 10:59:15 | nai! |
1076 | jp | <jp> i don't waste my time compiling bs, only important things! | 2018/02/27 Tue 12:25:40 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1038 | jp | <jp> in japan paying for sex is illegal <jp> unless it's anal or oral | 2018/01/29 Mon 13:16:49 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1074 | k | <k> wtf are those baby noises | 2018/02/24 Sat 19:57:55 | sjohnson! |
1759 | k | <k> i'm straight | 2021/02/11 Thu 12:05:25 | nh!~NextHendr@unaffiliated/nexthendrix |
1761 | k | <k> my grapes are quite noble | 2021/02/11 Thu 12:57:30 | nf! |
1054 | k | <k> i am a commie <k> i used to read big books about nazis | 2018/02/10 Sat 16:50:37 | jp! |
1755 | k | <k> you know what i hate <k> the reality of containers | 2021/02/08 Mon 12:08:21 | nf! |
1070 | koisoke | <koisoke> wynona's big brown beaver was fun and self-deprecating | 2018/02/24 Sat 10:46:06 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1072 | koisoke | <koisoke> i may not be an anatomistt, but | 2018/02/24 Sat 19:36:37 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1045 | nchambers | <nchambers> milk is made from milk | 2018/01/31 Wed 13:17:51 | jp! |
1760 | nh | <nh> you are as intolerable as a lingering vegetarians fart in a small room | 2021/02/11 Thu 12:17:59 | nf! |
1052 | pragma- | <pragma-> why am i losing | 2018/02/10 Sat 16:15:44 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1071 | pragma- | <pragma-> take that gg and shove it up your ass you scrublord | 2018/02/24 Sat 18:15:29 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1077 | pragma- | <pragma-> this fisblart keuboard lesves alot to be desired | 2018/02/28 Wed 13:23:31 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1250 | pragma- | <pragma-> ,yt hokey pokey sexy | 2019/05/15 Wed 13:48:58 | nil! |
1249 | pragma- | <pragma-> what did the jews eat with their chips? <pragma-> gulagamole | 2019/05/13 Mon 12:46:59 | Remavas!Remavas@gateway/shell/xshellz/x-Remavas |
1248 | pragma- | <pragma-> it puts <pragma-> this image <pragma-> of a robot <pragma-> eating guagalcome <pragma-> in my ehad <pragma-> its great | 2019/05/13 Mon 12:45:13 | nil! |
1037 | qwename | <qwename> Deez nuts | 2018/01/28 Sun 20:52:02 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1073 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> wtf i think someone took my video off youtube | 2018/02/24 Sat 19:40:22 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1108 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> i didn't get where i am today by reading documentation. | 2018/03/21 Wed 18:06:30 | mnrmnaugh!~mnrmnaugh@unaffiliated/mnrmnaugh |
1078 | sjohnson, k | <sjohnson> mnrmnaugh: nah that would probably be overkill <k> that is the most retarded idea i have ever heard mnrmnaugh | 2018/03/02 Fri 20:39:48 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
id | author(s) | quote | date | grabbed by |
2303 | Caeli | <Caeli> Seagulls are not ducks | 2023/04/01 Sat 01:30:09 | Bou!~boudewijn@user/bou |
2304 | ileaC | <ileaC> Bou you befriended a duck in 8852.663 seconds! You have made friends with 1,000 ducks in ##vanshack. | 2023/04/03 Mon 00:51:58 | Bou!~boudewijn@user/bou |
2310 | pragma- | <pragma-> EVERYTHING I KNOW IS WRONG | 2023/04/05 Wed 07:56:59 | Bou!~boudewijn@user/bou |
2311 | pragma- | <pragma-> i am so impressed with myself | 2023/04/05 Wed 08:07:49 | Bou!~boudewijn@user/bou |
2307 | VanUnamed | <VanUnamed> ,wa 1000kg in grams | 2023/04/04 Tue 09:02:31 | Bou!~boudewijn@user/bou |
2333 | xerox_ | <xerox_> I got captivated by the sound and kept rubbing for minutes 😂 | 2023/06/15 Thu 13:05:02 | Bou!~boudewijn@user/bou |
id | author(s) | quote | date | grabbed by |
934 | e36freak | * e36freak is legally retarded, actually | 2017/11/12 Sun 17:40:07 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
669 | greycat, geirha | <greycat> usually you do find . -type f -exec chown 644 {} + or similar <geirha> today's lucky uid *drumroll....* 644! | 2017/01/24 Tue 13:07:30 | phox! |
947 | kurahaupo | <kurahaupo> nchambers: sounds like a classic case of "the expert idiot" -- they work in isolation so never get exposed to better ideas, and come to believe that they're at the pinnacle of expertise in their chosen area on the basis of a lack of contrary evidence | 2017/11/24 Fri 18:04:38 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
887 | phy1729 | <phy1729> bash turned syntax errors into features | 2017/10/13 Fri 12:38:58 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
663 | pragma- | <pragma-> we can appreciate the fruit of their labors without thinking of the fruits behind the labors! | 2017/01/20 Fri 13:25:02 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
559 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> JordiGH: using eval is kind of like doing your boss' wife. you might get in trouble for it right then or worry about getting caught for it later. | 2016/03/05 Sat 09:47:16 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
id | author(s) | quote | date | grabbed by |
564 | __Myst__, pragma- | <__Myst__> I don't see it doing much more than “,commandname” <pragma-> You don't see a whole lot of things, son. | 2016/04/19 Tue 16:38:02 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
801 | _Drip | <_Drip> I only go to D though | 2017/07/06 Thu 17:07:43 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
484 | _user | <_user> im behaving a retard ? :( <_user> i dont think so <_user> why u think that ? | 2015/05/04 Mon 10:09:27 | Chris!~chris@spy/chris |
398 | aberrant | <aberrant> what you gotta realize is that #c is just full of folks on the wrong end of the asperger’s spectrum :) Then it’s ok, ‘cause it makes you realize that fighting back is like making fun of tards :) | 2014/06/23 Mon 15:53:14 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
1030 | adminseodwn | <adminseodwn> However nowadays the compilers are really smart and have good protection built in. so security issues are a thing of past in C | 2018/01/24 Wed 10:13:57 | jp! |
390 | adnap | <adnap> KICKED by Zhivago!~lys@unaffiliated/zhivago (When you inflict your stupidity on others in the form of broken advice, it becomes necessary to deal with it.) | 2014/06/13 Fri 05:13:16 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
439 | adnap | <adnap> I already use a label, which is like an inline functon | 2014/10/15 Wed 02:02:41 | CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
203 | aeronotix | <aeronotix> "If you sneeze near an array, it turns into pointer." | 2013/01/31 Thu 11:36:38 | pragma- |
739 | allisio | <allisio> I before E except when you suck. | 2017/03/11 Sat 12:46:42 | phy1729!~phy1729@zsh/wizard/phy1729 |
729 | allisio, Richard_Cavell | <allisio> Richard_Cavell: C++ isn't a program. <allisio> C++ is a shovel. <Richard_Cavell> allisio: Is it digging C's grave? | 2017/03/05 Sun 08:44:18 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
829 | alyptik, pragma- | <alyptik> notice it gets larger <pragma-> that's what he said | 2017/08/21 Mon 00:01:28 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
2148 | angelacrust, pragma- | <angelacrust> The program is not working as expected. The behaviour is reversed. <pragma-> angelacrust: reverse the program | 2022/02/25 Fri 09:21:34 | constxd!~brad@ |
557 | anonnumberanon | <anonnumberanon> As long as it doesn't figure out my real name is Corben Dallas, I'll be fine here. | 2016/02/25 Thu 22:47:09 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
558 | anonnumberanon | <anonnumberanon> Do we use strcmp() when comparing integers or is there soming specifically for integers? I have not found such function in the standard library... | 2016/02/28 Sun 11:44:52 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
616 | anonrate | <anonrate> But if I ask I will be sent to the Google or pragma- will start shitting a brick. | 2016/10/01 Sat 19:09:13 | X-Scale!~ARM@2001:0:53aa:64c:0:fbf7:b176:3a49 |
1238 | aozt | <aozt> voices: when you are using this IDE, you are forced to get one of your hands off the keyboard, pick the mouse, move the mouse etc. this breaks the symmetrical positioning of your body (when both hands lay on the keyboard) and can lead to the spine deformation, then to inflammation of intervertebral discs and vertebral endplates, then to incurable spinal cancer and death | 2019/05/03 Fri 13:17:40 | iamgarp!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
162 | applebloom | <applebloom> <pragma-> applebloom: I think your problem isn't your eyes but the fact that you seem to prefer to remain in a state of perplexed stupidity while exclaiming confused startled profanties | 2012/04/27 Fri 21:41:19 | pragma- |
2350 | apteryx | <apteryx> ah, seems the code base I'm looking at has again already planned for this -- ms_factory_new calls ms_factory_init(obj), which initializes the struct | 2024/06/12 Wed 08:33:44 | NRK! |
560 | Arch-TK | <Arch-TK> always assume that nobody outside of America will ever use it. It makes your software more portable. | 2016/03/09 Wed 13:13:17 | nchambers! |
561 | Arch-TK | <Arch-TK> "There's a bug!" "no there's not" "but there is" "no there's not" "man, just fix this bug" "it was fixed two versions ago" "but you said there was no bug" "no I didn't" | 2016/03/14 Mon 06:10:53 | nchambers! |
530 | Arch-TK | <Arch-TK> edk: is it more exciting? Is it actually running them on random computers which are part of a botnet? <Arch-TK> or is it using some kind of container nonsense? | 2015/09/20 Sun 12:17:56 | o11c!~ben@unaffiliated/o11c |
547 | Arch-TK, brendel, w41_ | <Arch-TK> brendel: May I ask why you need to know? <brendel> Arch-TK: you may <Arch-TK> Ok <Arch-TK> Why do you need to know? <brendel> No reason <w41_> rekt | 2015/12/07 Mon 12:49:47 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
545 | Arch-TK, pragma- | <Arch-TK> ShrewdSpirit: please tell "he" that he should stop using terms such as "stack" and "heap" <pragma-> what if "he's" describing women? | 2015/12/07 Mon 12:43:46 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
546 | Arch-TK, pragma- | <Arch-TK> I guess so, objects with automatic storage duration begin existence when they are declared and end their existence when you leave their scope. <pragma-> just like girlfriends | 2015/12/07 Mon 12:44:30 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
400 | ari-_-e, Zhivago | <ari-_-e> Zhivago: why don't you say people's nicks? <Zhivago> ari: I filter out the excessively stupid parts as a public service. | 2014/06/25 Wed 21:59:17 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1093 | arora | * arora facepalms and laughs hysterically only to fall off the chair xD | 2018/03/13 Tue 11:17:18 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
463 | arquebus | <arquebus> delta-nry: Im guessing, but I think that since the scanf function can take multiple EOF delimited values that are recieved as pointers, the scanf function I would guess automatically counts the number of pointer variables | 2015/01/05 Mon 20:30:29 | CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
464 | arquebus | <arquebus> EOF is basically the enter key simbol as read by the I/O stream | 2015/01/05 Mon 20:34:05 | CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
873 | ASKJ | <ASKJ> Let's now talk about gay pork | 2017/09/07 Thu 22:31:01 | alyptik! |
586 | atk | <atk> I can tell you from personal experience that hot dogs don't quite taste the same as dick. | 2016/07/10 Sun 09:01:24 | prgm-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
654 | atk | <atk> y sometimes gets (when used on its own) pronounced as: igrek | 2017/01/14 Sat 14:37:05 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
655 | atk | <atk> chrisf: but christ on a bike, I am wondering how long I can survive working on that god awful codebase | 2017/01/15 Sun 15:19:23 | caze!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
658 | atk | <atk> sacho: she's still in #tendra so I think that's the best place to get shouted at by kate right now. | 2017/01/18 Wed 10:45:50 | phox! |
990 | atk | <atk> for example, redhat pays lennart poettering to write really shitty software for linux | 2018/01/07 Sun 13:12:23 | Wulf!~Wulf@unaffiliated/wulf |
1084 | atk | <atk> string literals are stored in a parallel reality | 2018/03/09 Fri 14:22:16 | jp! |
1124 | atk | <atk> hvsr: like not to have to know how openssl works to use it too, but with openssl you have to piss with the dick you have. | 2018/04/06 Fri 11:20:34 | korans!~korans@ |
1145 | atk | <atk> camel case automatically makes your code less secure, it has been proven scientifically | 2018/04/22 Sun 14:46:45 | jp! |
1218 | atk | <atk> I make code sausages | 2018/07/09 Mon 15:01:55 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
653 | atk | <atk> if it's a specific value you care about <atk> you must be new to winapi | 2017/01/13 Fri 15:31:48 | phox! |
752 | atk, pragma- | <atk> I think I can set the watermark at 2 entries, then have my interrupt routine fill the FIFO from a ring buffer <atk> and that's all fine and dandy if the RB is getting fed a constant stream of data <atk> the problem comes when the RB is out of data and you want to stop transmitting <pragma-> atk: stop pretending to be a movie hacker. | 2017/03/26 Sun 07:29:02 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1943 | autopsy | <autopsy> Learath2, thats what info I was pinfo tex latex gcc groff troff html pdf png PCP which compiler documentation where which man geez thankl yiou. | 2021/07/11 Sun 10:33:44 | Learath2!~learath2@user/learath2 |
1173 | azarus | <azarus> ah, i'm stupid | 2018/05/31 Thu 05:42:26 | meth!~meth@unaffiliated/meth |
375 | BadCodSmell | <BadCodSmell> Portability is not built into C, that's why your standard exists. | 2014/05/04 Sun 13:28:29 | nitrix!~nib@unaffiliated/nitrix |
744 | bananabas, petererer, mandeep | <bananabas> what do you guys make of rust so far? <petererer> I played it for a while but it got a bit boring eventually. <mandeep> petererer: i think they mean the language | 2017/03/13 Mon 12:00:50 | mzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
136 | bardamu | <bardamu> I don't care what you say.. You don't know me... I have a lot people who love me especially women | 2011/11/16 Wed 11:50:57 | pragma_ |
451 | barfod, pragma- | <barfod> yet have been called stupid and idiot countless times. my IQ is above 140 <pragma-> "Like us on Facebook for an extra 10 IQ points!" | 2014/12/01 Mon 00:56:42 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
96 | bdbdbd | <bdbdbd> IT PRINTS FUCKING NOTHING | 2010/11/01 Mon 02:15:51 | n00p |
219 | beaky | <beaky> one can only hope my code never ends up running a live system with lives at stake | 2013/05/16 Thu 09:29:54 | pragma- |
261 | beaky, edk | <beaky> highlights? <edk> it's where you colour a bit of your hair differently from your other hair because your parents didn't love you | 2013/10/11 Fri 09:37:10 | edk!edk@unaffiliated/edk |
321 | beaky, pragma- | <beaky> hello <pragma-> beaky: no. | 2014/01/25 Sat 05:35:00 | rob``! |
505 | beardedmouse | <beardedmouse> three inches not enough these days? | 2015/07/22 Wed 18:50:37 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
389 | bennabiy | <bennabiy> object-oriented programming -> "Should we implement feature A..." "I object!" "Great, add it!" | 2014/06/02 Mon 12:04:27 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
765 | Blue796 | <Blue796> mzo: idk i haven't really thought about it lol | 2017/04/21 Fri 10:13:52 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
77 | boris`` | <boris``> is candide secretly recording us or are those manually added? | 2010/08/17 Tue 09:35:19 | pragma_ |
333 | boru | <boru> To paraphrase Gene Spafford; "IRC is like a herd of performing elephants. Massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it." | 2014/03/01 Sat 23:49:58 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
348 | boru | <boru> I have a box of rpis. I may use them for target practice. | 2014/03/18 Tue 08:32:54 | fisted!~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted |
351 | boru | <boru> It contains pheromones to attract prey^Wpotential mates. | 2014/03/21 Fri 04:48:01 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
412 | boru | <boru> As in it took KDE 40 seconds to respond? <boru> It probably had to install another 40 dependencies to support mouse clicks. | 2014/07/08 Tue 06:04:52 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
301 | boru, frog_sha0 | <boru> murple; yeah, there's more to shooting bytes out onto the wire than meets the eye. <frog_sha0> boru: Not if you're using fibre optics. | 2013/11/19 Tue 20:15:46 | edk!edk@unaffiliated/edk |
246 | brachiation | <brachiation> well, i want to use for loops, so i think c99 is best for me. | 2013/09/19 Thu 00:59:05 | CaZe |
715 | Bschool | <Bschool> pragma-: thanks for understand my error and generally being a helpful person | 2017/02/24 Fri 20:19:19 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
71 | btfx | <btfx> Wow... I JUST figured out how this IDE handles compiler options... I can finally see all the warnings... | 2010/05/16 Sun 21:27:08 | pragma_ |
623 | c437 | <c437> writing c is like trying to twist open a door knob with your anus | 2016/10/26 Wed 15:49:43 | latch!latch@nat/intel/x-nmqtmwjztfomvtza |
2182 | cadmio | <cadmio> I fixed a bug and introduced a new one I cannot solve... | 2022/08/04 Thu 12:55:18 | NRK!~nrk@2001:470:69fc:105::4e30 |
198 | cam | <cam> I thought that as long as one pointer was open it wouldn't allow a free() to remove the object from memory. | 2013/01/21 Mon 20:03:39 | CaZe |
722 | camthesaxman | <camthesaxman> There are also non-printable characters like the newline character. | 2017/02/27 Mon 10:51:23 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
378 | candide | <candide> Zhivago: a butterfly | 2014/05/08 Thu 18:44:50 | fisted!~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted |
347 | cantoma | <cantoma> kate`, since I am an engineer I tend to use a lot of tape and wd 40 | 2014/03/18 Tue 07:09:40 | fisted!~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted |
104 | CaZe | <CaZe> eboyjr: 15:05:38 <eboyjr> I'm making a javascript implementation of c, so I hope no one minds that sizeof(char) == 2 | 2010/11/27 Sat 13:42:24 | CaZe |
121 | CaZe | <CaZe> This porridge is too hot. This porridge it too cold. Boo hoo. | 2011/03/18 Fri 23:50:27 | n00p |
149 | CaZe | <CaZe> I'm just describing the symptoms of the misalignment. | 2012/03/04 Sun 00:57:03 | sha0 |
152 | CaZe | <CaZe> I take it that's not a VPS. | 2012/03/13 Tue 01:05:50 | CaZe |
153 | CaZe | <CaZe> Both of your packages. | 2012/03/13 Tue 01:05:10 | CaZe |
192 | CaZe | <CaZe> If the moon were made of cheese, what kind of pizza could you make with it? | 2012/09/27 Thu 03:06:45 | pragma- |
205 | CaZe | <CaZe> Too much error and warning data, stopped processing. | 2013/02/03 Sun 19:06:59 | CaZe |
207 | CaZe | <CaZe> lemonade`: We're not in the context of real life. We're in the context of talking about C. | 2013/02/06 Wed 08:08:10 | lemonade` |
243 | CaZe | <CaZe> Wow, those indians and pakistanis are pretty limber. | 2013/09/02 Mon 20:34:48 | pragma- |
315 | CaZe | <CaZe> *(x + y) is syntactic exercise for x[y]. | 2014/01/03 Fri 13:20:55 | fisted!~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted |
342 | CaZe | <CaZe> Sorry I was watching electric eel videos. | 2014/03/11 Tue 01:18:48 | rob``! |
436 | CaZe | <CaZe> How can you write a tool that can have the correct understanding of code, if you yourself are unable to have the correct understanding? | 2014/10/06 Mon 22:21:48 | fluter!~fluter@fedora/fluter |
554 | CaZe | <CaZe> fluter: China has free market. | 2016/01/19 Tue 17:05:26 | fluter!~fluter@fedora/fluter |
577 | CaZe | <CaZe> fluter: Appearances don't matter. | 2016/06/12 Sun 20:27:38 | fluter!~fluter@fedora/fluter |
605 | CaZe | <CaZe> In fact, most of the work is done by the programmer writing his code, with the help of the compiler complaining when the programmer messes it up. | 2016/08/12 Fri 01:35:41 | fluter!~fluter@fedora/fluter |
634 | CaZe | <CaZe> Yeah, really weird. Why are you expecting 28? | 2016/12/18 Sun 06:02:29 | CaZe!~caze@2607:f2f8:a678::2 |
637 | CaZe | <CaZe> Rub it between your fingers. | 2016/12/21 Wed 13:24:14 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
640 | CaZe | <CaZe> atk: 2) The butter needs to go on the endosperm. | 2016/12/27 Tue 13:09:19 | atk!Arch-TK@fsf/member/Arch-TK |
651 | CaZe | <CaZe> I need a rape drive. | 2017/01/11 Wed 11:23:44 | dho! |
429 | CaZe | <CaZe> So I got a Prius a few weeks ago. <CaZe> And I was driving pretty aggressively, with "ECO mode" disabled. | 2014/09/03 Wed 21:47:16 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
303 | CaZe, edk, Subsentient, Zhivago | <CaZe> Maybe you don't know C. <edk> CaZe: well, he has that in common with most people in the channel... <Subsentient> edk: I revile being told that every time I come in with a question. I never asked how to use a pointer or how to use bit fields, or how to dereference a 2d array without subscripts. I know C. <Zhivago> C doesn't have 2d arrays. | 2013/11/28 Thu 03:17:28 | edk!edk@unaffiliated/edk |
477 | CaZe, StrawMachie | <CaZe> StrawMachie: An person can never be a language. <StrawMachie> A person* | 2015/03/25 Wed 10:00:13 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
798 | celyr | <celyr> Someone brain damaged say something and it becomes a meme | 2017/06/22 Thu 08:07:06 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
652 | chiken | <chiken> qwename, i did get it right :). it worked. | 2017/01/12 Thu 21:25:52 | qwename! |
2147 | ChoHag, NRK | <ChoHag> Learning C will put hair on your chest. <NRK> and neck | 2022/02/24 Thu 10:09:41 | nitrix!~nitrix@user/nitrix |
85 | Chris | <Chris> One does not simply pass a into mordor(). | 2010/10/18 Mon 22:11:23 | n00p |
106 | Chris | <Chris> It's like trying to measure the mass of a proton with your bathroom scales. | 2010/12/09 Thu 22:17:48 | pragma_ |
148 | Chris | <Chris> ninor: I suspect it's some kind of mental retardation. | 2012/02/29 Wed 20:18:32 | sha0 |
159 | Chris | <Chris> Leave my typos alone. | 2012/04/22 Sun 12:15:26 | sha0 |
168 | Chris | <Chris> Oh, semantics pedantry. | 2012/06/14 Thu 21:03:23 | CaZe |
170 | Chris | <Chris> Normally loving C is a symptom of not knowing other languages. | 2012/07/12 Thu 07:22:01 | pragma- |
186 | Chris | <Chris> compare it to what, a hot summer's day? | 2012/08/10 Fri 00:36:49 | pragma- |
191 | Chris | <Chris> sha0coder: it's like taking bumper stickers off a car to reduce weight. | 2012/09/14 Fri 09:25:46 | pragma- |
319 | Chris | <Chris> * is the defenestrating operator. If you use it wrongly you will be thrown out the window. | 2014/01/19 Sun 21:29:19 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
381 | Chris | <Chris> It's explained clearly in the standard. It is difficult to summarize in one or two lines on IRC. See 6.10.2 | 2014/05/13 Tue 22:51:39 | EntropyArchive! |
382 | Chris | <Chris> C Aphorism 666: fluter will spam the channel with crap. | 2014/05/14 Wed 21:59:33 | jack_rabbit! |
392 | Chris | <Chris> fluter: it might have something to do with your nick consisting of 83.3% flute. | 2014/06/13 Fri 20:16:13 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
407 | Chris | <Chris> People quote the silliest things. | 2014/07/06 Sun 17:22:53 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
414 | Chris | <Chris> I'm firmly of the belief that happiness is an ephemeral state of chemical imbalance that will be sorted out sooner or later. | 2014/07/10 Thu 07:10:14 | boru!~boru@unaffiliated/boru |
449 | Chris | <Chris> utf8 dicks are superior | 2014/11/28 Fri 01:52:40 | boru!~boru@unaffiliated/boru |
499 | Chris | <Chris> Convincing someone to leave ##c is probably the nicest thing one can do here, in general. | 2015/07/16 Thu 19:25:33 | edk!~edk@spy/edk0 |
501 | Chris | <Chris> lens is running at about 5000 millifluters | 2015/07/16 Thu 19:51:59 | ftsd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
507 | Chris | <Chris> <Chris> 4! is 24 <pragma-> I don't have that many fingers to prove you wrong. <pragma-> ,qalc 4! <candide> pragma-: 4! = 24 | 2015/07/23 Thu 17:17:32 | Chris!~chris@spy/chris |
741 | Chris | <Chris> I'm neither a pedant nor a peasant. | 2017/03/13 Mon 05:02:49 | naptime! |
861 | Chris | <Chris> There are only about 200 or so ways to have undefined behavior in C. Just memorize them all and avoid them. | 2017/09/03 Sun 05:47:51 | mthowe-!uid249081@gateway/web/ |
1092 | Chris | <Chris> C is pretty much obsolete. I am only here because I enjoy discussing the language. Kind of analagous to enthusiasts of latin. | 2018/03/12 Mon 21:56:47 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
372 | Chris | <Chris> just write some AI in candide to detect retards <Chris> you'll have to whitelist ops like nitrix | 2014/04/30 Wed 17:52:52 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
297 | Chris, IHunger | * Chris attempts to further poison his brain with C++ <IHunger> Don't do it, man! It's not worth it! <Chris> I'm doing my part to determine the LD50 of C++ <IHunger> Ahh, well there'll be something useful out of it then. <IHunger> Thanks for taking one for the team ;) | 2013/11/12 Tue 20:17:42 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
742 | Chris, naptime | <Chris> naptime: Feel free to continue assuming people don't mean what they say. <naptime> Chris: You don't mean that! | 2017/03/13 Mon 05:10:52 | naptime! |
621 | coconuts_ | <coconuts_> C is not object ooriented | 2016/10/12 Wed 14:17:56 | masoudd!~masoudd@ |
457 | ColdKeyboard | <ColdKeyboard> So it doesn't matter if I do 100 - 40 or 40 - 100, the result will be 60 in both cases? | 2014/12/20 Sat 13:48:30 | CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
202 | comex | <comex> c arrays are weird(tm) | 2013/01/31 Thu 11:22:16 | AeroNotix |
2136 | constxd | <constxd> my lexer and parser started out really simple and now i genuinely don't understand how it works and when i get weird parsing bugs i just change random shit until it works | 2022/01/26 Wed 06:43:15 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2341 | constxd | <constxd> You realize that today's tiktok users are tomorrow's politicians and CEOs right | 2023/07/14 Fri 09:55:27 | NRK[0]! |
2351 | constxqt, pragma- | <constxqt> i recommend you go do one of those brain quiz games where you have to click on a specific word as quickly as possible after a few words appear on the screen <pragma-> i recommend you go fuck yourself | 2024/06/13 Thu 16:59:36 | constxqt!~constxd@user/constxd |
591 | Cou | <Cou> is it normal that I find myself using partners very often for manipulating strings, but rarely for anything else? <Cou> *pointers <Cou> weird freudian slip there | 2016/07/27 Wed 08:26:16 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
222 | cousteau | <cousteau> I can't believe I'm not yet in the qdb with all the pile of brainfarts I say all day | 2013/06/04 Tue 09:33:00 | pragma- |
309 | cousteau | <cousteau> I expected it to be way larger | 2013/12/17 Tue 11:09:42 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
355 | cousteau | <cousteau> "Cause I will walk 50 duodecillion Planck lengths and I will walk 50 duodecillion more just to be the man who walk 100 duodecillion Planck lengths to fall down in your door" | 2014/03/31 Mon 01:16:56 | rob``! |
461 | cousteau | <cousteau> (this joke was so lame it could encode MP3) | 2014/12/26 Fri 09:48:11 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
490 | cousteau | <cousteau> this is by far the most stupid quote I've grabbed | 2015/05/26 Tue 06:24:34 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
491 | cousteau | <cousteau> ,cc char *ans = "The answer to life universe and everything"; printf("%zu", strlen(ans)); <candide> cousteau: 42 | 2015/05/26 Tue 06:27:51 | cousteau!~cousteau@ |
529 | cousteau | <cousteau> "you may [not-cast-it]", not "you don't may cast it" | 2015/09/16 Wed 07:27:43 | CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
975 | cousteau | <cousteau> bug-free code is boring | 2017/12/29 Fri 11:04:06 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
2313 | cousteau | <cousteau> "The year is 2601. All of humanity is in the brink of extinction. Natural resources have been depleted, and the climate has changed for the worst. The few remaining nations are at war with each other. Also, the newest C sandard finally decided to make & and | have higher precedence than ==." | 2023/04/08 Sat 06:42:43 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1221 | cousteau | <cousteau> Learath2, well, () is similar to [], isn't it? <cousteau> both do some sort of subscripting, except the () | 2018/07/16 Mon 10:44:36 | e!e@enucs/spy.edk |
481 | cousteau, pragma- | <cousteau> except you don't eat the humans you kill afterwards <cousteau> not if nuclear warfare is used at least <pragma-> it's just precooked <cousteau> great, now I'm hungry | 2015/04/29 Wed 18:16:33 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
2346 | cousteau, NRK | <cousteau> if (too_many_patients) do_something(); // If too many patients, do something. <NRK> yeah, gotta kill off a few if there's too many | 2024/04/01 Mon 13:24:31 | NRK! |
753 | cousteau, pnbeast | <cousteau> if you were a salesman that had to choose the order to travel to 29 cities you'd have to count like 3 times longer than that number <pnbeast> If I were a salesman I'd travel to the first city and get too drunk to care about 2 through 29. Screw time complexity. | 2017/04/01 Sat 12:02:51 | cousteau!~cousteau@unaffiliated/cousteau |
86 | cristi8 | <cristi8> kotique: why are you interested in my genitals? | 2010/10/19 Tue 06:56:01 | specing |
298 | Cyp_, halogenandtoast | <Cyp_> halogenandtoast: Your stack seems a bit small (only room for one int). <Cyp_> Multiply it by 640k, that should be enough for anyone. <halogenandtoast> That was it thanks Cyp_ | 2013/11/14 Thu 13:34:55 | edk!edk@unaffiliated/edk |
1203 | dadabidet | <dadabidet> Im curious about the mistakes unskilled programmer do | 2018/06/21 Thu 02:02:49 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
65 | daleee | <daleee> Yo dawg, I herd yo and yo dawg like yo yos so we put yo dawg in a yo yo so yo can yo yo yo dawg while yo dawgs yo yos, dawg. | 2010/03/28 Sun 16:06:24 | pragma_ |
128 | dandaman | <dandaman> I learned C, i forgot it when I figured out C++ was way better | 2011/04/21 Thu 21:18:14 | pragma_ |
129 | dandaman | <dandaman> out of all the programming channel on freenode, you guys are the douchiest | 2011/04/21 Thu 21:21:37 | pragma_ |
939 | dansan, pragma-, k | <dansan> Like when you have to escape your regex or your regex spits out another regex <pragma-> your regex spits out another regex if you dont escape it? <k> that's not supposed to happen. <pragma-> practice safe regex, people! | 2017/11/19 Sun 22:21:01 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
102 | darko3d | <darko3d> is there anyway i can destroy a variable so if put it in a loop it gets declared each time? | 2010/11/13 Sat 09:19:55 | pragma_ |
928 | dave0, e | <dave0> PointlessMan: oh i misread "defined" as "undefined", that's all you ever hear in here :-) <e> to be fair people who have well-defined behaviour tend not to need our help | 2017/11/10 Fri 18:51:48 | naptime!~naptime@ |
421 | dawik | <dawik> PoopFactory.emitPoop() | 2014/07/26 Sat 05:00:11 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
416 | dbtid, ManDay | <dbtid> ManDay: what is G_PI? <ManDay> 3.41 something | 2014/07/11 Fri 08:32:54 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
635 | DeadSquirrel01 | <DeadSquirrel01> I'M A GENIOUS!!!! | 2016/12/18 Sun 11:02:45 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
949 | demiurge, Chris | <demiurge> i think the whole morality thing of what you program self-driving cars to do in accidents is kind of a tough one <Chris> It's quite easy really <Chris> Face recognise all the potential victims, and order them by descending order of facebook likes | 2017/11/27 Mon 21:50:39 | jp! |
806 | derpicus | <derpicus> how can python be a language? it's just a C program | 2017/07/21 Fri 14:17:48 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
724 | dfdfd | <dfdfd> hey all <dfdfd> quick facebook question | 2017/03/02 Thu 13:44:23 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
879 | dho | <dho> jesus christ alyptik, mouth is not going to grab the right thing. | 2017/09/27 Wed 11:12:15 | doppel! |
1024 | dho | <dho> leoni: gcc is a compiler; it doesn't have manpages. | 2018/01/23 Tue 12:36:29 | atk!Arch-TK@ircpuzzles/staff/Arch-TK |
703 | dho, phox | <dho> and implements uint32_t <phox> dho: which is required by C99 <dho> no. <phox> yes. <dho> no. | 2017/02/09 Thu 12:12:06 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
731 | dho, pragma-, fstd, atk | <dho> objects have size, keywords are not objects <pragma-> aren't functions objects? <pragma-> aren't return() and sizeof() functions? <fstd> checkmate <atk> atheists | 2017/03/07 Tue 11:32:21 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
430 | diffract| | <diffract|> 0 is int, '0' is char. this is basic C stuff <diffract|> even i who suck at programming know this | 2014/09/07 Sun 11:27:17 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
960 | dionysus69 | <dionysus69> wow, I am planning to learn lots of things in life, not just c | 2017/12/08 Fri 01:14:14 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
441 | discophoros | <discophoros> I love how much time you've spent on this chat bot in 10 years. | 2014/10/27 Mon 03:45:06 | Maxdamantus!~Maxdamant@unaffiliated/maxdamantus |
727 | dispel | <dispel> The ops on this channel are a bit overblown, taking it way too seriously | 2017/03/04 Sat 00:30:15 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
913 | dndn1011 | <dndn1011> Yep I think it's technically undefined behaviour, although it would probably be fine in practice | 2017/10/30 Mon 17:17:20 | kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
468 | doppel | <doppel> i'm the master 'nator. | 2015/01/16 Fri 16:00:39 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
475 | doppel | <doppel> xmalloc isn't standard anyway, so i'd just wrap malloc in some kind of code | 2015/03/17 Tue 11:50:17 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
588 | doppel | <doppel> your proboscis pluckers are pleasingly pleated with the pods of a pine precariously perched on a precipice that may plummet pretty painfully onto politicians. | 2016/07/16 Sat 18:49:48 | f-!~fluter@fedora/fluter |
641 | doppel | <doppel> the standard itself condenses trigraphs into their replacement characters in translation phase 1 because of how stupid they are | 2016/12/30 Fri 15:42:03 | danielcamiel!~danielcam@unaffiliated/danielcamiel |
874 | doppel | <doppel> at least the toast wasn't *in* my ass, which would have made the experience unpleasant all around. | 2017/09/10 Sun 18:09:48 | alyptik! |
900 | doppel | <doppel> take pride in your work, unless it's homework, in which case just satisfy the requirements. | 2017/10/24 Tue 16:14:42 | kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
901 | doppel | * doppel goes to look for a huge picture of a wang. | 2017/10/24 Tue 19:35:49 | alyptik! |
935 | doppel | <doppel> functional programming is living in perpetual fear of state. | 2017/11/14 Tue 17:17:24 | dho! |
595 | doppel | <doppel> i can't get all these cropsies in farm heroes saga :-( <doppel> nor all these soda bottles in candy crush soda saga :-( | 2016/07/29 Fri 19:32:12 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
393 | dorp | <dorp> I thought people came here for the drama, now I see today's show is actually a comedy | 2014/06/14 Sat 14:43:38 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
596 | dorp | <dorp> Kaka: It's implementation-defined whether C is C. | 2016/07/31 Sun 09:56:02 | nchambers!dtscode@freenode/weird-exception/bartender/nchambers |
607 | dorp | <dorp> What's your definition of people? | 2016/08/30 Tue 08:31:03 | latch!~latch@unaffiliated/latch |
726 | dorp | <dorp> La09x09: K&R2 covers C89, it has a lengthy errata, it contains 'old style' things, and it's very much short which I find to be less informative. 'A Modern Approach' covers both C89 and C99, it's lengthy, and I find it to be much more informative. | 2017/03/03 Fri 02:35:40 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
923 | dorp | <dorp> reslus: You should follow a C learning resource, such as a book | 2017/11/06 Mon 15:54:00 | e!e@freenode/staff/spy.edk |
1176 | dorp | <dorp> suspicious_fart: Channels such as ##c-offtopic exist for a reason. ##c is more about C, less about this or that tendency to "fart" | 2018/06/05 Tue 05:10:18 | jp! |
113 | dotblank | <dotblank> wow I feel like a moron | 2011/02/05 Sat 14:47:00 | carcat |
440 | dozn | <dozn> Ehh, worth the risk of boiling my veg as long as the meat isn't affected, in order to see some tricorns. | 2014/10/20 Mon 22:29:47 | jack_rabbit! |
341 | dozn, someHuman, rob`` | <dozn> someHuman, then learn C# <someHuman> What's the difference? <rob``> one semitone | 2014/03/10 Mon 23:55:42 | dozn! |
88 | dragonuv | <dragonuv> is it possible to free memory of a program that closed? | 2010/10/22 Fri 15:16:18 | pragma_ |
625 | dreannor | <dreannor> Strlen is very cerebral ad mentally,how do is when or find | 2016/11/11 Fri 17:58:34 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
157 | duclare | <duclare> use brain never | 2012/04/01 Sun 07:46:03 | sha0 |
338 | Duzz, Chris | <Duzz> What is the term for determining instruction rates from benchmark programs? <Chris> divining | 2014/03/04 Tue 03:43:09 | dozn! |
615 | e | <e> oh for fucking shitwanking arsebrained hellcock's sake | 2016/09/30 Fri 08:58:06 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
601 | e, mzo | <e> you should always put your murder victims' corpses in plastic bags in order to avoid detection <mzo> i can totally see e committing murder <e> who would i murder <e> other than zed shaw | 2016/08/03 Wed 05:07:33 | mzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
193 | eboy | <eboy> When I'm on a bumpy trip I have to enclose my mouth around it to make sure it doesn't spill | 2012/10/30 Tue 23:55:35 | pragma- |
216 | edk | <edk> now maybe you'd like to point to the last time I said "stack" in here | 2013/03/14 Thu 04:20:39 | sha0 |
250 | edk | <edk> Mine got in first on my end! | 2013/10/01 Tue 15:22:26 | pragma- |
251 | edk | <edk> sha0: That's terrible. It's unknown whether you may pass into a mordor(); you may not pass into a mordor(void). | 2013/10/03 Thu 20:47:13 | pragma- |
271 | edk | <edk> phox: your big smashy thing is pure evil, but i like it | 2013/10/18 Fri 15:42:43 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
272 | edk | <edk> sha0: you're a bad person | 2013/10/19 Sat 10:30:27 | sha0! |
300 | edk | <edk> If you're being absolutely clear, you could seek employment as a lens. | 2013/11/19 Tue 20:13:59 | frog_sha0! |
337 | edk | <edk> sometimes this channel makes me want to mash my brains into a cheese grater | 2014/03/03 Mon 15:32:47 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
385 | edk | <edk> doxygen is useful if you want your documentation and code to both be available in two or more difficult-to-read formats | 2014/05/17 Sat 11:32:39 | kate`!~kate@unaffiliated/kate/x-0000001 |
388 | edk | <edk> there are two people in this channel who use zhivago's sayings, and only one of them does so without the application of wit or understanding | 2014/05/23 Fri 10:38:23 | fisted!~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted |
409 | edk | <edk> Boohbah: any piece of software that's been used by more than about 4 people will have attract at least one person who thinks it's the worst thing ever to have happened to humanity | 2014/07/07 Mon 09:26:03 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
455 | edk | <edk> i'm pretty sure you haven't taken enough statistics classes (p > 0.05) | 2014/12/11 Thu 05:54:56 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
458 | edk | <edk> fstd: "Try It And See" may work in other channels, but not in ##C due to the nature of ##C users. Such coding-by-experimentation often leads to situations such as "But you didn't call *him* a retard!". | 2014/12/21 Sun 14:32:57 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
476 | edk | <edk> the sizeof something with an unknown-sized array at the end ought to be unknown, but then it'd be impossible to malloc them. so it's known, at the expense of always being wrong | 2015/03/17 Tue 13:43:17 | GeneralAltoids! |
528 | edk | <edk> you could reduce the chance of bugs by not programming | 2015/09/14 Mon 17:42:37 | o11c!~ben@unaffiliated/o11c |
294 | edk, boru | <edk> a facebutt sounds rather technically challenging <boru> Unless it involves two consenting adults. | 2013/11/10 Sun 15:44:00 | sha0! |
299 | edk, Chris | <edk> Or a metric ass-ton? <Chris> metric would be arse-tonne | 2013/11/19 Tue 20:00:01 | edk!edk@unaffiliated/edk |
556 | edk, pestle | <edk> lahwran: how big is your C thing? <pestle> edk, that's a bit personal, isn't it? | 2016/02/17 Wed 11:42:09 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
340 | edk, zid` | <edk> you could always read the fucking man page <zid`> don't google for man abs btw <zid`> you get a lot of half naked men | 2014/03/10 Mon 10:43:26 | rob``! |
583 | emg | <emg> nope, C is nice and simple :-) | 2016/06/24 Fri 11:41:24 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
199 | engla | * engla hangs out "Poppa == No shoppa" sign | 2013/01/23 Wed 16:25:47 | engla |
223 | engla | <engla> pragma-: I'm not a clever man | 2013/06/11 Tue 22:05:23 | pragma- |
610 | enjoi | <enjoi> god I can't type this morning please send power of jesus to my fingers. | 2016/09/07 Wed 05:16:56 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
190 | euthy | <euthy> Zhivago: I've had much benefit of talking to imaginary people before, but usually only to gain new ideas. I don't think I've deliberately used it to gain confidence in some idea I'm having doubts about. At least not where someone other than me is the proponent of it. | 2012/09/08 Sat 07:00:41 | pragma- |
195 | euthy | <euthy> orbitz: What does "is" mean, to you? | 2013/01/06 Sun 07:23:12 | mrout |
2338 | feenix | <feenix> remember that first fish that came to land. all the other fishes laughed at it but it eventually became a human | 2023/06/24 Sat 17:40:50 | NRK0! |
536 | fibonacci_ | <fibonacci_> wtf is this shit, I don't like it, it's supposed to open a new window or something, why isn't it a separate program? I also decided to type printf to see if it'd make the font red, and it didn't. No I need a separate app, | 2015/10/10 Sat 20:19:00 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
2157 | Filystyn | <Filystyn> thx guys, rest is clear, I do a lot of C just nearly never use { } and wa sunsure of somethign but now it's crystal clear | 2022/05/26 Thu 10:06:43 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2336 | Filystyn | <Filystyn> are there any dangers when passing *char to function that takes *unsigned char ? | 2023/06/21 Wed 05:47:33 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2337 | Filystyn | <Filystyn> i dunno meaby i am just sometimes too paranoic | 2023/06/21 Wed 05:51:54 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
258 | fisted | <fisted> does visual studio even have Clippy? | 2013/10/06 Sun 13:42:50 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
218 | fizzie | <fizzie> ,cc #define FOO__(count,v) do { int foo_##count = v; printf("foo_%s = %d\n", #count, foo_##count); } while (0) \n #define FOO_(count,v) FOO__(count,v) \n #define FOO(v) FOO_(__COUNTER__,v) \n FOO(42); FOO(64); | 2013/04/19 Fri 11:12:45 | pragma- |
725 | fizzie | <fizzie> Even if it's intended to involve UB, they'd have to provide a little more context, because two different compilers gave different answers to that. | 2017/03/02 Thu 14:01:20 | dminuoso!~dminuoso@unaffiliated/dminuoso |
940 | fizzie | <fizzie> Best * rationale: it's used with pointers, because a star is pointy. | 2017/11/20 Mon 10:40:33 | jp! |
981 | fizzie | <fizzie> When someone else volunteers you for something, you got "voluntold". | 2017/12/31 Sun 10:43:38 | e!e@enucs/spy.edk |
2124 | fizzie | <fizzie> Maybe books should limit themselves to examples that are, in an of themselves, plausible pieces of code that could exist. | 2021/11/09 Tue 13:20:59 | floatcomplex!~floatcomp@wireguard/tunneler/floatcomplex |
2215 | fizzie | <fizzie> LALR(1) problems but Yacc ain't one. No, that doesn't really make sense. | 2022/10/14 Fri 14:56:52 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2272 | fizzie | <fizzie> As a person who wrote a recursive remove for test cleanup that followed the ".." link, I heartily encourage everyone to DIY it, just to make me feel less bad about it. | 2023/02/08 Wed 08:04:42 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2323 | fizzie | <fizzie> WordNet for help: 2. (1) masquerade -- (pretend to be someone or something that you are not; "pragma- is masquerading as an expert on the internet"; "This silly novel is masquerading as a serious historical treaty") | 2023/05/17 Wed 09:51:30 | NRK!~nrk@2001:470:69fc:105::4e30 |
417 | fluter | <fluter> fstd, just demonstrated his unability of read, | 2014/07/11 Fri 19:31:42 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
465 | fluter | <fluter> Gravity makes human cannot fly. | 2015/01/05 Mon 23:17:30 | CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
471 | fluter | <fluter> Zhivago: Yes, I'm idiot. :( | 2015/02/13 Fri 00:56:03 | boru!~boru@unaffiliated/boru |
509 | fluter | <fluter> CaZe: No, I like gay. | 2015/07/31 Fri 19:04:33 | CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
510 | fluter | <fluter> CaZe: No, I like straight people the same as gay. | 2015/07/31 Fri 19:05:30 | fluter!~fluter@fedora/fluter |
512 | fluter | <fluter> CaZe: Borrow me your hand. | 2015/07/31 Fri 20:54:12 | CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
531 | fluter | <fluter> CaZe is a sexy boy. | 2015/09/22 Tue 21:07:36 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
532 | fluter | <fluter> aerth: it does not ends. | 2015/09/28 Mon 18:51:44 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
537 | fluter | <fluter> Did he drive urine of himself? | 2015/10/12 Mon 00:17:32 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
538 | fluter | <fluter> only in India cows flow by river. | 2015/10/12 Mon 00:18:59 | sm0ke!~sm0ke@unaffiliated/sm0ke |
542 | fluter | <fluter> Zhivago: Why cannot there be a final solution of Islam problem? | 2015/10/26 Mon 22:27:27 | CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
549 | fluter | <fluter> But it was Trump to bang all muslims from entering the state side. | 2015/12/17 Thu 23:24:12 | CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
552 | fluter | <fluter> CaZe: Family is family, like is like. | 2016/01/18 Mon 22:05:03 | CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
553 | fluter | <fluter> CaZe: Turkey is the country shot down Russia's fight jet, it's also the chicken to eat. | 2016/01/19 Tue 16:53:11 | CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
576 | fluter | <fluter> Zhivago: Because they cannot run on bare mental? | 2016/06/12 Sun 20:27:11 | CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
584 | fluter | <fluter> fluter is not an adjective nor a word | 2016/06/27 Mon 06:48:46 | e!edk@freenode/voted-remain/edk |
612 | fluter | <fluter> Caze: Did you run more cycling? | 2016/09/09 Fri 02:43:20 | caze!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
682 | fluter | <fluter> caze is pissed off because he didn't get red bags | 2017/01/28 Sat 16:48:50 | caze!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
566 | fluter, pragma- | <fluter> Hey , I found something fun. <pragma-> fluter: put it back in your pants | 2016/04/22 Fri 18:09:05 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
668 | FMan | <FMan> if I go to the fridge and there is no cream for my coffee, my behavior will be undefined | 2017/01/23 Mon 13:57:07 | masoudd!~masoudd@ |
795 | FManTropyx | <FManTropyx> well, thanks for all the input: I shall proceed to promptly ignore it all | 2017/06/20 Tue 03:36:53 | alyptik!ayyy@unaffiliated/alyptik |
797 | FManTropyx | <FManTropyx> my code is almost perfect | 2017/06/21 Wed 14:08:55 | alyptik!ayyy@unaffiliated/alyptik |
920 | FManTropyx | <FManTropyx> something weird is going on: I think C could be broken | 2017/11/04 Sat 13:00:49 | jp! |
380 | Fractals, Zhivago | <Fractals> situps are indeed fairly pointless <Zhivago> You should try shutups instead. | 2014/05/13 Tue 00:54:07 | edk!znc@unaffiliated/edk |
543 | fredc | <fredc> kate: I am not really into pointers right now | 2015/11/26 Thu 09:19:48 | kate! |
544 | fredc, pragma-, w41 | <fredc> a string is a no of characters <pragma-> opposed to a yes of integers? <w41> A maybe of doubles. | 2015/11/26 Thu 09:22:50 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
286 | frog_sha0, Chris | <frog_sha0> The following is a joke: If you #define ever (;;) then you can do: for ever { ... } <Chris> it's a joke because it's horrible, not because it doesn't work. <Chris> (because obviously forever has no space) | 2013/10/29 Tue 16:58:16 | frog_sha0! |
317 | frog_sha0, Chris, Zhivago | <frog_sha0> But I don't think JS nurtures hard-coreness, in a programmer. <Chris> what is hard-coreness? <Zhivago> Chris: It's like being an apple. | 2014/01/08 Wed 19:24:30 | frog_sha0! |
282 | frog_sha0, pragma-, Zhivago | * frog_sha0 watches a hypothesis about Marilyn Monroe being killed by an enema. <pragma-> sounds like a crappy way to go <Zhivago> Maybe Gandhi got to her. | 2013/10/26 Sat 20:00:09 | frog_sha0! |
526 | fstd | <fstd> pragma with a - is fluter. | 2015/09/11 Fri 21:23:05 | o11c!~ben@unaffiliated/o11c |
572 | fstd | <fstd> bash-scripting sysadmins are fucking amateur casuals | 2016/05/29 Sun 19:17:22 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
649 | fstd | <fstd> linux torvalds is my hero | 2017/01/10 Tue 13:05:20 | dho! |
666 | fstd | <fstd> i just want quote 666. | 2017/01/20 Fri 13:38:17 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
866 | fstd | <fstd> report doesn't rhyme with -port either, you fkn moron | 2017/09/04 Mon 13:55:27 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
445 | fstd | <fstd> nitrix: <fstd> (``user from a programmer's point of view'') | 2014/11/16 Sun 10:01:24 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
402 | fstd, pragma- | <fstd> but we're in the International Realtime Chat here -- our actions don't necessarily reflect how we'd behave in the real world <pragma-> fstd: I think you're confused about what the I and R in IRC stand for. <pragma-> I'm pretty sure it has something to do with idiots and retards. | 2014/07/02 Wed 12:11:23 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
867 | fstd_ | <fstd_> pragma- is a good hitler | 2017/09/04 Mon 14:36:03 | alyptik! |
534 | Gaddafi | <Gaddafi> KICKED by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. (Banned: sorry, only whores allowed) | 2015/10/04 Sun 12:03:03 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
539 | gbobby, fizzie | <gbobby> a cool Java feature that I wish were in C11 is breaking out of multiple loops by putting a label on the loop <fizzie> You could argue that the C syntax is safer, because you see where the jump is going to, rather than having to match the {} of a six-page while loop. | 2015/10/12 Mon 05:47:53 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
173 | georgej | * georgej grabs candide's arse. | 2012/08/01 Wed 02:51:17 | pragma- |
895 | glacial | <glacial> pragma-: there is no other operating system but GNU, and Windows is one of its kernels | 2017/10/17 Tue 19:07:37 | alyptik! |
345 | glenfe | <glenfe> All valuable. The the most helpful, though, is that one female in this channel, fisted, has already helpfully suggested that Eloise is a name that other girls would bully. | 2014/03/17 Mon 18:07:34 | fisted!~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted |
41 | gnech | <gnech> are there any good tutorials on how to code webpages using C | 2009/12/13 Sun 20:58:41 | spv |
194 | goldstar | <goldstar> yeboot: theoretically speaking, shouldnt it throw an exception or something ? Since printf is looking for a signed value from a variable that is declared unsigned? | 2013/01/06 Sun 06:27:00 | CaZe |
185 | GoogleGuy | <GoogleGuy> Wow, I almost feel an awkward tingling sensation that this didn't segfault. | 2012/08/05 Sun 04:48:34 | pragma- |
423 | gregor2 | <gregor2> Who's birthday is on 16.10? <gregor2> whose?? <gregor2> not who ones? | 2014/08/21 Thu 12:21:58 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
230 | guidj0s | <guidj0s> Goplat: "Stack allocation" is a ridiculous, vague and imprecise term. | 2013/07/14 Sun 13:04:34 | beaky |
2261 | halabund | <halabund> I guess I was expecting too much from a chatroom. | 2023/01/17 Tue 08:13:16 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
915 | halfwit | <halfwit> TIL my ass is turing complete. | 2017/10/31 Tue 13:50:58 | jp! |
140 | haqe17 | <haqe17> now that my code compiles, I can see the segfaults :) im so happy | 2011/12/24 Sat 19:20:38 | pragma_ |
760 | hellpumpkin | <hellpumpkin> I have a question about pointers. I'm coding a sum up of arrays elements, but when I play my code it randomly gives me the right answer, sometimes it gives me the right answer and sometime it just give me a random answer | 2017/04/15 Sat 14:42:27 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
420 | henriqueleng, PoppaVic | <henriqueleng> nitrix: How i print file? <PoppaVic> press the "print" key | 2014/07/17 Thu 20:07:43 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
2232 | Heston | <Heston> you guys ever use preparation.h? | 2022/12/03 Sat 17:01:53 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
72 | hevauq | <hevauq> hi all, I am trying to create an array/set of identifier(integers mostly) using some bitwise operation. I want to use this array of numbers to compare against a given value to find out if it is among one of the values in array. For now I was converting it into string and doing a strcmp. Is there any better/elegant way of doing such thing? | 2010/05/20 Thu 00:32:50 | pragma_ |
622 | hippybear | <hippybear> I know fish tastes fishy because I ate a fish. You dont have to chug semen to know that is what it tastes like when someone tells you that is bull semen | 2016/10/15 Sat 10:26:39 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
242 | hiptobecubic | <hiptobecubic> "We put pins between the keys to encourage attention to detail" | 2013/09/02 Mon 16:31:22 | nitrix |
781 | hmmmm | <hmmmm> I know HTML and XML <hmmmm> in fact all my friends call me the HTML wizard <hmmmm> so it should be pretty ez to learn C, right?? | 2017/05/27 Sat 13:01:03 | kg!~krok_@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
761 | hoenir | <hoenir> I know make isn't a scripting language, it's just bash with some aditional plugins | 2017/04/17 Mon 14:56:45 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
587 | hyouri | <hyouri> Even if LCTHW teaches the wrong thing, I feel like it explains easier and in a more friendly way | 2016/07/11 Mon 13:53:02 | prgm-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
259 | i-love-boobies | <i-love-boobies> I don't like periods either. | 2013/10/08 Tue 18:53:29 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
575 | idontevenknow, pnbeast | <idontevenknow> I have a question about c, is someone here to answer? <pnbeast> idontevenknow, this is IRC. Just ask your question. <idontevenknow> maybe you can help me thought, its a very simple question. Is doing Int i = &(*r) is the same as doing Int i = r? <idontevenknow> this IRC is more dead than my grandma's vagina | 2016/06/04 Sat 10:47:55 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
837 | iptie | <iptie> I believe you are progma. | 2017/08/25 Fri 20:10:17 | dho! |
273 | isidore, frog_sha0 | <isidore> just one thing <frog_sha0> Who are you, Columbo? | 2013/10/20 Sun 08:27:05 | edk!edk@unaffiliated/edk |
1069 | itsMontoya | <itsMontoya> I feel like I walked into some weird alternate reality where C programmers are in the corner sniffing glue | 2018/02/23 Fri 11:40:07 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
643 | izabera | <izabera> sathylias: basically your computer didn't go to school and smaller data structures are always faster | 2017/01/05 Thu 20:44:58 | o11c!~ben@unaffiliated/o11c |
776 | izabera | <izabera> get a book, learn to code, come back | 2017/05/13 Sat 14:53:51 | krok_! |
112 | j-invariant | <j-invariant> what's the best program that tries to tell whether a c program terminates or loops? | 2011/01/25 Tue 18:40:49 | pragma_ |
100 | jafet | <jafet> I've always read DBMS as BDSM | 2010/11/11 Thu 08:09:12 | Math |
99 | jaik | <jaik> Hello all together, I'm a bit confused about the usage of Pointers. I've a pointer char *p = "foo" and a pointer *q. Using the statement q = p makes q pointing on "foo". The C programming language sais "For example, if iq is another pointer to int, iq = ip copies the contents of ip into iq, thus making iq point to whatever ip pointed to." - but when the value *p points to changes to "bar", *q also points to "bar" and not to foo anymore. Isn't that in con | 2010/11/07 Sun 05:08:11 | Crum |
267 | jalcine, pragma- | <jalcine> I actually know a chick who codes that symlink'd `man` to `woman` <pragma-> more proof that women are insane. | 2013/10/18 Fri 05:54:01 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
101 | jaytea | <jaytea> you could also try smoking its pages. that's the quickest way to absorb its information | 2010/11/11 Thu 11:18:16 | pragma_ |
2348 | jclsn | <jclsn> I just don't understand why C does not provide APIs from these things. add_ms_to_timespec() or something <jclsn> Like this the language will not stay relevant in the long run | 2024/05/16 Thu 04:51:32 | constxd!~constxd@user/constxd |
257 | jennie, pragma- | <jennie> hi <pragma-> oh no. | 2013/10/05 Sat 03:55:42 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1217 | jlf | <jlf> hmm, "code gardeners" sounds so much more pleasant than the reality i'm living | 2018/07/09 Mon 14:59:46 | dho! |
139 | jmcg | <jmcg> I mean, as a compiler, I'd punch you in the face. | 2011/12/16 Fri 14:29:35 | pragma_ |
1051 | jp | <jp> i _think_ (not 100% sure) that a huge allocation that spans pages may not physically be contiguous (but will act as if it is) | 2018/02/10 Sat 10:57:49 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1107 | jp | <jp> "Some Honeywell-Bull mainframes use the bit pattern 06000 for (internal) null pointers." | 2018/03/21 Wed 11:31:32 | VLetrmx!~VLetrmx@unaffiliated/vletrmx |
1142 | jp | <jp> rest in porkchop | 2018/04/20 Fri 15:51:41 | atoy! |
1219 | k | <k> this is highly irregular. | 2018/07/09 Mon 18:11:01 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
567 | kamog, pragma- | <kamog> marchelzo: no, I mean, I want to allocate a piece of memory and stick its pointer into everywhere and do whatever (writing included) I need with it in different places. <pragma-> kamog: pieces of memory are not like teenage boys | 2016/04/24 Sun 14:09:58 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
2237 | karthy56 | <karthy56> that's some mouthwatering code | 2022/12/13 Tue 01:50:05 | caze`!~caze@user/caze |
907 | karthyk | <karthyk> why am i not able to find the source code of sizeof() | 2017/10/28 Sat 22:15:50 | jp! |
914 | karthyk, FMan1988 | <karthyk> IT reminds me of that horror movie <FMan1988> Sex in the City? | 2017/10/31 Tue 09:28:51 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1044 | karthyk | <karthyk> int* a <-- pointer of size int and int *a <-- int holding a pointer <karthyk> guys it gets more awkward with multiple * like int* *p; | 2018/01/31 Wed 00:37:36 | jp! |
350 | katana-, kate` | <katana-> kate havent you heard about this new twitter thing <katana-> its popular with the cool folk <kate`> sorry i don't listen to rap music | 2014/03/20 Thu 12:52:24 | rob``! |
944 | kate | <kate> imnotfat: jesus christ stop repeating yourself. it's fucking annoying | 2017/11/23 Thu 10:02:43 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1211 | kate | <kate> aren't we all worse than useless, in some sense | 2018/06/28 Thu 04:26:20 | othias!504e056b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. |
479 | kate | <kate> i think the general image people have for native americans, is to lump together all the aspects from various different groups into one sort of conjoined super proto-american <kate> i suppose it'd be a bit like presenting a typical person from the UK as having a bowler hat, dragon and kilt | 2015/03/30 Mon 15:31:09 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
519 | kate | <kate> it wraps around <kate> like a travelling musician | 2015/08/24 Mon 12:53:19 | profess!~profess@unaffiliated/csddesk |
570 | kate | <kate> Siegfried: nobody is insulting you <kate> idiot | 2016/04/28 Thu 07:39:45 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
135 | kate` | <kate`> time to hoover my sand | 2011/09/22 Thu 06:40:53 | pragma_ |
179 | kate` | <kate`> dardevelin: thank you for the feeback, though; next time you ask for something, i shall refrain from giving my input | 2012/08/02 Thu 22:34:50 | pragma- |
180 | kate` | <kate`> hey, what do i know? you just told me to shut up, when i was trying to help you. somehow i don't feel like teaching you how to do this | 2012/08/02 Thu 22:52:50 | pragma- |
181 | kate` | * kate` stabs herself in the face | 2012/08/02 Thu 23:05:26 | pragma- |
214 | kate` | <kate`> "imagine my code is completely different from what i'm showing you. will it work?" | 2013/03/11 Mon 07:17:11 | kulp |
227 | kate` | <kate`> are you full of penis, orbitz? | 2013/06/23 Sun 13:45:32 | rob`` |
331 | kate` | <kate`> man. C is a stupid language | 2014/02/21 Fri 20:31:59 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
352 | kate` | <kate`> cousteau, a worrying number of people assume i'm named after KDE's text editor | 2014/03/25 Tue 06:17:33 | fisted!~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted |
424 | kate` | <kate`> i think more like a pimp | 2014/08/25 Mon 02:15:16 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
3 | kernelj | <kernelj> ohday_: not really I just like playing with stuff... and making it fail | 2009/12/09 Wed 16:23:52 | pragma_ |
551 | Kerr | <Kerr> I think I got banged by candide | 2016/01/11 Mon 13:36:40 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
158 | kesselhaus_ | <kesselhaus_> brain is out .. | 2012/04/01 Sun 07:46:34 | sha0 |
249 | kesselhaus_ | <kesselhaus_> aaahhhh ... 3 weeks OFF .. out of that chaos computing club called "work" | 2013/09/20 Fri 16:16:35 | beaky |
327 | kfirfer | <kfirfer> make stack which are inserted the characters of opening brackets and closing brackets for checking the organ cartridge | 2014/02/09 Sun 19:44:58 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
898 | kg | <kg> e: i have an iq of 159. | 2017/10/21 Sat 18:44:05 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
857 | kline | <kline> Phanes, then please leave, for your own safety, and our pleasure | 2017/09/02 Sat 19:43:34 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1032 | koisoke | <koisoke> is it forbidden on here to suggest the usual literature sites for the piratically inclined? | 2018/01/26 Fri 10:15:46 | dorp! |
1056 | koisoke | <koisoke> ,cc sizeof(!262144) | 2018/02/12 Mon 01:37:38 | r3kz!uid254589@gateway/web/ |
1144 | korans | <korans> that's a brilliant example of how to put white space in all the wrong places | 2018/04/21 Sat 17:53:10 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
589 | koro | <koro> Here's one who prefers discussing the stack of C implementations over anal sex :( | 2016/07/24 Sun 21:56:26 | anonnumberanon!~anonnumbe@unaffiliated/anonnumberanon |
91 | kr04f | <kr04f> why care 1byte char or 10 byte char | 2010/10/27 Wed 07:07:23 | n00p |
951 | Kristjan | <Kristjan> My name is Kristjan Robam. Bank account nr: EE671010010225901016 (SEB Estonia). People, <Kristjan> please donate me with 5000$ donates. I am in urgent need for money. | 2017/11/29 Wed 04:56:27 | othias!504e0568@gateway/web/freenode/ip. |
1220 | ksft | <ksft> after I gzipped the data, I was writing the first chunk of 1024 bytes over and over! | 2018/07/12 Thu 21:51:14 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
2159 | kspalaiologos | <kspalaiologos> in my opinion C++ is bad only because of the C part. | 2022/06/18 Sat 10:59:31 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
118 | kulp | <kulp> "The pig go. Go is to the fountain. The pig put foot. Grunt. Foot in what? ketchup. The dove fly. Fly is in sky. The dove drop something. The something on the pig. The pig disgusting. The pig rattle. Rattle with dove. The dove angry. The pig leave. The dove produce. Produce is chicken wing. With wing bark. No Quack." — A Neural Network | 2011/02/17 Thu 15:40:17 | pragma_ |
151 | kulp | <kulp> an architecture course i took permitted any language. i used perl. the next year it was c/c++ only. | 2012/03/06 Tue 08:08:31 | pragma_ |
1304 | kurahaupo | <kurahaupo> Oh, it was supposed to be parody. Why didn't you say so? | 2019/09/02 Mon 06:36:36 | e!e@freenode/staff/spy.edk |
2183 | laku_n9vt, Ckat | <laku_n9vt> i am having trobule solving K&R second edition exercises, it's been several years. What to do? <Ckat> have you tried reading the book before solving the exercises | 2022/08/04 Thu 13:10:58 | NRK!~nrk@2001:470:69fc:105::4e30 |
638 | Learath2, carabia | <Learath2> we have a shitty oreo substitute called negro in turkey <carabia> Learath2: i heard there was something similar in the us as a substitute for a president | 2016/12/21 Wed 14:37:52 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
359 | lemonade` | <lemonade`> maybe zid` saw you as a threat to his superior knowledge of RLL and MFM drives | 2014/04/04 Fri 10:04:57 | fisted!~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted |
69 | lenhix | <lenhix> PoppaVic, excuse my ignorance, what do you mean by blows goats? | 2010/04/20 Tue 20:58:31 | pragma_ |
508 | lens | <lens> I think I would benefit more with 1-17 if I had a better understanding of function use | 2015/07/30 Thu 17:51:59 | CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
494 | lens, pragma- | * lens splooges his IP all over fstd and pragma- <pragma-> lens: ew! * pragma- wips the off. | 2015/06/07 Sun 17:51:50 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
862 | LeoNerd | <LeoNerd> It tests a thing used to test tests that test the tests that test the tests that test actual things | 2017/09/03 Sun 14:13:45 | alyptik! |
1028 | Linux_user5000 | <Linux_user5000> MMX isn't a real cpu architecture <Linux_user5000> Im pretty sure it was just a concept idea made up by a computer science profresser | 2018/01/23 Tue 20:04:48 | jp! |
555 | Logicista, snhmib | <Logicista> if I were benevolent dictator of C, with a time machine, I'd make everybody pass a 'pool' paramter to malloc - which is initially passed in through main() <snhmib> i think a jacuzzi parameter might be better | 2016/01/31 Sun 12:23:11 | cousteau! |
377 | LordThumper | <LordThumper> Hi, I have a strange issue. My code is working, but it shouldn't be. | 2014/05/08 Thu 07:26:38 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
714 | lotry | <lotry> but why will i need EOF until i actually want the EOF? | 2017/02/23 Thu 20:16:03 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
716 | lotry | <lotry> emergency oatmeal | 2017/02/25 Sat 04:37:48 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
717 | lotry, twkm | <lotry> Why do i need to initialze state = OUT? <twkm> shoudn't the state begin somewhere? <lotry> why <twkm> ahh, you want #philosophy. | 2017/02/25 Sat 20:29:42 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1401 | Love4Boobies, pragma- | <Love4Boobies> Making it more difficult is still a plus. <pragma-> Make it twice as difficult and you have C++. | 2020/03/11 Wed 09:32:39 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
408 | lucaspc | * lucaspc Memory failed. Core dumb | 2014/07/06 Sun 17:33:08 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
324 | LunaticEdit | <LunaticEdit> the ground creaks and grones under the weight of sha0's words | 2014/02/05 Wed 18:27:42 | sha0! |
497 | m0shbear | <m0shbear> accessing invalid pointers is UB, so it's free to corrupt your .vimrc, for example | 2015/07/07 Tue 13:05:13 | dtscode! |
196 | magisterquis | * magisterquis points to his dunce cap. | 2013/01/18 Fri 14:08:53 | engla |
619 | Malkrith | <Malkrith> I sort of wonder if there is some kind of linter for c | 2016/10/04 Tue 12:03:01 | masochist!~masochist@unaffiliated/masochist |
415 | ManDay | <ManDay> fstd: If I had a testcase I wouldn't have to ask | 2014/07/11 Fri 08:19:39 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
657 | mane | <mane> atk ? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) | 2017/01/17 Tue 14:33:56 | atk!~Arch-TK@fsf/member/Arch-TK |
217 | mar77i | <mar77i> sedeki: because this channel doesn't have a bot that !grabs people? | 2013/03/19 Tue 08:26:44 | kulp |
467 | mar77i | <mar77i> ##c is a relaxed, fun irc channel full of great, intelligent people. | 2015/01/08 Thu 04:01:17 | jack_rabbit! |
522 | mar77i | <mar77i> I once used macros to kill a man in reno | 2015/08/31 Mon 17:20:41 | marchelzo_!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo/x-2669545 |
520 | marchelzo | <marchelzo> profess expressed it quite nicely | 2015/08/24 Mon 13:05:56 | profess!~profess@unaffiliated/csddesk |
562 | marchelzo | <marchelzo> C is for real programmers. if you want to be babied and have your language guarantee the validity of your strings then use a baby language like Java. | 2016/03/24 Thu 14:19:39 | latch!~latch@unaffiliated/latch |
624 | marchelzo | <marchelzo> you can quote me on that | 2016/11/11 Fri 12:58:23 | latch!~latch@unaffiliated/latch |
628 | marchelzo | <marchelzo> i am one of those people who assesses things rationally and objectively | 2016/11/21 Mon 15:25:30 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
684 | marchelzo | <marchelzo> pragma-: actually i am pretty slow | 2017/01/31 Tue 14:47:15 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
711 | marchelzo, Chris | <marchelzo> Chris: hi fam <Chris> marchelzo: hi vla | 2017/02/20 Mon 22:31:55 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
599 | marchelzo, jonbryan | <marchelzo> pragma- is no better than the hipsters who hang out in coffee shops with their macbooks writing rails apps <jonbryan> marchelzo: rude * jonbryan whips his scarf over his shoulder | 2016/08/01 Mon 18:52:42 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
600 | marchelzo, pragma- | <marchelzo> pragma- is no better than the hipsters who hang out in coffee shops with their macbooks writing rails apps <pragma-> you're just jealous that I can put together a web app in 5 minutes that makes me an extra $2,000 a year in ad revenue so I can buy extra macbooks. | 2016/08/01 Mon 18:53:44 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
678 | marchelzo, pragma- | <marchelzo> pragma-, i would never have guessed you were educated <pragma-> marchelzo: I understand. It takes one to know one, after all. | 2017/01/26 Thu 17:17:42 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
954 | martinmch, TommyC | <martinmch> These mutex' are killing me. <TommyC> Well at least they're not killing you simultaneously. | 2017/12/03 Sun 14:05:15 | cousteau!~cousteau@unaffiliated/cousteau |
955 | martinmch, TommyC | <martinmch> These mutex' are killing me. <TommyC> Well at least they're not killing you simultaneously. | 2017/12/03 Sun 14:32:50 | martinmch! |
611 | masochist | <masochist> ah, windows. how delightful. | 2016/09/08 Thu 10:32:05 | cousteau!869356f3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. |
211 | mathi | <mathi> daowee, the problem is that in C it may work while it is wrong :P | 2013/02/22 Fri 12:27:39 | kulp |
74 | mauke | <mauke> #define ADDRESS_OF(x) (&(x)) #define THE_STUFF_AT(x) (*(x)) #define THE(m, x) (x).m #define PART_OF(x) (x) | 2010/06/22 Tue 17:38:18 | pragma_ |
75 | mauke | <mauke> ADDRESS_OF(THE(member, PART_OF(THE_STUFF_AT(B)))) | 2010/06/22 Tue 17:38:40 | pragma_ |
247 | Maxdamantus | <Maxdamantus> Replace || with )))))))))))||((((((((((( and = with )))))))))))))=(((((((((((((, then add brackets to the ends of the expression to make the numbers match up. | 2013/09/19 Thu 05:22:46 | mar77i |
307 | mdev, boru | <mdev> boru read my code <boru> I'd rather not. I just ate lunch. | 2013/12/11 Wed 04:37:06 | edk!edk@unaffiliated/edk |
107 | mechanist | <mechanist> you're not but a bunch of lamer | 2010/12/11 Sat 22:44:35 | pragma_ |
533 | mechanist | <mechanist> loop = recursive function | 2015/09/29 Tue 13:09:47 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
487 | mentoc | <mentoc> I should utilize wikipedia before I speak | 2015/05/09 Sat 14:17:41 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
478 | mentoc, edk | <mentoc> Is const-correctness an important thing to learn in C? <edk> just learn const-incorrectness and do the opposite of that | 2015/03/30 Mon 15:30:09 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
513 | MethylatorX | <MethylatorX> also i'm on a good level and better than many other pro-coders here . i managed to learn english on my own and i still get you to understand me | 2015/08/04 Tue 11:53:59 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
523 | MethylatorX | <MethylatorX> new is 176$ and used 177$ ==> amazon is really logical. <MethylatorX> the should check their if statments. | 2015/09/03 Thu 09:56:18 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
82 | mk-ultra | <mk-ultra> eurythmia, so Zhivago is like a grumpy old lady that happens to be a C programmer ? | 2010/08/19 Thu 10:49:16 | eurythmia |
11 | mkop | <mkop> Insight of the day: Programming is likely to induce an extreme of moods, alternating quickly between, "Wow, I'm a freaking genius!" and "Wow, I'm a freaking moron!" | 2009/12/09 Wed 23:12:50 | pragma_ |
12 | mkop | <mkop> I'll stop playing with it in public. | 2009/12/09 Wed 23:24:29 | pragma_ |
410 | motaka2 | <motaka2> I do code in PHP but design problems are not much relevant to pgr lang | 2014/07/07 Mon 14:13:09 | Chris!~chris@unaffiliated/chris |
411 | motaka2 | <motaka2> ;) common all c pgrs know c++ | 2014/07/07 Mon 14:14:15 | hunt! |
793 | moth | <moth> how huge is huge? | 2017/06/16 Fri 17:31:46 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1123 | mub | <mub> It's fun to make things difficult | 2018/04/02 Mon 13:08:00 | m0shbear! |
840 | muffindrake | <muffindrake> casting a to char is the wrong way to gay, as you lose data | 2017/08/26 Sat 01:56:52 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
130 | mutex_ | <mutex_> wow, i'm stupid | 2011/05/12 Thu 16:05:59 | Wulf |
631 | n00buser | <n00buser> the code is ok, since it compiles | 2016/12/08 Thu 15:07:43 | CaZe!~caze@2607:f2f8:a678::2 |
10 | n00p | <n00p> don't you dare quote me without permission mbohun | 2009/12/09 Wed 20:35:44 | LimCore |
73 | n00p | <n00p> My acrobat isn't working, and I can't reinstall for some reason... I sent an email to adobe, they replied in pdf format. | 2010/06/05 Sat 23:54:37 | pragma_ |
80 | n00p | <n00p> rek: When you send a message over IRC, that becomes our input (as arguments). We process it, and output a message that hopefully serves the purpose of pointing you in the right direction. The output is a return value. | 2010/08/18 Wed 08:40:26 | eurythmia |
83 | n00p | <n00p> Teckla: Would you like to know why? | 2010/10/17 Sun 09:52:19 | boris`` |
84 | n00p | <n00p> Teckla: No, I can't practice that in private. | 2010/10/17 Sun 09:51:53 | boris`` |
132 | n00p | <n00p> I live to perv. | 2011/06/01 Wed 14:55:45 | CaZe |
1162 | name | <name> an array is where clint eastwood eats the bullets out of the pineapples that chuck norris cuts down in the living room beofore they are transported to the kitchen by a converyor belt made eitirley out of a thin layer of pepper | 2018/05/15 Tue 04:04:59 | jp! |
435 | napsy | <napsy> we could complicate things and be technically and academically correct. Or help someone that's new with the language | 2014/10/02 Thu 01:03:29 | CaZe!~caze@2607:f2f8:a678::2 |
221 | ne2k | <ne2k> why is printf so complicated? it's, like, half of C was invented just so printf would work!!!!!11 | 2013/06/04 Tue 09:31:03 | pragma- |
1114 | ngomes, pragma- | <ngomes> i'm following some guide and its telling me that configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables <pragma-> ngomes: well thats not a very useful c compiler | 2018/03/24 Sat 18:16:05 | jp! |
617 | nHeck, pragma- | <nHeck> shrood: i dont download music, i'm too flooded in youtube chill shit to download anything for the rest of my life <pragma-> is there anybody here able to translate teenspeak to English? | 2016/10/02 Sun 16:05:28 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
696 | Nightwing52, pragma- | <Nightwing52> So, Github isn't wanting to push my main.c file. O.o <pragma-> I can only hope that one day my servers are as smart as github. | 2017/02/05 Sun 13:57:44 | vktec!~vktec@torbaytechjam/samadivk |
697 | Nightwing52, pragma- | <Nightwing52> He's an admin so I can't say shit. XD <pragma-> pansy | 2017/02/05 Sun 14:21:20 | vktec!~vktec@torbaytechjam/samadivk |
2236 | nilcdr | <nilcdr> it's like watching your dog trying to find red ball in the field of green grass | 2022/12/12 Mon 07:49:22 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2279 | nilcdr | <nilcdr> gotta keep it pc these days, there's like 5 women working in tech now | 2023/02/18 Sat 05:38:56 | NRK!~nrk@2001:470:69fc:105::4e30 |
2322 | nilcdr | <nilcdr> tdil dolphins can have lesbian sex | 2023/05/17 Wed 05:20:21 | NRK!~nrk@2001:470:69fc:105::4e30 |
234 | nitrix | <nitrix> Whatever floats your boat. A sea of problems seems reasonable. | 2013/07/29 Mon 11:44:07 | nitrix |
260 | nitrix | <nitrix> Sounds like you didn't even search on youtube. | 2013/10/10 Thu 04:05:33 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
262 | nitrix | <nitrix> Of course, I could see it like I suck at everything, but it's only because I always aim at higher than what I can do. | 2013/10/11 Fri 09:39:38 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
277 | nitrix | <nitrix> I'm inconsistant :3 | 2013/10/24 Thu 14:57:07 | fisted!~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted |
283 | nitrix | <nitrix> It's time you start worshipping pragma-, man. | 2013/10/26 Sat 23:29:20 | sha0! |
305 | nitrix | <nitrix> If I can give you an advice, stop trying to generalize things. It never works out. | 2013/12/01 Sun 12:16:41 | cousteau! |
326 | nitrix | <nitrix> He didn't solve a problem with C (that could have been done with an implementation tailored to his vision), he instead, created a new language. In the end, C is just the same and we have a second language to design, learn and fix the implementations. | 2014/02/09 Sun 12:18:59 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
432 | nitrix | <nitrix> goldess: Maybe you could see functions as children toys, with holes punched in where you have to fit the right piece into each shape. | 2014/09/21 Sun 09:01:06 | marchelzo_! |
1381 | nitrix | <nitrix> (Exhibit A, cute catgirl: | 2020/02/21 Fri 10:46:13 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1658 | nitrix | <nitrix> We have a ,grab | 2020/11/16 Mon 21:34:07 | kkd!~memxor@unaffiliated/kartikeya |
2297 | nitrix | <nitrix> If typing is the issue with C, you're going to be very, very sad. | 2023/03/29 Wed 11:59:42 | nitrix!~nitrix@user/nitrix |
2302 | nitrix | <nitrix> You're not doing engineering, you're vomiting through your keyboard. | 2023/03/31 Fri 07:50:31 | siw5ohs0!~aiw5ohs0@user/aiw5ohs0 |
2326 | nitrix | <nitrix> flower_, If you're looking at my GitHub, it isn't really representative at all of what I know nor what I do. | 2023/05/22 Mon 08:40:37 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
368 | nitrix, Chris | <nitrix> Thankfully, I'm more responsible than I'm retarded. <Chris> that's certainly a great deal of responsibility | 2014/04/25 Fri 20:00:52 | fisted!~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted |
361 | nitrix, jack_rabbit | <nitrix> But I'm probably autist. <jack_rabbit> That's basically what I was saying, yes. <nitrix> ic. | 2014/04/06 Sun 16:14:16 | fisted!~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted |
295 | nitrix | <nitrix> davidio 6/7/02 Adding temporary tracking of Login screen <nitrix> jackie 5/22/07 Temporary my ass | 2013/11/12 Tue 16:09:46 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
2371 | nitrix, monkeyPlus | <nitrix> None of these are pointers, you're confused. <nitrix> monkeyPlus, What are the types of 0, '0' and "0"? <monkeyPlus> types? <monkeyPlus> dude...a pointer to a pointer being = {'a','b','c'} the same logic ,as having one pointer = {'a','b','c'} <nitrix> No. <nitrix> Answer the question you ignorant fuck. | 2024/11/05 Tue 17:16:42 | constxd!~constxd@user/constxd |
1384 | nitrix | <nitrix> It's a union if Ptrlist *next and State *s, so the indirection level is mismatching and there's type-punning going on, that's UB territory already. <nitrix> * Copyright (c) 2007 Russ Cox. <nitrix> Are you shitting me, that's the Go guy. <nitrix> No wonder he doesn't write C anymore, lol. | 2020/02/27 Thu 13:25:17 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
671 | nnpnv6 | <nnpnv6> izabera: one of types of floating point numbers supported by IEEE754 systems is NAN <nnpnv6> it is additional trashy bytes | 2017/01/24 Tue 16:00:55 | phox! |
310 | no-n, nitrix | <no-n> hmm <nitrix> You can shoot a lot of stuff and anywhere. | 2013/12/19 Thu 20:30:02 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
454 | Noldorin | <Noldorin> PoppaVic, it's called hyperbola. look it up. ;) | 2014/12/08 Mon 15:27:54 | CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
403 | norcom | <norcom> scanf() just seems like such an old function, that it would be hard to predict how it may or may not act in today's OS | 2014/07/05 Sat 18:36:44 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
2312 | NRK | <NRK> smh, this lsp preview thingy picks up comments on the top of a function thinking it's documentation for the function. it doesn't realize that it was just a profane rant. | 2023/04/05 Wed 19:41:03 | NRK!~nrk@2001:470:69fc:105::4e30 |
2328 | NRK | <NRK> nilcdr: i feel more professional when using WTFPL tbh | 2023/05/25 Thu 08:07:14 | NRK!~nrk@2001:470:69fc:105::4e30 |
2330 | NRK | <NRK> nilcdr: i feel more professional when using WTFPL tbh | 2023/05/25 Thu 08:25:22 | NRK!~nrk@2001:470:69fc:105::4e30 |
2342 | NRK | <NRK> "C++ was designed carefully and fixed C's mistakes." - pragma-, 2024 | 2024/03/15 Fri 17:52:47 | NRK! |
2345 | NRK | <NRK> it's called bash because you get brain damage from using it as if someone bashed your head. | 2024/04/01 Mon 13:18:53 | NRK! |
2353 | NRK | <NRK> when someone starts quoting the C standard using fancy symbols like § and ¶ then you know you're either facing a pseud or a hardcode intellectual, nothing in between. | 2024/06/28 Fri 06:03:47 | NRK! |
2309 | NRK | <NRK> smh, this gives me same vibes when i try to read pragma-'s perl code <NRK> despite all it's flaws, one thing lua has going for itself is that even if you don't know the language, it doesn't look like a sneak peek into a schizophrenic's mind | 2023/04/04 Tue 16:58:40 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2335 | NRK0, pragma- | <NRK0> have some faith <pragma-> faith has no place in programming and science! * NRK0 gestures at TempleOS | 2023/06/19 Mon 07:27:48 | NRK0! |
363 | nutzz, boru, pragma- | <nutzz> Binary_Digit: but, how should I move the elements from the first tree to the second one? it seems pretty complicated <boru> If only there was zidtree. <pragma-> more like zidbucket | 2014/04/10 Thu 04:21:24 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
517 | Oneriwien | <Oneriwien> But part of growing up is moving on from simple console programs and into windows programming | 2015/08/22 Sat 11:27:49 | CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
183 | orbitz | <orbitz> ambro718: You never fail to impress me with your ability to create absolutely ridiculous situations that probably don't need to exist in the first place | 2012/08/03 Fri 16:16:10 | pragma- |
197 | orbitz | <orbitz> pragma-: wait until yo utaste my short ribs that fall off the boner | 2013/01/21 Mon 12:44:11 | pragma- |
224 | orbitz | <orbitz> pragma-: i have it tattooed on my ass but no mirror handy :( | 2013/06/23 Sun 02:50:31 | pragma- |
228 | orbitz | <orbitz> lemonade`: i don't know what point you're trying to make but i'm convinced it's both wrong and stupid. | 2013/06/23 Sun 14:27:06 | kate` |
434 | orbitz | <orbitz> C should die. It sucks. | 2014/09/29 Mon 22:32:43 | fluter!~fluter@fedora/fluter |
927 | othias | <othias> ++i looks more gangsta | 2017/11/10 Fri 06:21:25 | naptime!~naptime@ |
771 | pappu | <pappu> caze: you are the best fucking teacher in world | 2017/05/10 Wed 01:50:15 | fluter_!~fluter@fedora/fluter |
425 | parcs, pragma- | <parcs> i think it is one of the most readable styles <pragma-> I don't care what you think because you clearly do not know enough C to know what to think. | 2014/08/31 Sun 07:23:39 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
43 | patrisk | <patrisk> I wonder how many K&R books have been sold because of this channel. | 2009/12/14 Mon 12:21:19 | pragma_ |
270 | paulpaul1076, pgib | <paulpaul1076> i know what it does, i was just saying that i haven't written any data structure in a long time, because i don't need to, since C++ has all of them <pgib> paulpaul1076: C++ has every data structure? | 2013/10/18 Fri 08:59:41 | phox! |
353 | pentester_ | <pentester_> kate`: i love C and i want to learn it's deepest secrets | 2014/03/25 Tue 06:20:00 | squ!~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/squ |
446 | pentester_ | <pentester_> i can penetrate if that what you want | 2014/11/16 Sun 16:34:09 | marchelzo_! |
672 | Pessimist, pragma- | <Pessimist> I'm a bit drunk so it's harder if you know what I mean <pragma-> is that what she said? <pragma-> I'm afraid "she" might not be a she, buddy. | 2017/01/25 Wed 11:42:33 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
418 | petrusho | <petrusho> i have successfuly duplicated structs (and classes) using memcpy(). (I normally wouldn't recommend doing this. But it worked) | 2014/07/13 Sun 14:46:29 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
265 | pgib | <pgib> I'm in the namespace namespace. fortunately we have namespaces so you don't confuse namespace with the namespace namespace | 2013/10/17 Thu 14:15:50 | pgib!~pgib@nat/cisco/x-clkabrrgzqxjjfdl |
268 | pgib | <pgib> cousteau, oh yeah baby troll me. we can do it under the bridge | 2013/10/18 Fri 07:16:25 | pgib!~pgib@nat/cisco/x-cmevzergmgesrunn |
269 | pgib | <pgib> Just because you were molested by a tree doesn't mean they are all the same | 2013/10/18 Fri 08:50:25 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
456 | phale | <phale> who says I use any of that C99/C90/C11 bullshit <phale> i'm discussing C89 <phale> a specific standard | 2014/12/16 Tue 10:24:49 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
167 | phao | <phao> igli, I thought he was creating prog1 | 2012/05/29 Tue 12:06:35 | pragma- |
803 | phillid | <phillid> Like a queggle | 2017/07/11 Tue 06:18:27 | alyptik!ayyy@unaffiliated/alyptik |
659 | phox, CaZe | <phox> real hipsters don't buy their coffee online. duh. <CaZe> I do. | 2017/01/18 Wed 13:26:52 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
253 | phox, rob`` | <phox> strcmp has an alternate personality that's a hermit crab <phox> so in its mind it's always in a shell <phox> at least that's what I tell students (: <rob``> wat? | 2013/10/04 Fri 15:04:52 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
737 | phynite | <phynite> So you agree that a byte is defined to be 1 but not 1 byte. | 2017/03/10 Fri 18:04:15 | bg!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
485 | pieceofpie, PoppaVic | <pieceofpie> i have problems <pieceofpie> being a newb <PoppaVic> not at all, you seem to do it wonderfully. | 2015/05/04 Mon 22:44:03 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
474 | plcguy | <plcguy> hmm, so including stdio.h crashes my system at runtime | 2015/02/24 Tue 11:16:49 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
620 | pnbeast | <pnbeast> I would like them to squeeze the damn cow right onto the sauced crust. | 2016/10/10 Mon 19:07:08 | masoudd!~masoudd@ |
681 | pnbeast | <pnbeast> You have to make sure no one tampers with your memory parachute or your program could spiral in at 200 MPH. | 2017/01/28 Sat 10:35:31 | izabera!~izabera@unaffiliated/izabera |
695 | pnbeast | <pnbeast> root_guix, as our lord and savior Stallman said, the GPL doesn't mean programmers have to work for free. By the foot-eating freedom number 7, we see this extends to book authors, too. You have to pay someone to write your non-invariant sections. | 2017/02/05 Sun 08:02:27 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
906 | pnbeast | <pnbeast> That's my problem, too. I get so emotion about code structure. The other day I tried to decide whether to put an opening brace after the "for" or on the next line and I broke down crying. | 2017/10/28 Sat 11:44:06 | kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
1011 | pnbeast | <pnbeast> Sufficiently high values of 4 can sometimes be used in place of 5. | 2018/01/14 Sun 18:02:40 | jp! |
2352 | pnbeast | <pnbeast> My code has always been very well organized, at least until I look at it a second time. | 2024/06/15 Sat 23:47:40 | NRK! |
614 | pnbeast, dave0x6d | <pnbeast> FBSD? Isn't that for people who hate Linux? <dave0x6d> I thought it was for people who hate themselves. | 2016/09/18 Sun 18:59:28 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1086 | pnbeast, k | <pnbeast> No, I looked. There are no potatos in the C11 standard. The pointer could not be to a potato. Potatos are an MSVC extension. <k> potatoes* | 2018/03/09 Fri 18:02:07 | jp! |
1940 | pony, pragma- | <pony> Guest594 sees formulas which are UB all over the place <pragma-> "but these worked inside my head!" | 2021/07/09 Fri 19:56:01 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
87 | PoppaVic | <PoppaVic> get people to pay to beta-test it. Amazingly, they will cough up money to suffer. | 2010/10/19 Tue 09:36:19 | n00p |
133 | PoppaVic | <PoppaVic> someday, a book and his very own compiler. | 2011/06/10 Fri 22:29:00 | n00p |
169 | PoppaVic | <PoppaVic> alas, plan9 is in a parallel dimension. | 2012/07/07 Sat 18:01:34 | engla |
208 | PoppaVic | <PoppaVic> #define bob addition\n#include "crap"\n#define bob subtraction\n#include "crap".... | 2013/02/06 Wed 16:51:56 | Vigud |
213 | PoppaVic | <PoppaVic> I before C, except after Tea | 2013/02/26 Tue 14:07:06 | Vigud |
433 | PoppaVic | <PoppaVic> now, wait... Just a sec.. We don't *KNOW* his mum was a woman at all. | 2014/09/22 Mon 19:23:53 | fluter!~fluter@fedora/fluter |
2287 | ppk | <ppk> NRK: I've tested this, char fits EOF | 2023/03/10 Fri 13:03:55 | caze`!~caze@user/caze |
163 | pragma- | <pragma-> "That's what." -- She | 2012/05/04 Fri 23:44:27 | sha0 |
165 | pragma- | <pragma-> Stop arguing with me! | 2012/05/05 Sat 03:57:16 | sha0 |
187 | pragma- | <pragma-> ESphynx: "I had a problem, so I decided to use Java. Now I have a ProblemFactory." | 2012/08/12 Sun 09:22:56 | pragma- |
220 | pragma- | <pragma-> seen in ##java just now: "Can someone tell me if this code is correct? <pastebin>" "Does it compile?" "Nope :(" "Then it's not correct." | 2013/05/22 Wed 15:18:14 | pragma- |
229 | pragma- | <pragma-> "huhu?" are you a chimpanzee? | 2013/06/28 Fri 16:30:03 | nitrix |
235 | pragma- | <pragma-> You can try to idiot-proof everything, the world will just produce a bigger idiot. | 2013/07/30 Tue 13:10:32 | nitrix |
236 | pragma- | <pragma-> L8D: We get plenty of idiots in here -- it's not like you stand out as the king of idiots or anything. | 2013/07/31 Wed 04:59:13 | jpmelos |
237 | pragma- | <pragma-> I can tell you suck at C by where you put the * on your pointers. | 2013/08/14 Wed 19:20:38 | nitrix |
238 | pragma- | <pragma-> Once you discover the meaning of life, life then loses meaning. | 2013/08/25 Sun 22:36:10 | pragma- |
240 | pragma- | <pragma-> get a room, you two. | 2013/08/31 Sat 19:23:29 | sha0 |
245 | pragma- | <pragma-> I wish I had a real boy. All I have is a wooden puppet. | 2013/09/18 Wed 07:12:32 | nitrix |
254 | pragma- | <pragma-> Do you typically put a lot of things in your butt? | 2013/10/04 Fri 21:51:51 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
264 | pragma- | <pragma-> Sometimes I use big words that I don't understand in order to make myself seem more photosynthesis. | 2013/10/15 Tue 18:30:46 | phox! |
274 | pragma- | <pragma-> I use C11 just to rustle the jimmies of stuck-in-the-middle-ages old-fashioned behind-the-times antiquated out-dated programmers. | 2013/10/22 Tue 09:44:49 | rob``! |
279 | pragma- | <pragma-> magic only exists for those who believe through and through. | 2013/10/25 Fri 19:15:29 | sha0! |
280 | pragma- | <pragma-> #include <magic.h> | 2013/10/25 Fri 19:15:56 | sha0! |
285 | pragma- | <pragma-> please join #Zhivago-fanclub. for a one-time $15 contribution we will send you a poster and a mixtape including such classics as "Were you dropped on your head as a child?", "Perhaps you might find a small child to help you" and "You should see a doctor to check for signs of mental retardation"! Limited time only, join now! | 2013/10/28 Mon 17:44:15 | edk!edk@unaffiliated/edk |
287 | pragma- | <pragma-> "i'm making a robot, it uses C to interface with its components" "wow that's neat, what does your robot do?" "it collects data about the surrounding environment, then discards it and drives into walls" | 2013/11/01 Fri 06:44:04 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
291 | pragma- | <pragma-> I still half-expect myself to wake up in "the real world" when I die and all my friends will be surrounding me and laughing at the replays of my virtual life on the holographic display attached to my terminal. | 2013/11/05 Tue 21:33:02 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
316 | pragma- | <pragma-> That's the problem with idiots. They're like a blackhole, sucking everybody else in. | 2014/01/06 Mon 21:58:52 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
318 | pragma- | <pragma-> you misspelled retarted | 2014/01/10 Fri 08:35:31 | fisted!~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted |
322 | pragma- | <pragma-> consoles still at 80x25? how quaint. | 2014/01/25 Sat 05:51:25 | fluter!~fluter@fedora/fluter |
332 | pragma- | <pragma-> stop arguing with me. | 2014/02/28 Fri 01:06:34 | fluter!~fluter@fedora/fluter |
344 | pragma- | <pragma-> "A programmer had a problem. ''I know! I'll use regex it solve it!'' Now the programmer has two problems." | 2014/03/15 Sat 00:11:17 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
358 | pragma- | <pragma-> languages didn't get binkajigged by jewobbles pandiculating such ejaculations as "that's not a word!" | 2014/04/03 Thu 05:59:17 | zyxwvuts!~qnavry@unaffiliated/qnavry |
362 | pragma- | <pragma-> I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a masterful tour de force! | 2014/04/09 Wed 15:51:04 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
373 | pragma- | <pragma-> I think your view of humanity is weak and pathetic. You should probably be shot to rid your inferior ineffectual notions from the gene pool so that humanity can become stronger. | 2014/05/03 Sat 03:27:19 | jack_rabbit! |
395 | pragma- | <pragma-> wow, common-sense is not so common. | 2014/06/18 Wed 11:21:31 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
401 | pragma- | <pragma-> Are you not entertained?! | 2014/06/28 Sat 00:58:37 | fluter!~fluter@fedora/fluter |
404 | pragma- | <pragma-> If you're still using C89 I feel bad for you, son. I got C99 problems but using %d for sizeof ain't one. | 2014/07/06 Sun 17:16:45 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
413 | pragma- | <pragma-> On the other hand, if he's too retarded to realize he's retarded and no-one tells him, he could become President of the United States! | 2014/07/08 Tue 17:16:59 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
437 | pragma- | <pragma-> I ducking hate auto-correct. | 2014/10/10 Fri 10:56:52 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
448 | pragma- | <pragma-> sjohnson: You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense. | 2014/11/25 Tue 12:17:25 | CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
462 | pragma- | <pragma-> crashing is jnfjnitely better than corrupted data or wrong results | 2014/12/26 Fri 13:23:06 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
495 | pragma- | <pragma-> If you aren't drinking coffee made from beans that were defecated by a rodent, you're not drinking coffee. | 2015/06/10 Wed 08:53:32 | marchelzo_!~marchelzo@ |
511 | pragma- | <pragma-> In order to preserve my sanity, I'm going to pretend that you don't exist and that this conversation didn't happen. | 2015/07/31 Fri 20:53:45 | o11c!~ben@unaffiliated/o11c |
515 | pragma- | <pragma-> search for "hole" to get right to it. | 2015/08/07 Fri 04:21:55 | detergnet!~msb@unaffiliated/detergnet |
525 | pragma- | <pragma-> As a highly intelligent Redditor I would like to tweet that I think an Amazonian world ruled by m'ladies where the men are sex slaves is not at all a bad idea. Like this post and upvote if you agree! | 2015/09/11 Fri 15:07:45 | o11c!~ben@unaffiliated/o11c |
527 | pragma- | * pragma- infected by fluter. | 2015/09/12 Sat 02:41:14 | fluter!~fluter@fedora/fluter |
565 | pragma- | <pragma-> queer eye for the straight guy doesn't get your dick high? | 2016/04/19 Tue 20:07:32 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
571 | pragma- | <pragma-> "I need to screw this screw into a wall. Ah, here's a screwdriver. *beats on head of screw with handle of screwdriver* Hmm, maybe this screwdriver isn't what I'm looking for..." | 2016/05/06 Fri 01:48:54 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
579 | pragma- | <pragma-> potatos are minerals not fruit! | 2016/06/15 Wed 18:42:22 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
581 | pragma- | <pragma-> Well, knock it off. Last guys finish last, you know. | 2016/06/22 Wed 04:25:46 | edk!edk@freenode/staff/spy.edk |
582 | pragma- | <pragma-> At least hell is a party. Heaven probably has a 5am wake-up call and makes you do chores all day. | 2016/06/22 Wed 04:25:58 | fluter!~fluter@fedora/fluter |
585 | pragma- | <pragma-> this conversation is uncivilized. | 2016/07/06 Wed 16:35:05 | e!edk@freenode/voted-remain/edk |
593 | pragma- | <pragma-> "Hmm, I wonder what kind of crazy shit izabera is trying to do now..." *clicks link* "ah, yup" *closes link* | 2016/07/28 Thu 15:04:34 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
602 | pragma- | <pragma-> Did somebody say recursion? | 2016/08/05 Fri 20:03:27 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
606 | pragma- | <pragma-> Yes, my butt belongs to a handsome young man. | 2016/08/22 Mon 15:34:58 | doppel! |
608 | pragma- | <pragma-> I don't always program in C, but when I dSegmentation fault. Core dumped. | 2016/09/02 Fri 09:35:37 | e!e@freenode/staff/spy.edk |
613 | pragma- | <pragma-> I had green cum once, and even that wasn't sticky. | 2016/09/14 Wed 17:12:31 | Kaslai!~Kaslai@unaffiliated/kaslai |
618 | pragma- | <pragma-> <pragma-/##c++> I find ++Ↄ to be a bit backwards. | 2016/10/04 Tue 02:21:43 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
632 | pragma- | <pragma-> With a lot of hard work and defecation, you can accomplish anything! | 2016/12/11 Sun 17:42:24 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
639 | pragma- | <pragma-> you know how that i before e except after c rule in English is bullshit? don't feel bad, Einstein got it wrong twice! | 2016/12/23 Fri 13:24:12 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
646 | pragma- | <pragma-> the only finger I like up my ass is my own. | 2017/01/09 Mon 15:22:54 | atk!~Arch-TK@fsf/member/Arch-TK |
647 | pragma- | <pragma-> Retr0id: then gnu is the next authority. | 2017/01/09 Mon 16:32:47 | caze!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
650 | pragma- | <pragma-> what the goddamned fuck are you trying to say? | 2017/01/10 Tue 13:23:24 | qwename! |
656 | pragma- | <pragma-> "Pft, I've been programming for years. How hard can C be?" | 2017/01/15 Sun 16:06:47 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
664 | pragma- | <pragma-> also, good thing that there is literally no reason whatsoever for any implementation to ever not have a MAX_INT | 2017/01/20 Fri 13:37:28 | Random832!~random@unaffiliated/random832 |
667 | pragma- | <pragma-> what makes it too small or too big? | 2017/01/20 Fri 14:26:10 | phox! |
673 | pragma- | <pragma-> k, now somebody type this: !grab pragma- hamburger | 2017/01/25 Wed 17:09:15 | Karou!83688c87@gateway/web/freenode/ip. |
674 | pragma- | <pragma-> 1tbs is a good style, a strong style, I would buy this style a hamburger. you should use 1tbs, it's a strong style, a good style, you would like it. It's strong and good. Make C great again. | 2017/01/25 Wed 17:12:16 | Karou!83688c87@gateway/web/freenode/ip. |
675 | pragma- | <pragma-> Karou: yeah, so !grab pragma- sty-le but without the dash in the middle | 2017/01/25 Wed 17:12:27 | phy1729!~phy1729@zsh/wizard/phy1729 |
676 | pragma- | <pragma-> I wonder if any doctor has grafted a penis to somebody's forehead. | 2017/01/26 Thu 13:46:38 | phy1729!~phy1729@zsh/wizard/phy1729 |
680 | pragma- | <pragma-> the sooner you realize that love is just a mental illness that temporarily clouds your judgment of another person so that you can procreate with them, the better off you'll be before you trap yourself in a marriage with an evil witch! | 2017/01/27 Fri 15:46:11 | phy1729!~phy1729@zsh/wizard/phy1729 |
688 | pragma- | <pragma-> if you're compiler has inpu, you need to get better at wiping | 2017/02/02 Thu 11:36:39 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
721 | pragma- | <pragma-> bitch, i'm not gonna start pronouncing "char" as "care" when I read it. English is already fucked up enough! | 2017/02/27 Mon 02:31:09 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
732 | pragma- | <pragma-> Life isn't supposed to be fun! It's supposed to be stable! | 2017/03/08 Wed 00:39:45 | mthowe!~morganh@unaffiliated/mthowe |
736 | pragma- | <pragma-> FUCK FOOD ENGINEERING! I SHIT PURPLE NOW! | 2017/03/08 Wed 08:22:31 | Learath2!~learath2@unaffiliated/learath2 |
738 | pragma- | <pragma-> you're all fucking retarded. | 2017/03/11 Sat 10:23:25 | Random832!~random@unaffiliated/random832 |
748 | pragma- | <pragma-> ˙X :uʍop ǝpᴉsdn sᴉ ʇxǝʇ sᴉɥ⊥ | 2017/03/16 Thu 03:23:59 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
755 | pragma- | <pragma-> me is special | 2017/04/11 Tue 12:49:02 | cousteau!~cousteau@unaffiliated/cousteau |
756 | pragma- | <pragma-> viscera: I use Windows as my desktop because I'm not a masochist. I use linux/bsd/etc for their suitable roles, but not as a fucking desktop. Kill me if I have to suffer using X and that crap. | 2017/04/11 Tue 21:18:50 | caze!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
759 | pragma- | <pragma-> doppel: how the hell are we hostile, you inbred donkey? | 2017/04/13 Thu 21:03:45 | phy1729!~phy1729@zsh/wizard/phy1729 |
784 | pragma- | <pragma-> but together we can make my style great again | 2017/06/01 Thu 15:48:21 | moth! |
792 | pragma- | <pragma-> Thank god I'm the idiot that I think I am. | 2017/06/05 Mon 14:35:21 | dho! |
918 | pragma- | <pragma-> KICKED karthyk!~karthyk@2620:1e8:2:1::2f9 from ##c (upgraded to ban) | 2017/11/04 Sat 09:02:03 | karthy!~karthy@ |
1067 | pragma- | * pragma- has the best undergarments. | 2018/02/21 Wed 16:09:04 | jp! |
1205 | pragma- | <pragma-> Fuck is an apostrophe doing there? English isn't some sci-fi alien language that needs mark-up everywhere. | 2018/06/21 Thu 14:11:48 | e!e@enucs/spy.edk |
1294 | pragma- | <pragma-> if it looks like memory and quacks like memory then it must be memory | 2019/08/21 Wed 08:16:26 | nitrix!~nitrix@haskell/developer/nitrix |
1577 | pragma- | <pragma-> Ulyaoth: probablistic stochastic optimization of homomorphic encryption with formal verification via proof-carrying recursion | 2020/08/23 Sun 18:58:45 | nitrix!~nitrix@haskell/developer/nitrix |
2188 | pragma- | <pragma-> >Pet peeve: code chock full of #ifdefs is _not_ “portable code”. It is, at best, code that’s been ported a lot. There’s a big difference. | 2022/08/10 Wed 10:24:23 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2211 | pragma- | <pragma-> A coworker had plastered her cubicle with every coffee sign, sticker, calendar, painting, etc, she could find. Nearly every inch covered in some kind of coffee art. Other people will spend $5,000 on coffee grinders and $500 on filters. | 2022/09/26 Mon 06:51:47 | NRK!~nrk@2001:470:69fc:105::4e30 |
2339 | pragma- | <pragma-> mods for this channel suck | 2023/07/09 Sun 09:09:30 | NRK0! |
2349 | pragma- | <pragma-> It literally shoves multiple references to "uwu" and "owo" in your face, forcing you to think about hentai and furries while trying to understand C. | 2024/05/20 Mon 14:34:20 | NRK! |
275 | pragma-, candide | <pragma-> candide can now be grabbed. <candide> pragma-, As if! | 2013/10/22 Tue 11:56:41 | sacho!~hecatonic@ |
2331 | pragma-, candide | <pragma-> candide: you are a bot, correct <candide> pragma- is a bot! | 2023/05/26 Fri 10:12:36 | Bou!~boudewijn@user/bou |
367 | pragma-, CaZe | <pragma-> some say that the white light you see when you die is actually the birth canal opening as you're born again <CaZe> goatse <pragma-> being born out of an anus would make for a pretty crappy life | 2014/04/21 Mon 19:56:38 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
937 | pragma-, doppel | <pragma-> I FIT 6 OF THEM <doppel> i can probably fit like one and a half horizontally and almost two vertically | 2017/11/16 Thu 13:45:17 | atk!Arch-TK@ircpuzzles/staff/Arch-TK |
482 | pragma-, DTSCode | <pragma-> char* p; /* i have no idea what i'm doing */ <DTSCode> That snippet looks like my code.** | 2015/04/29 Wed 20:32:18 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
365 | pragma-, jack_rabbit | <pragma-> jack_rabbit: will i get any superpowers? <jack_rabbit> pragma-, you'll smell bad and be fuzzy. Is that super? <pragma-> jack_rabbit: oh, so nothing new then | 2014/04/11 Fri 17:32:38 | jack_rabbit! |
329 | pragma-, kate` | <pragma-> There's a boomerang joke I'm trying to remember. Just wait a second, it'll come back to me. <kate`> well, what's the joke? | 2014/02/12 Wed 04:12:34 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
679 | pragma-, marchelzo | <pragma-> 2 + 2 = 4. fact. <marchelzo> pragma-, nah <marchelzo> pragma-, prove it <pragma-> ,calc 2 + 2 | 2017/01/26 Thu 20:30:19 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
276 | pragma-, phox | <pragma-> women like big systems <phox> pragma-: that's a very pragmatic view | 2013/10/23 Wed 15:35:04 | edk!edk@unaffiliated/edk |
256 | pragma- | <pragma-> code is like a penis... <pragma-> The longer and harder it is the better it works. | 2013/10/04 Fri 22:58:19 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
466 | pragma- | <pragma-> i'm not furry! i have large patches of hair here and there <pragma-> mostly there | 2015/01/06 Tue 09:24:01 | cousteau! |
518 | pragma- | <pragma-> i guess hamburgers and hotdogs are animals too <pragma-> lets go to the zoo and pet the hotdogs | 2015/08/24 Mon 12:41:38 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@ |
700 | pragma- | <pragma-> emojis are in full color now too. <pragma-> I remember the first time I saw a full color picture of something in a website and I tried to figure out what image format it was and it was just fucking text. | 2017/02/07 Tue 18:29:32 | sjohnson! |
880 | pragma-, dho | * pragma- considers turning her mouth on dho. <pragma-> That... came out wrong. * dho unzips. <pragma-> Nooooooo | 2017/09/27 Wed 11:13:09 | kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
735 | pragma-, pchaos | <pragma-> FUCK FOOD ENGINEERING! I SHIT PURPLE NOW! <pragma-> er, wrong channel. <pchaos> pragma-: what was the intended channel then <pchaos> pragma-: #c++ std discussion | 2017/03/08 Wed 08:21:22 | naptime! |
328 | pragma- | <pragma-> There's a boomerang joke I'm trying to remember. Just wait a second, it'll come back to me. <pragma-> It might have flown over the heads of a few people here. <pragma-> Did anybody catch that? | 2014/02/12 Wed 03:11:46 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
660 | pragma- | <pragma-> also write and fwrite aren't standard C <pragma-> except for fwrite <pragma-> which is | 2017/01/19 Thu 17:07:40 | phox! |
685 | pragma- | <pragma-> Steve Jobs isn't even that good of a guy. <pragma-> Got killed by apples. <pragma-> Ironic. | 2017/01/31 Tue 16:30:45 | phox! |
734 | pragma- | <pragma-> I think the past tense of free should be fred. <pragma-> you feed the dog. the dog has been fed. <pragma-> you free the pointer. the pointer has been fred. | 2017/03/08 Wed 06:38:31 | naptime! |
2263 | pragma- | <pragma-> this guy is trying to make C funny business <pragma-> C is not funny business <pragma-> C is serious business <pragma-> C-rious | 2023/01/20 Fri 10:28:10 | NRK!~nrk@2001:470:69fc:105::4e30 |
116 | pragma_ | <pragma_> Some people in here benefit from warnings such as "Do not use hand to stop chain" on chainsaws. | 2011/02/15 Tue 15:16:18 | pragma_ |
117 | pragma_ | <pragma_> "Such an extensive computer science education opened up a wide range of career options, ranging from a professor at a university to ... a professor at another university." | 2011/02/17 Thu 15:37:41 | pragma_ |
125 | pragma_ | <pragma_> If you ask me to do an oil change on your car, I'd probably end up taking the whole car apart, and would probably have pieces left over if I put it back together again; but it'd probably run better! | 2011/04/10 Sun 00:52:13 | pragma_ |
137 | pragma_ | <pragma_> guy stays up all night, writes code, gets a nap, wakes up feeling like shit, runs code and notices it doesn't actually work as previously thought last night, spends hours debugging, gets stressed out, adds more backlog. other guy gets some sleep, wakes up refreshed, writes code with a clear head, ???, profit. | 2011/12/12 Mon 17:32:56 | pragma_ |
15 | pryon | <pryon> (users are evil) | 2009/12/10 Thu 10:05:58 | pragma_ |
568 | pthreat | <pthreat> No, BPS = blowjob per second ISO69 standard | 2016/04/25 Mon 09:27:58 | o11c!~ben@unaffiliated/o11c |
2383 | PublicWiFi | <PublicWiFi> I thought "." was for reading, and "->" was for writing | 2024/12/23 Mon 13:51:40 | caze!~caze@user/caze |
603 | pwn, izabera | <pwn> I need some design suggestions for a project i am working on. <izabera> paint it pink | 2016/08/09 Tue 00:03:15 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
450 | py0 | <py0> I give no shits about distributive properties or addition being commutative <py0> I asked about parenthesis for fuck sake | 2014/11/28 Fri 13:06:02 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
108 | pzombie | <pzombie> well, looks like i have to teach you C once i learn it | 2010/12/16 Thu 18:02:59 | pragma_ |
26 | r0b0t1 | <r0b0t1> I've had kinky robot sex with candide before. | 2009/12/11 Fri 23:15:47 | pragma_ |
45 | r0b0t1 | <r0b0t1> I wrote a audio driver in brainfuck once. | 2009/12/14 Mon 14:46:10 | pragma_ |
399 | Radditz | <Radditz> atoms are too sensible | 2014/06/25 Wed 06:33:12 | edk!znc@unaffiliated/edk |
357 | Radditz, zid | <Radditz> how do you thank someone? <zid> That is the most autistic thing I have heard all week | 2014/04/02 Wed 02:07:19 | rob``! |
2 | raiford | <raiford> rational representation is almost like symbolic representation | 2009/12/09 Wed 16:05:15 | pragma_ |
799 | rain1 | <rain1> i had an out of body near death experience where I completely memorized the entire C standard but I wasn't able to tell anyone answers to their C questions | 2017/06/27 Tue 18:06:57 | alyptik!ayyy@unaffiliated/alyptik |
419 | Rasteril | <Rasteril> There must be a way. There is always hope. | 2014/07/15 Tue 03:34:38 | fluter!~fluter@fedora/fluter |
2273 | rbox, pragma- | <rbox> pragma-: i use approximations of sin in some of my code <pragma-> rbox: go to confession and approximate a few hail marys to absolve yourself | 2023/02/11 Sat 09:00:26 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
832 | renn0xtk9 | <renn0xtk9> yeah I know it could easily overflow but I know the user and he won't enter more than 255 | 2017/08/23 Wed 12:18:53 | sj0rz! |
630 | resh, CaZe | <resh> it also was possible to demonstrate but manipulation in bash... <CaZe> Your mom was good at demonstrating but manipulation. | 2016/12/04 Sun 01:07:33 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
816 | Richard_Cavell | <Richard_Cavell> Sometimes I'm glad this channel isn't logged, or else people would realize what a putz I am | 2017/08/03 Thu 15:12:15 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
225 | richardi | <richardi> i have a small penis | 2013/06/23 Sun 09:19:04 | pragma- |
1376 | riezaizu | <riezaizu> tard, what is grap? | 2020/02/08 Sat 11:24:01 | e!e@freenode/staff/spy.edk |
325 | riverloop, twkm | <riverloop> But, I have heard that arrays decay to pointers. <twkm> you decay too, doesn't mean you are fertilizer. | 2014/02/07 Fri 22:13:13 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
98 | rizlah | <rizlah> Sarajevo:- Something like an INI file would be fine for your application IMO. | 2010/11/01 Mon 10:31:28 | n00p |
314 | rob`` | <rob``> Someone™ should do it! | 2014/01/01 Wed 14:13:56 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
145 | rob``` | <rob```> cs[tc]: your indentation is horrible. if i was printf() i'd give you garbage output too | 2012/02/15 Wed 15:02:59 | GeorgeJ |
642 | rooftopjoe | <rooftopjoe> the solution isn't wrong, i just had a small bug in it | 2017/01/05 Thu 16:43:38 | CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
550 | Rovanion, vladvic | <Rovanion> Java is about controling people. Making sure that they don't write bad code. <vladvic> Rovanion: ya, and C++ about making sure people don't write good one | 2015/12/18 Fri 10:56:24 | edk!~edk@spy/edk0 |
70 | s00p | <s00p> _harry_: Pick up a book. is teaching you wrong. You might also wish to cease learning English from the internet. | 2010/05/12 Wed 19:36:13 | pragma_ |
2270 | saati | <saati> ##programming is an insane asylum | 2023/02/04 Sat 10:44:57 | Bou!~boudewijn@user/bou |
18 | sacho | <sacho> how can you use fgets to read from a string? | 2009/12/10 Thu 16:43:49 | pragma_ |
2151 | SamuelMarks | <SamuelMarks> bnchs - Any clue why my code above fails? 0-22 is 22, right? | 2022/04/06 Wed 10:20:24 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
384 | schleppel | <schleppel> eat shit. billions of flies can't be wrong! | 2014/05/15 Thu 21:28:46 | nitrix!~nib@unaffiliated/nitrix |
443 | Seabasschan | <Seabasschan> I'm a huge wanker, and CaZe is really smart. | 2014/10/28 Tue 07:31:47 | CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
2189 | sebag | <sebag> What console app would you recommend for someone who wants to have a quality/rich time configuring it? LIke weechat, emacs, vim, midnight commander, gtk/rc, e.g.? | 2022/08/12 Fri 13:27:03 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
498 | Sebastian | <Sebastian> Want relieving? Try pooping thumb-tacks. | 2015/07/12 Sun 06:13:02 | marchelzo_!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo/x-2669545 |
346 | seriously_random, Binary_Digit | <seriously_random> it's from a book "absolute beginner's guide to c" <Binary_Digit> I think absolute beginners probably shouldn't publish books on C. | 2014/03/18 Tue 04:24:44 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
2320 | sh4 | <sh4> #c in 2023: Q: "how do i concatenate 2 strings?" A: "how do you feel about rewriting it in Rust?" | 2023/05/09 Tue 16:31:06 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
161 | sha0 | * sha0 likes Mr. Noodles, anyway. | 2012/04/25 Wed 17:58:44 | pragma- |
304 | sha0, fisted | <sha0> fisted: Yeahbut what does the GNU stand for inside "GNU's not UNIX"? <fisted> sha0: dunno, perhaps "Great Nonsensical Undertaking" | 2013/11/30 Sat 19:54:56 | sha0! |
252 | sha0, pragma- | <sha0> Will you please put that in the right place? <pragma-> That's what she said. | 2013/10/03 Thu 21:46:53 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
284 | sha0 | <sha0> You probably can't guess what's coming. <sha0> Get it out, quickly. | 2013/10/26 Sat 23:29:27 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
313 | sha0, Zhivago | <sha0> Constipation is good. <Zhivago> Yes. | 2013/12/29 Sun 21:07:39 | sha0! |
1204 | shadowchaser | <shadowchaser> yep, but in the original one they were feeding robocop with some kind of baby food, i believe dorp has the same diet;) | 2018/06/21 Thu 05:17:40 | othias!504e056a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. |
460 | sharpneli | <sharpneli> One is a pointer and one is dereferenced | 2014/12/24 Wed 03:04:48 | CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
164 | she | <she> That's what. | 2012/05/04 Fri 23:47:13 | pragma- |
308 | sheilong | <sheilong> CaZe: you assing it as Char | 2013/12/16 Mon 21:54:38 | CaZe!~caze@2607:f2f8:a678::2 |
480 | sheilong | <sheilong> kate: Your eulogy means a lot to me me, thanks again. | 2015/04/24 Fri 21:18:20 | CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
503 | Sheilong | <Sheilong> Most of programmers have a bad mod in motly part of the time | 2015/07/16 Thu 20:10:17 | marchelzo_!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo/x-2669545 |
516 | sheilong | <sheilong> I'm dumb. | 2015/08/20 Thu 20:27:38 | marchelzo! |
535 | sheilong | <sheilong> I just figured now my mistake. I was passing the value of the address that was assigned to the pointer, not the address of the pointer itself | 2015/10/05 Mon 14:40:37 | Wulf!~Wulf@unaffiliated/wulf |
627 | Sheilong | <Sheilong> however, fstd should've asked what is the type of the element of the literal instead | 2016/11/19 Sat 12:44:22 | enso! |
1701 | siberianascii | <siberianascii> you dont need math in computers unless you doing graphics | 2020/12/29 Tue 12:07:35 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1094 | sicelo | <sicelo> i'm learning c on my own .. very slowly, unfortunately. would the following analogy be nearly correct? structs are like tiny sql databases? (of course not completely) | 2018/03/14 Wed 03:40:06 | jp! |
103 | sig^ | <sig^> I sometimes write comments in Lisp | 2010/11/26 Fri 07:28:22 | n00p |
138 | silv3r_m00n | <silv3r_m00n> strcat is throwing exceptions | 2011/12/13 Tue 23:31:51 | pragma_ |
825 | sj0rz | <sj0rz> when all you have is solutions, everything looks like a problem | 2017/08/10 Thu 10:32:06 | e!e@freenode/staff/spy.edk |
747 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> the one where you put a cassette tape in its ass. | 2017/03/15 Wed 10:29:45 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
868 | sjohnson, pragma- | <sjohnson> pragma- is a good guy. <pragma-> sjohnson says that about everybody. pay no attention. | 2017/09/04 Mon 14:36:14 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
111 | sjs205 | <sjs205> I think i'm going to use a massive scanf with nested scanf's to sort it... should be fine cuse it is all fixed data! | 2011/01/25 Tue 18:44:41 | pragma_ |
2347 | slidercrank | <slidercrank> using sizeof without parentheses is like dating an earless girl. something is missing :) <slidercrank> or a flat girl :) | 2024/05/04 Sat 15:49:46 | NRK! |
4 | snhmib | <snhmib> now all you gotta do is code up a funny evaluator so only the funny quotes get saved | 2009/12/09 Wed 16:47:52 | pragma_ |
374 | Snowleaksange | <Snowleaksange> complying with standard way more trouble than worth | 2014/05/04 Sun 13:17:26 | kate`!~kate@unaffiliated/kate/x-0000001 |
376 | Snowleaksange | <Snowleaksange> my advice is to ignore kate | 2014/05/04 Sun 13:37:19 | kate`!~kate@unaffiliated/kate/x-0000001 |
563 | Solarlux27 | <Solarlux27> mY BRAIN IS EPLOIDING ABOUT ALL TERMINOLOGY | 2016/03/29 Tue 06:54:43 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
899 | soryy708 | <soryy708> atk: Endianness is what prevents me from writing unit tests | 2017/10/23 Mon 12:12:30 | kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
573 | spaceone | <spaceone> well, undefined behavior is okay in my case :) | 2016/05/30 Mon 16:49:13 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
633 | speeder, mfukar | <speeder> I remember when I was a kid seeing advices that people should default to double because C on x86 converts everythign to double anyway (when you are using float for example) <mfukar> speeder since you're not a kid now you can read the C standard and find out how C works | 2016/12/12 Mon 11:58:49 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
209 | ss23 | <ss23> A programmer saw a problem and decided to solve it he would use threads. two has. Now he problems | 2013/02/07 Thu 03:42:32 | pragma- |
921 | steeling | <steeling> glacial: undefined behaviour is the spice of life | 2017/11/05 Sun 08:08:07 | glacial!~glacial@unaffiliated/glacial |
248 | stormhawk | <stormhawk> Wow, beaky recommends it, that's enough to kill sales for a few years. | 2013/09/20 Fri 03:58:44 | beaky |
908 | Stragus | <Stragus> Pointers decay to segfaults, I like the sound of that | 2017/10/29 Sun 00:47:12 | karthyk!~karthyk@2620:1e8:2:1::2f9 |
302 | Subsentient | <Subsentient> Zhivago: That it neither works as expected or just behaves like you would expect, with a never-updating variable. | 2013/11/28 Thu 03:12:07 | CaZe!~caze@ |
255 | suit_of_sables, pragma- | <suit_of_sables> Hmm I guess I have little choice. My only other option would be to factor out the inner loop and make it into a function call. But I think I'd have to pass a butt-load of variables to it to make it work as it does right now <pragma-> Do you typically put a lot of things in your butt? | 2013/10/04 Fri 22:41:54 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
320 | take` | <take`> just omit the potato | 2014/01/21 Tue 14:15:09 | take`!~kate@unaffiliated/kate/x-0000001 |
626 | takitus, fstd | <takitus> The Bourne shell and Perl are on nearly equal levels of suck. <fstd> only outsucked by your mum | 2016/11/19 Sat 12:05:21 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
387 | talin | <talin> here in this ghost town, there are a lot more eggs than human beings | 2014/05/20 Tue 00:20:30 | kate`!~kate@unaffiliated/kate/x-0000001 |
594 | tau | <tau> sjohnson join #vy and i'll show you the most impressive plugin ever written for an irc bot. <tau> i'm sure you would like it. | 2016/07/28 Thu 16:01:33 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
123 | taylanub | <taylanub> i don't have any real lisp experience but what i hear is enough | 2011/03/28 Mon 12:54:47 | CaZe |
339 | Teckla | <Teckla> And the LORD said, "Four spaces shall it be; neither more, nor less. Thine indentation shall not be tabs, as they are an abomination." | 2014/03/04 Tue 08:18:20 | aemquo!~UN@unaffiliated/aemquo |
677 | teegee, pragma- | <teegee> I'm going to do that when it's working <pragma-> While things are working is the best time to do things. For instance, while your dad is working I like to do your mom. | 2017/01/26 Thu 17:16:10 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
335 | Tekk_ | <Tekk_> actually outside of windows window manager doesn't affect me too much <Tekk_> since I use emacs for most window management | 2014/03/02 Sun 22:16:26 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
311 | Temper | <Temper> ltbarcly, so we have to be competent to program c now? | 2013/12/21 Sat 20:53:56 | fisted!~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted |
917 | tesla_ | <tesla_> pragma-, karthyk asks if he can be unbanned | 2017/11/04 Sat 08:57:30 | karthy!~karthy@ |
1791 | Thedarkb-Desktop | <Thedarkb-Desktop> You can use Tk without Tcl if you've studied vile witchcraft for millenia. | 2021/03/16 Tue 10:12:03 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
496 | TheFounder | <TheFounder> a lot of windows apps use C++ though, so it must good. | 2015/06/30 Tue 08:19:41 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
126 | thegoodcushion | <thegoodcushion> Wulf: Putting together test cases means setting up a wiki | 2011/04/12 Tue 04:08:57 | CaZe |
146 | thepro4ever | <thepro4ever> man i'm an idiot | 2012/02/29 Wed 16:12:37 | pragma_ |
147 | thepro4ever | <thepro4ever> pragma_: you're an ass | 2012/02/29 Wed 16:12:57 | pragma_ |
683 | tic_chaos | <tic_chaos> caze, i used restrict because it is the only pointer pointing to that malloced memory location | 2017/01/28 Sat 18:58:35 | caze!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
134 | tigerpaw | <tigerpaw> dude shut the fuck up. i'm learning something new here | 2011/07/13 Wed 15:09:19 | CaZe |
705 | tires | <tires> I was thinking I could add a thing in my tictactoe game so each player enters their name and I could use the first element of both array names as the tictactoe "pieces" | 2017/02/11 Sat 08:44:06 | tirez! |
281 | tj1 | <tj1> Where I can find list of all standart already written library C functions in linux. This will avoid me from writing my own bicycles. Is what I need? | 2013/10/25 Fri 23:06:13 | sha0! |
144 | tnurgsid | <tnurgsid> Zhivago: Did you actually call me retarded? That's not your style. | 2012/02/09 Thu 23:59:16 | fisted_ |
323 | tommy^m, Zhivago | <tommy^m> i want to make sure the user inputs at least a 13 numbers, how can i do that? <Zhivago> tommy: Hire a mexican circus midget to hit him until he does. | 2014/02/05 Wed 02:08:06 | cousteau!~cousteau@ |
188 | tordek | <tordek> rcae cnodtiions rlu!e | 2012/08/13 Mon 14:13:34 | pragma- |
68 | tp76 | <tp76> See, candide is the result of a brain damaged by too much Perl. | 2010/04/20 Tue 14:52:48 | pragma_ |
89 | twkm | <twkm> most people are too stupid to use embedded systems anyway. | 2010/10/22 Fri 15:23:05 | juanmabc |
122 | twkm | <twkm> have tons of fun, use utf-7. | 2011/03/25 Fri 09:36:01 | n00p |
336 | twkm | <twkm> you have limited exposure to life. | 2014/03/03 Mon 00:57:28 | dozn! |
343 | twkm | <twkm> all programming is complete. report to the conversion stations, so you can be made useful again by having you mass added to the protein bank. | 2014/03/14 Fri 20:37:33 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
422 | twkm | <twkm> MethylatorX: hating c++ isn't topical here. it'd be topical in ##c++. | 2015/09/08 Tue 13:25:51 | o11c!~ben@unaffiliated/o11c |
431 | twkm | <twkm> some people want an oracle where the sign on the door says chat. | 2014/09/16 Tue 23:57:44 | dozn! |
438 | twkm | <twkm> alas we're approaching the same number of words as k&r used for all of chapter 1, without any examples or exercises. | 2014/10/10 Fri 18:50:27 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
459 | twkm | <twkm> then stop worrying. the clang morons aren't any stupider than the gcc fools. | 2014/12/22 Mon 06:42:37 | jack_rabbit! |
733 | twkm | <twkm> but widely portable isn't always a design goal. | 2017/03/08 Wed 05:18:59 | naptime! |
2301 | twkm, Imk0tter | <twkm> yuck, lots of casts. <Imk0tter> i think it's faster that way | 2023/03/31 Fri 07:44:21 | nitrix!~nitrix@user/nitrix |
629 | twkm, L0aD1nG | <twkm> L0aD1nG: where does ptr point? <L0aD1nG> nowhere <L0aD1nG> I just want to assign a value to it <twkm> assign a value to nowhere? not possible. | 2016/11/27 Sun 08:37:29 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
110 | tzanger | <tzanger> as soon as you see her ass and tits though the direction seems to be only one way | 2011/01/24 Mon 13:18:43 | pragma_ |
120 | tzanger | <tzanger> it's innocent enough to start up a few, but then you find yourself a few days later with dozens of them and all kinds of locking and exclusivity code wrapping odd parts of the software, an overflowing ashtray and empty bottles of alcohol scattered around the floor | 2011/03/16 Wed 18:41:33 | rizlah |
1043 | u111 | <u111> jp, `int * foo` is stupid expression, which forces compiler to evaluate mutiplication of basic type int by some declared foo. LOL!!! | 2018/01/31 Wed 00:36:59 | jp! |
590 | Veltas | <Veltas> I say C90 because ISO much prefer it <Veltas> (get it?) | 2016/07/25 Mon 08:03:57 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
712 | Verity | * Verity is totally confused and just trying random combinations of * ** and & | 2017/02/21 Tue 20:30:37 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
670 | Veruso, pragma- | <Veruso> pragma-, welcome to the botnet <pragma-> we prefer "cloud" | 2017/01/24 Tue 13:23:35 | phox! |
391 | Vivekananda | <Vivekananda> kanetkar is suposed to be the go to book for a lot of people in India | 2014/06/13 Fri 19:55:35 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
13 | wcarss | <wcarss> "What do trumpets and pirates have in common? They're both terrible on the high C's" | 2009/12/10 Thu 02:07:18 | pragma_ |
452 | weasel_popper | <weasel_popper> If he's compiling for x64, I think using the %d formatter on an int would cause a buffer overflow | 2014/12/06 Sat 01:10:47 | CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
453 | weasel_popper | <weasel_popper> If he's compiling for x64, I think using the %d formatter on an int would cause a buffer overflow | 2014/12/06 Sat 02:08:35 | peur!~peur@unaffiliated/peur |
1140 | whatsupdoc, kate | <whatsupdoc> I wish I had time for books :/ <kate> too busy learning things by guesswork? <whatsupdoc> Someone plz just tell me | 2018/04/14 Sat 19:36:09 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
504 | whizz | <whizz> or a depth fist search | 2015/07/21 Tue 05:07:39 | marchelzo_!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo/x-2669545 |
278 | winsoff | <winsoff> nitrix: I have minimal knowledge of python, perl, PHP, and a bit more experience in java <winsoff> is a class like a function? | 2013/10/24 Thu 23:17:13 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1891 | wroathe | <wroathe> An officer pulled me over and asked if I have proof of insurance and I responded, "Yes. I know how to write Rust.", and then I showed him some of my programs and he let me go. | 2021/05/24 Mon 09:16:33 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
114 | Wulf | <Wulf> ,cc #define foo pri \n #define bar ntf \n #define cat(x,y) x ## y \n #define f(x,y) cat(x,y) \n f(foo,bar)("Hello, World!"); | 2011/02/09 Wed 14:31:41 | pragma_ |
14 | Wulf_ | <Wulf_> Why do all Pascal programmers ask to live in Atlantis? Because it is below C level. | 2009/12/10 Thu 02:13:35 | pragma_ |
644 | Xanather | <Xanather> I cant code without google at all | 2017/01/06 Fri 08:16:02 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
175 | Xgc | <Xgc> hays: Undefined behavior can be very confusing. It can sometimes feel like the position your cat is sleeping can change the behavior of your C program. | 2012/08/02 Thu 19:30:42 | pragma- |
636 | Xgc, marchelzo | <Xgc> aerbex: A common roadblock to development progress is the "everything I write is perfect" syndrome. We all tend to read our own code as we intended it to function, not as it actually does behave. You need to be honest and critical when reviewing your code. We all struggle with this. <marchelzo> except me | 2016/12/21 Wed 09:09:53 | mvm! |
580 | xormor | <xormor> he thinks the program should return 2.5 instead of zero. that means double main() is the syntax. | 2016/06/17 Fri 07:06:56 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
540 | xupicor | <xupicor> internet loves you back. even if you don't know about it... | 2015/10/12 Mon 12:57:27 | doppel! |
541 | xupicor | <xupicor> is Java just bad C? | 2015/10/21 Wed 23:45:24 | Sebastian!uid71324@gateway/web/ |
166 | yasar | <yasar> How would you profile a C program? | 2012/04/26 Thu 11:16:51 | CaZe |
645 | yumbox | <yumbox> are sigsegvs an acceptable way of closing when the user does something wrong? | 2017/01/08 Sun 09:17:03 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
648 | yumbox | <yumbox> removing the `const` from `const char *bla` doesn't give any compiler warnings, so i guess it's fine. | 2017/01/10 Tue 12:06:38 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
492 | Zack263 | <Zack263> 128 and 64 would take u over 127 | 2015/06/03 Wed 10:27:51 | CaZe!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
397 | zacts- | <zacts-> I like this paraphrase from the Practice of Programming 'a poor programmer can't program in even the most elegant language, while an expert programmer can program great programs in any language." | 2014/06/20 Fri 22:13:47 | fluter!~fluter@fedora/fluter |
2277 | zap | <zap> and btw I have the C bible and have read enough of it | 2023/02/15 Wed 19:38:45 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
61 | zap0 | <zap0> i use PHP for scripting all the time, non-web stuff. | 2010/03/27 Sat 02:28:41 | pragma_ |
263 | zeldak, pragma- | <zeldak> Hi, I have difficulty to read another person code, is this normal? What could I do to minimize it? <pragma-> have you tried a magnifying glass? | 2013/10/12 Sat 07:10:46 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
7 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> ende: Now shut up and stop whining like a schoolgirl and start to think. | 2009/12/09 Wed 19:16:35 | pragma_ |
8 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> ende: You are acting like a moron. If no-one tells you this, why would you stop? | 2009/12/09 Wed 19:16:23 | pragma_ |
9 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> ulq: Do you suffer from mental retardation? | 2009/12/09 Wed 19:46:24 | pragma_ |
42 | Zhivago | * Zhivago waits for the moment of illumination. | 2009/12/13 Sun 23:26:53 | ColonelJ |
48 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> Produce a goddamned test program that demonstrates your problem so that we can stop listening to your confused gibberish and explain what enormously stupid thing you are doing. | 2009/12/23 Wed 22:53:22 | pragma_ |
66 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> I don't know why people insist on saying binary when they really probably mean 'base 2 to the 32nd'. | 2010/04/14 Wed 10:35:10 | pragma_ |
76 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> johnny: I seem to recally you whining about how it was too big and hard. | 2010/06/29 Tue 06:02:15 | pragma_ |
78 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> An distinctly inferior dictionary. | 2010/08/17 Tue 09:48:59 | n00p |
79 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> boris: You could try putting it in the other end. | 2010/08/17 Tue 10:16:11 | boris`` |
81 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> Hmm. This mmorpg is very good. My trans-kobold robot monk is almost at level two. | 2010/08/18 Wed 23:20:23 | pragma_ |
90 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> Reading is hard, let's go shopping. | 2010/10/27 Wed 04:37:48 | n00p |
92 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> kniu: You need to ask intelligent questions. | 2010/10/28 Thu 07:15:58 | s00p |
93 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> noktoborus: Probably because your parents dropped you on your head as a child. | 2010/10/28 Thu 07:16:58 | s00p |
94 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> Do you often fuck Christs sake? | 2010/10/30 Sat 00:16:22 | s00p |
95 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> His speling has evidently improved since. | 2010/10/31 Sun 21:55:21 | pragma_ |
97 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> Is this one of those days where the schools close and let the special children use the internet in the US? | 2010/11/01 Mon 02:38:58 | n00p |
105 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> It's like trying to measure a human hair by using an angry bear. | 2010/12/09 Thu 22:17:18 | n00p |
109 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> It's not surprising that ##c++ are too retarded to help you. | 2011/01/23 Sun 19:51:21 | pragma_ |
119 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> nubnub: All that big O can tell you is how _one particular algorithm_ scales _with respect to itself_. | 2011/03/13 Sun 22:50:55 | n00p |
131 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> I wish you wouldn't fantasize about my asshole. | 2011/05/18 Wed 22:20:27 | boris`` |
141 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> Pantaloons: In any case, you're being a useless retard and you should be aware of this. | 2012/01/30 Mon 07:05:40 | GeorgeJ |
142 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> How many retarded things do you have to say each day in order to retain your retard license? | 2012/01/30 Mon 07:11:39 | GeorgeJ |
154 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> I do not understand. | 2012/03/15 Thu 23:33:31 | pragma_ |
155 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> dsturbnull: Then any retard can write a retard app without retarding up the rest of your system. | 2012/03/21 Wed 22:05:03 | boris`` |
156 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> cs: Please sit quietly in the corner. | 2012/03/27 Tue 19:01:02 | sha0 |
171 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> Enthusiastically stupid things make good puppydog but bad programmers. | 2012/08/01 Wed 01:13:14 | CaZe |
172 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> Ah, never mind -- I'm not very clever today. | 2012/08/01 Wed 02:37:59 | pragma- |
174 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> Sarajevo: Then you will be please to learn that you are a passive homosexual. | 2012/08/02 Thu 03:22:11 | pragma- |
176 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> hays: Hmm. You might want to visit your doctor and have him check you for mental retardation. | 2012/08/02 Thu 19:31:53 | pragma- |
177 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> hays: Re-read what I said, and try to think of a response that isn't complete gibberish. | 2012/08/02 Thu 19:32:49 | pragma- |
178 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> "I know, I'll convert my string from utf-16 to utf-32 when users want to select a character and copy it to the clibport, because that will be less trouble!" | 2012/08/02 Thu 20:27:07 | pragma- |
182 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> Do you have a C book, or are you just banging on the keyboard like a monkey? | 2012/08/03 Fri 01:26:58 | pragma- |
184 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> bcsllc: If you have trouble with the arithmetic, you might ask a small child to help you. | 2012/08/03 Fri 19:43:00 | pragma- |
189 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> Euthy: Most of the ideas that I have are bad ones, so finding external confirmation is very useful. | 2012/09/08 Sat 06:42:21 | pragma- |
200 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> Anyone who doesn't know what data representation they want should be aborted. | 2013/01/24 Thu 00:50:10 | pragma- |
201 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> "You are a cad! Unfit to lick even the sole of my sand nigger boots." | 2013/01/31 Thu 05:38:27 | engla |
206 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> If you're reading a byte, then you don't bloody well need to store a float, do you? | 2013/02/04 Mon 03:21:16 | aero1 |
210 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> As far as C in unix is concerned, eclipse is like tap-dancing while riding a unicycle. | 2013/02/14 Thu 06:09:10 | Vigud |
212 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> I maintain that fish are happier than lobsters. | 2013/02/25 Mon 03:39:08 | Vigud |
231 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> You can implement a stack using three eggs and a length of string. | 2013/07/18 Thu 01:34:38 | CaZe |
232 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> kanupatar: Are actual Indians called names like Baraguruswamy? | 2013/07/22 Mon 23:11:24 | Ebony |
233 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> Well, it would be like meeting a Chinese person called Ping pong ching chong. | 2013/07/22 Mon 23:14:09 | pragma- |
244 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> Tis an ill cant that uses ur like so. | 2013/09/12 Thu 17:42:21 | nitrix |
266 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> nitrix: On the other hand, you could have spent the last 10 hours being staked out on top of a fire ant nest with electrodes attached to your nipples. | 2013/10/17 Thu 22:16:17 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
292 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> Don't be upset at being accurately described -- if you don't like the description, change how you do things. | 2013/11/09 Sat 21:57:26 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
293 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> You need to apply an honest critical evaluation to what you want to master. | 2013/11/09 Sat 22:46:38 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
296 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> Anyhow, I respect that lilo died before he could embezzle the funds. | 2013/11/12 Tue 20:15:22 | edk!edk@unaffiliated/edk |
354 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> It's a kind of brain damage. | 2014/03/30 Sun 21:23:33 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
366 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> It's like training a dog, only less adorable. | 2014/04/16 Wed 19:46:04 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
379 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> Dump the children in the wilderness and see who can use trigonometry to return to civilization. | 2014/05/08 Thu 20:59:24 | nitrix!~nib@unaffiliated/nitrix |
386 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> radditz: Is it immoral to rape an unconscious goat if you do not cause harm in the process? | 2014/05/19 Mon 06:59:56 | EntropyArchive! |
394 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> cfoch: Back in the dark ages lines were more expensive because they had to be hand carved on lead tablets with awls. | 2014/06/18 Wed 07:37:36 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
396 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> Just a matter of cooling things down before you reach a critical pubescent hormone level and fuse together into an obscene mass. | 2014/06/18 Wed 20:56:04 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
427 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> Cotillion: Get a book on training dogs, and then apply the techniques to yourself. | 2014/09/02 Tue 05:56:36 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
428 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> Sounds like you're both idiots. Get a room, but avoid breeding together. | 2014/09/03 Wed 20:57:58 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
444 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> Another memeber of the subliterati strikes. | 2014/11/09 Sun 18:14:35 | edk!edk@unaffiliated/edk |
502 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> lens: Are you are native speaker of English? | 2015/07/16 Thu 19:56:34 | Ox0dea! |
521 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> I can just envision Poison[BLX] as a big black cock exalting the dawn. | 2015/08/26 Wed 18:17:40 | profess!~profess@unaffiliated/csddesk |
524 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> I suggest ignoring the two retards in the corner -- this is part of their mating ritual. | 2014/08/17 Sun 21:23:16 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
548 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> seanrdev: I recommend a different career. Have you considered plumbing? | 2015/12/15 Tue 06:34:48 | Sebastian!~Pakistan@unaffiliated/seabasschan |
578 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> lotus: y4s, jmp thx you 2 fangle wodgin. | 2016/06/15 Wed 01:50:12 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
597 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> Theads don't scale. :) | 2016/08/01 Mon 18:09:09 | doppel! |
751 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> ohnx: Or better, configure a firewall to drop them before they get to the server -- since 100% packet loss is acceptable. | 2017/03/22 Wed 20:20:13 | fluter_!~fluter@fedora/fluter |
763 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> I know that you want to do things in a completely retarded fashion -- just think about it a bit more. | 2017/04/19 Wed 22:09:37 | fluter_!~fluter@fedora/fluter |
894 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> shadowchaser: Although I do accept that you are probably intimiately familiar with pragma's penis, and your intution may be clouding your judgment here. | 2017/10/17 Tue 00:35:45 | alyptik! |
952 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> reslus: Just remember that when you write like a gibbering moron, you're just becoming a better gibbering moron. | 2017/11/30 Thu 23:04:41 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
986 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> I'm waiting for the Perl 7 book, which will presumably feature a dinosaur humping a school bus. | 2018/01/04 Thu 20:26:47 | jp! |
1163 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> dave0: Unfortunately I am not available for homosexual dating practices. | 2018/05/15 Tue 23:46:10 | jp! |
500 | Zhivago, lens | <Zhivago> lens: See -- it's a nice thing. <lens> you're a shit | 2015/07/16 Thu 19:29:07 | marchelzo_!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo/x-2669545 |
574 | Zhivago, pragma- | * Zhivago imagines pragma pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen. <pragma-> Zhivago: you should probably keep your fantasies more private | 2016/06/01 Wed 22:40:12 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
288 | Zhivago, zeno`, pragma- | <Zhivago> Green Kangaroos? <zeno`> Kangaroo should not be capitalised. <pragma-> Free the kangaroos from the tyranny of capitalism! | 2013/11/03 Sun 03:38:35 | edk!edk@unaffiliated/edk |
290 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> I'm looking forward to when you can train machines by hitting them with a stick. <Zhivago> Toast too brown -- whack, whack! | 2013/11/05 Tue 21:32:46 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
754 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> One of the main attractions of C is that it is easy to write a shitty implementation. This is why C is widely available. <Zhivago> Anything that makes it significantly harder to write a shitty C implementation is then a problem. | 2017/04/11 Tue 09:50:28 | dho! |
958 | Zhivago | <Zhivago> kate: The implication being that without that container it would become uncontained, rather than remaining contained -- the containership being a property of the container, rather than the contained substance. <Zhivago> kate: For example, a tupperware container containing water contained in a plastic bag as opposed to water uncontained in a plastic bag. | 2017/12/06 Wed 06:49:52 | othias!504e056f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. |
289 | Zhivago, Chris | <Zhivago> I always write the code before any tests, myself. <Zhivago> Then I use tests to prevent regression and also to explore corner cases for non-trivial things. <Chris> I write the binaries with a hex editor then I write the appropriate code to match it when compiled. | 2013/11/04 Mon 21:37:17 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
800 | zid | <zid> dorp: Same, gcc added a new warning I previously wasn't even aware it wasn't right :P <zid> it doesn't give a [-Wblah] either so I can't go -Wno-blah | 2017/07/01 Sat 15:46:12 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
124 | zid` | <zid`> I wasn't aware socrates was an asshole. | 2011/04/08 Fri 14:41:09 | n00p |
241 | zid` | <zid`> Did kate died? | 2013/08/31 Sat 18:29:00 | zid` |
312 | zid` | <zid`> Penis in mouth, please leave | 2013/12/23 Mon 11:57:07 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
330 | zid` | <zid`> I licked my cable once, it hurt | 2014/02/12 Wed 13:04:18 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
349 | zid` | <zid`> You could add a fisting value to your dating profile | 2014/03/18 Tue 19:35:25 | frog_sha0! |
356 | zid` | <zid`> I am noisy and obnoxious, can I get a shoutout too? :( | 2014/03/31 Mon 06:53:51 | fisted!~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted |
360 | zid` | <zid`> Chris: You're a float, I'm a pointer to char, it could never work! | 2014/04/04 Fri 18:13:34 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
447 | zid` | <zid`> Too busy listening to his mp3 player saying "breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out" to focus on irc | 2014/11/24 Mon 20:09:20 | marchelzo_! |
472 | zid` | <zid`> and 0 valid java programs are valid 0 programs | 2015/02/20 Fri 17:55:24 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
364 | zid`, pragma- | <zid`> 1 or 2 is not three <pragma-> are you going to start singing sesame street for us now? | 2014/04/10 Thu 04:28:06 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
2340 | zwr | <zwr> amnesia, also known as use after free | 2023/07/09 Sun 09:12:28 | NRK0! |
2186 | zwrr | <zwrr> the C standard insists on maintaining semantics that it introduced for machines that are now museum pieces | 2022/08/09 Tue 07:55:40 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
334 | zyxwvuts | <zyxwvuts> luckily for me, candide has never grabbed any of my quotes | 2014/03/02 Sun 00:01:21 | scrapcode!~scrapcode@ |
306 | {[^-^]}, Zhivago | <{[^-^]}> are there general purpose libraries for C to make you a bit more productive like in C++? <Zhivago> Stupid-face: Maybe. | 2013/12/10 Tue 08:14:42 | nitrix!~nitrix@unaffiliated/nitrix |
id | author(s) | quote | date | grabbed by |
2219 | pragma- | <pragma-> i'm not typing out integer constant expression even though i just typed integer constant expression just now. integer constant expression is just too long to type so i prefer to type ice instead of integer constant expression. | 2022/10/18 Tue 14:43:09 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2268 | pragma- | <pragma-> love is getting to know someone and all their goodnesses and badnesses and still caring about them anyway | 2023/01/27 Fri 22:09:32 | sjohnson! |
2267 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> another one (a famous youtuber) said i'm absolutely horrendous and disgusting. | 2023/01/27 Fri 21:55:33 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2281 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> erraaerreuuu!!! | 2023/02/21 Tue 18:23:54 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2220 | spookynumbers | <spookynumbers> ice stands for internal compiler error you goat anus connoisseur | 2022/10/18 Tue 14:43:22 | spookynumbers!~floatcomp@wireguard/tunneler/floatcomplex |
2223 | spookynumbers | <spookynumbers> pragma-: instead of asking why c-offtopic needs a c-offtopic-offtopic, maybe ask why is yetimach asking c questions in c-offtopic <spookynumbers> is it because twkm told him they were off topic for #c ? | 2022/10/21 Fri 10:14:06 | constxd!~brad@ |
id | author(s) | quote | date | grabbed by |
1769 | ^ | <^> Jesus get those diacritics out of my face | 2021/03/08 Mon 08:13:59 | nf! |
2296 | ahoka | <ahoka> Bou, I agree with "tias" for the most part, but learning from warnings from the compiler seems like the best way to learn | 2023/03/26 Sun 04:10:32 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2295 | ahoka | <ahoka> I FIXED IT <ahoka> &user_input[0] | 2023/03/26 Sun 04:08:05 | Bou!~boudewijn@user/bou |
848 | alyptik | <alyptik> why is being racist so complicated | 2017/08/29 Tue 19:32:33 | kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
859 | alyptik | <alyptik> possibly butt overflow then | 2017/09/03 Sun 03:34:23 | mthowe-!uid249081@gateway/web/ |
860 | alyptik | <alyptik> the butt can live in the heap | 2017/09/03 Sun 03:34:45 | mthowe-!uid249081@gateway/web/ |
1329 | AMDG | <AMDG> Darwinian evolution is an error touted as truth, so I'm really not going to be swayed by anything regarding it. | 2019/11/12 Tue 11:58:33 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1328 | AMDG, pragma- | <AMDG> Should addition be associative and commutative in C? Depends on what the purpose of the language C is for. If it is made for implementing algorithms, then yes. If it is made to tell a computer what to do, then since a computer is made to compute, and it must implement the laws of maths, then perhaps it should, but that isn't exactly my choice. <pragma-> TIL that algorithms do not need to follow the laws of math. | 2019/11/12 Tue 09:42:19 | dho!~dho@freenode/staff/dho |
1231 | amgarp | <amgarp> why am I so retarded? | 2019/04/09 Tue 09:04:42 | atk!~Arch-TK@ircpuzzles/staff/Arch-TK |
1907 | apotheon | <apotheon> "You will be forever immortalized by your least flattering statement." | 2021/06/19 Sat 10:41:36 | nf! |
690 | atk | <atk> I don't care if my porn is all white or all black or interracial | 2017/02/03 Fri 16:14:43 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
692 | atk | <atk> But that's not because I'm a racist | 2017/02/03 Fri 16:15:22 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
740 | atk | <atk> but I can tell you that my technique involved moving my mouse off the edge of my desk quickly. | 2017/03/12 Sun 15:02:12 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
757 | atk | <atk> jusy poyut wash! | 2017/04/13 Thu 12:48:08 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
758 | atk | <atk> so we can deportr the mexicans iliving inside you | 2017/04/13 Thu 12:58:56 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
762 | atk | <atk> the rest of the code stays MIT or whatever licensed, the whole project simply has to be distributed as GPL | 2017/04/19 Wed 11:42:15 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
764 | atk | <atk> dho: In Poland you need a bike license to ride on the roads. | 2017/04/20 Thu 11:21:39 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
768 | atk | <atk> make sure you're running genuine linux and not that cheap chinese BSD | 2017/04/30 Sun 13:35:24 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
770 | atk | <atk> dho: Of course I'm a cunt, but there's no reason to scream and shout it | 2017/05/06 Sat 10:20:24 | dho! |
772 | atk | <atk> You've fucked me in the ass more than enough times for me to be entirely aware of the feeling | 2017/05/11 Thu 12:57:06 | krok_! |
780 | atk | <atk> the foreplay comes afterwards | 2017/05/25 Thu 15:14:17 | jonbryan!~jgbryan@unaffiliated/jonbryan |
794 | atk | <atk> no, psychological problems are less scary than a misplaced anus | 2017/06/18 Sun 10:15:51 | lambda443!~propergan@ |
808 | atk | <atk> whoisxy: the plan 9 guys have reportedly even studies the usefulness of good mouse control. | 2017/07/30 Sun 13:24:09 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
817 | atk | <atk> qwename: I wrote mouse firmware and put it on my keyboard. | 2017/08/03 Thu 15:27:07 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
883 | atk | <atk> bunch of fucking second grade weebs | 2017/10/01 Sun 11:53:40 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
886 | atk | <atk> these are two pretty big fucking apples | 2017/10/09 Mon 12:21:51 | kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
996 | atk | <atk> jp: I wrote 95% of my keyboard firmware blind | 2018/01/12 Fri 12:09:13 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1007 | atk | <atk> :) | 2018/01/14 Sun 10:05:50 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1012 | atk | <atk> jp: why don't you write your entire program as a shell script inside a makefile? | 2018/01/16 Tue 12:44:09 | jp! |
1102 | atk | <atk> did the therapist touch you anywhere? | 2018/03/18 Sun 10:24:43 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1116 | atk | <atk> oh my fucking god... my fat lesbian neighbours are trying to sing like opera singers | 2018/03/25 Sun 11:44:47 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1129 | atk | <atk> why would you watch netflix? | 2018/04/07 Sat 02:04:54 | sjohnson! |
1130 | atk | <atk> ktkhkaktk kwkaksk kskok kfkukckkkiknkgk kpkakiknkfkuklk ktkok kwkrkiktkek kmkaknkukaklklky | 2018/04/07 Sat 11:15:14 | mnrmnaugh!~mnrmnaugh@unaffiliated/mnrmnaugh |
1143 | atk | <atk> it's difficult to OD on D | 2018/04/21 Sat 09:35:15 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1177 | atk | <atk> sjohnson: you should derive pleasure just from looking at women instead | 2018/06/06 Wed 15:08:49 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1263 | atk | <atk> int camelCase(void) { try { ... } catch (Exception& e) { sleep(1); return camelCase(); } } | 2019/06/25 Tue 11:27:30 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1375 | atk | <atk> inb4 sjohnson is the reason why the impeachment trial fails | 2020/01/31 Fri 02:39:56 | sjohnson! |
1458 | atk | <atk> what the fuck are you doing sjohnson? | 2020/06/01 Mon 10:46:06 | nil! |
1486 | atk | <atk> I kept her quiet by letting her spend a stupid amount of money on a new phone | 2020/07/01 Wed 09:29:38 | garp!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1502 | atk | <atk> nil: the casing is a big part of a language | 2020/07/10 Fri 09:20:33 | nil! |
1583 | atk | <atk> Capitalism is great | 2020/08/24 Mon 14:46:52 | nf! |
1619 | atk | <atk> I won a company award for it too | 2020/09/20 Sun 10:22:19 | nf! |
1620 | atk | <atk> I'm not a peasant | 2020/09/20 Sun 10:33:59 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1663 | atk | <atk> I'm writing a replacement for logind | 2020/11/19 Thu 17:08:29 | nf! |
1777 | atk | <atk> I don't have a twatter accunt | 2021/03/09 Tue 12:48:46 | nf! |
1822 | atk | <atk> It's so satisfying to descale the kettle | 2021/03/26 Fri 15:19:49 | e!e@freenode/staff/spy.edk |
1844 | atk | <atk> last time you complained about me taking too long I found the one move you didn't think of that completely destroyed your defence | 2021/04/07 Wed 04:41:10 | k! |
1847 | atk | <atk> "wack ass aggressive moves" | 2021/04/09 Fri 14:22:09 | k! |
1850 | atk | <atk> nf: you know I'm threatening two of your pawns with the next move? | 2021/04/12 Mon 14:38:44 | k! |
1854 | atk | <atk> and what's more, the two very natural seeming bishop moves seem really natural | 2021/04/14 Wed 14:20:44 | nf! |
1857 | atk | <atk> next I'll just buy an Amazon dildo and Amazon lube so I can shove it up my ass for the full Amazon experience | 2021/04/17 Sat 12:32:14 | nf! |
1863 | atk | <atk> I don't want to waste a significant number of CPU cycles running shit | 2021/04/21 Wed 05:25:43 | nf! |
815 | atk | <atk> maybe if you get the pig to prolapse, but then it would be wrapping your mouth around the rectum not the anus <atk> anyway, you can make quite good food from the small intestine and stomach of a pig | 2017/08/02 Wed 12:49:23 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1035 | atk | <atk> you shoot loads onto your nose? <atk> that's a bit gay tbh | 2018/01/27 Sat 08:43:09 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1845 | atk | <atk> let me try to do DNSSEC for 5 year olds <atk> (at least 5 year olds with an understanding of PKI) | 2021/04/08 Thu 09:28:49 | nf! |
1879 | atk | <atk> need to maybe buy a new vacuum cleaner <atk> because izabera broke the old one with her hair | 2021/05/04 Tue 14:54:27 | nf! |
1880 | atk | <atk> tomorrow the vacuum cleaner arrives <atk> I'm so excited | 2021/05/06 Thu 13:07:06 | nf! |
1873 | atk | <atk> modern day BDSM is so pansy <atk> safe words and safe candles <atk> in the good old days you would just draw blood and rip skin off and cause permanent bruises | 2021/04/23 Fri 15:21:18 | nf! |
1500 | atk, izabera | <atk> don't make her type <atk> she types stupid nonsense <izabera> today bf taught me that you can fit two dicks in one ass | 2020/07/09 Thu 15:08:34 | nil! |
811 | atk, kg | <atk> I will have my very own homosexual <kg> i wish i had my very own homosexual. | 2017/07/31 Mon 14:33:34 | atk!Arch-TK@ircpuzzles/staff/Arch-TK |
691 | atk, pragma- | <atk> if you don't care about race, does it matter if there's some all black or all white movie or whatnot <pragma-> sounds like you have gamma issues | 2017/02/03 Fri 16:14:58 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
885 | atk, pragma- | <atk> pragma-: Y IS A VOWEL IN PROPER LANGUAGES <pragma-> YOUR MOM'S VAGINA IS A VOWEL IN EVERY LANGUAGE | 2017/10/03 Tue 13:11:51 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1799 | atk, pragma- | <atk> pragma-: you don't have a wife <pragma-> irrelevant detail | 2021/03/17 Wed 13:49:07 | atk!~Arch-TK@ircpuzzles/staff/Arch-TK |
1101 | aToy | <aToy> Can I send you pms? <aToy> I'll be cute | 2018/03/17 Sat 12:00:43 | sjohnson! |
718 | badet0s | <badet0s> I think. or so I think | 2017/02/26 Sun 11:15:33 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
2054 | Bakunin | <Bakunin> buttchug | 2021/09/17 Fri 14:31:09 | nf! |
2055 | Bakunin | <Bakunin> THERE'S GHOSTS IN BATORAYZ | 2021/09/17 Fri 14:59:21 | nf! |
2058 | Bakunin | <Bakunin> thats a great line, pragma- <Bakunin> someone should quote add that | 2021/09/20 Mon 14:16:36 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1312 | beanana | <beanana> stick my dick in the ground liek fuk da world | 2019/10/15 Tue 13:55:21 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
2160 | Bou | <Bou> You guys are obsessed with holes | 2022/06/18 Sat 11:25:14 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2266 | Bou | <Bou> "wtf was that idiot trying to do" "oh wait this is MY code" | 2023/01/27 Fri 16:28:51 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2284 | Bou | <Bou> idk but "pet children" is a red zone to me | 2023/02/27 Mon 14:53:38 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2374 | Bou | <Bou> this will now be stored for eternity | 2024/11/19 Tue 00:26:22 | emanuele6!~emanuele6@user/emanuele6 |
2191 | Bou, NRK | <Bou> color is subjective, what people call "blue" or "purple" even differs per culture / area <NRK> yeah, if you're in a colorblind hospital. | 2022/08/17 Wed 08:20:46 | NRK!~nrk@2001:470:69fc:105::4e30 |
2208 | candide | <candide> You pray to the kot. The kot says, "All power corrupts. Absolute power is pretty neat, though." | 2022/09/18 Sun 13:50:58 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2290 | candide | <candide> candide is a moron | 2023/03/15 Wed 09:38:30 | raj!uid72176@user/raj |
1407 | caze | <caze> I started getting laid a lot more after I stopped using Linux on my desktop. | 2020/03/12 Thu 10:35:36 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1419 | caze | <caze> Hey, I just figured out how to clean off the last speck of shit out of my butthole using my bidet. | 2020/03/30 Mon 15:28:42 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1473 | caze | <caze> In retrospect, I probably would've been happy with that mexican one. | 2020/06/15 Mon 21:02:06 | k! |
1492 | caze | <caze> You just have to lube it up so that it doesn't stick. | 2020/07/06 Mon 13:15:46 | garp!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1494 | caze | <caze> nil: What color are you eggs? | 2020/07/06 Mon 13:44:53 | nil! |
1531 | caze | <caze> Your mom is the raw fish. | 2020/07/31 Fri 09:45:25 | nil! |
1653 | caze | <caze> I never get comics. | 2020/11/01 Sun 17:34:21 | nf! |
1673 | caze | <caze> I need two of those nipples. | 2020/12/04 Fri 03:35:44 | nf! |
1724 | caze | <caze> k: Did you know that I am an espresso enthusiast? | 2021/01/12 Tue 16:13:17 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1725 | caze | <caze> Oh. No, I'm the king of bush. | 2021/01/12 Tue 21:52:12 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1734 | caze | <caze> Yeah, I get all my news from facebook nowadays. | 2021/01/19 Tue 21:44:21 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1808 | caze | <caze> nf: Just swallow, don't gag. | 2021/03/18 Thu 16:16:05 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1849 | caze | <caze> Still waiting for nf to be born. | 2021/04/12 Mon 12:54:58 | k! |
1867 | caze | <caze> Have you ever spent $3K on something that nobody you know IRL understands why it's worth $3K, and the only people who can validate your purchase exist on the internet? | 2021/04/21 Wed 17:22:59 | k! |
1946 | caze | <caze> There's a burst of flavor with each crunch. | 2021/07/12 Mon 19:59:19 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1947 | caze | <caze> I have literally gotten stoned, and sat on the bidet spraying my asshole with warm water until it auto shuts off. | 2021/07/12 Mon 20:36:31 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1948 | caze | <caze> Just apply some gentle pressure, while getting sprayed, and that little bit plops right out. | 2021/07/12 Mon 20:38:02 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1970 | caze | <caze> I ca'tg ev | 2021/08/01 Sun 15:23:59 | nf! |
2001 | caze | <caze> I just tabbed through all the nicks starting with 'n' like five times just to relish nf not showing up. | 2021/08/11 Wed 19:23:34 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2012 | caze | <caze> nf has pretty much guaranteed that I will forever refuse to learn what a monad is. | 2021/08/17 Tue 09:01:06 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2086 | caze | <caze> I eat salad with chopsticks and a spoon. | 2021/10/05 Tue 21:29:04 | k! |
2094 | caze | <caze> chrysalis: I am a licensed cannabis user in my state. I have a medical card that allows me to carry marijuana products publicly. | 2021/10/15 Fri 16:14:40 | nf! |
2095 | caze | <caze> chrysalis: Remember when you made fun of me for having a $3300 espresso grinder? That will forever be my first impression of you. | 2021/10/15 Fri 16:54:02 | k! |
2129 | caze | <caze> Yeah well you were asleep when I put it in. | 2021/12/27 Mon 16:34:28 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2132 | caze | <caze> "Ok, I'll bite. Why does it take 5000 lines of code in 160 files to detect quotes around the word "comedian"? Since this is related to only one article, and has happened on average once every 40 days, wouldn't it be easier to just keep the page on your watchlist and check any edits to it manually?" | 2022/01/06 Thu 13:40:36 | k! |
2134 | caze | <caze> You're taking something that's a healthy way to bond with friends and turning it into a crazy destructive obsession. | 2022/01/17 Mon 11:31:02 | k!~k@ |
2161 | caze | <caze> It stays in if I clench, but I can only clench for so long. | 2022/06/19 Sun 11:48:58 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2275 | caze | <caze> Yeah, people with awful haircuts make great videos, I've noticed. | 2023/02/13 Mon 13:28:07 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2321 | caze | <caze> No I'm going to use it for projects in my life outside of computers because I have one. | 2023/05/10 Wed 09:19:17 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2358 | caze | <caze> Hey I'm dripping again. | 2024/10/23 Wed 10:19:18 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2359 | caze | <caze> I'm the king of coffee here, btw. | 2024/10/23 Wed 13:28:18 | boo! |
2363 | caze | <caze> pragma still doesn't understand that caze is a coffee purist | 2024/11/01 Fri 11:34:47 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2367 | caze | <caze> The weenis is fed. | 2024/11/01 Fri 12:12:52 | JAA!~JAA@user/meow/JAA |
2368 | caze | <caze> I'm about to feed my weenus. | 2024/11/01 Fri 12:13:34 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2372 | caze | <caze> Once a month is about six times a year. | 2024/11/19 Tue 00:22:59 | Bou!~boudewijn@user/bou |
2377 | caze | <caze> It could take me hours to decide on a screwdriver. | 2024/11/21 Thu 17:58:57 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2384 | caze | <caze> One time an ant crawled into my mouth while I was sleeping and I crunched it with my teeth, and the taste was so strong it woke me right the fuck up. | 2025/01/27 Mon 20:32:03 | k! |
2385 | caze | <caze> I don't have small orificies. | 2025/01/30 Thu 14:45:57 | tk!~tk@ircpuzzles/staff/tk |
1646 | caze | <caze> I enjoy what I want. <caze> Including your mom. | 2020/10/16 Fri 17:01:41 | nf! |
2264 | caze | <caze> I've always pooped twice a day. <caze> Once in the morning, once in the evening. | 2023/01/20 Fri 12:57:53 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1666 | caze | <caze> Same sex marriage and polygamy should be legalized. <caze> Then everyone can marry each other, then get divorced. <caze> But still be required to pay alimony. <caze> That would redistribute wealth. | 2020/11/20 Fri 14:54:58 | nf! |
1431 | caze, pragma- | <caze> pragma-: Riddle me this: So last night I ordered a buffalo chicken pizza. 9 hours after eating half of it, massive diarrhea. Squirted some on the bathroom floor. <caze> pragma-: Right after voiding my bowels, I was hungry again, and ate the second half of the pizza. Now, 10 hours later, I'm fine. <pragma-> imagine shitting your pants and floor and then going back for seconds... | 2020/04/25 Sat 12:36:40 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1852 | caze, pragma- | <caze> <pragma-> caze's grinder is compensating for something | 2021/04/13 Tue 16:17:27 | nf! |
2154 | caze` | <caze`> It's much better if you lick and suck. | 2022/05/19 Thu 21:40:55 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2199 | caze` | <caze`> floatcomplex: Is your name Aaron? And is your wife Melissa? And do you have a daughter named Hazel? | 2022/08/31 Wed 21:16:31 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2212 | caze` | <caze`> They were literally on top of his dick, and still didn't see him. | 2022/09/27 Tue 10:41:29 | Ckat!~Ckat@xn--z7x.xn--6frz82g |
2213 | caze` | <caze`> Boy, this grinder is really starting to break in now. | 2022/10/06 Thu 12:26:33 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2227 | caze` | <caze`> I'm going to be able to measure my moistness. | 2022/11/28 Mon 12:48:04 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2234 | caze` | <caze`> sjohnson: Wait, that's a powder. Why would you put a powder on your butthole? It'll dry it up and make the itching worse. Buttholes are meant to be lubricated and moist. | 2022/12/04 Sun 17:09:41 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2238 | caze` | <caze`> He's indian. I know how to deal with indians. | 2022/12/18 Sun 16:56:02 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2254 | caze` | <caze`> cousteau: You don't realize how civilized this device makes the task of taking a shit until you realize that you don't have to touch anything except for your pants. Meaning you don't even really have to wash your hands. | 2022/12/29 Thu 10:00:36 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2257 | caze`, pragma- | <caze`> pragma-: Have you heard of being gaywashed? <pragma-> i bet they would get me sparklingly clean | 2023/01/01 Sun 11:10:05 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1340 | ChoHag | <ChoHag> There's a lot of patronisation baked into languages these days. | 2019/11/25 Mon 09:32:35 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1293 | christopher | <christopher> i would say its more of a ning-ning-ning-n-n-ning-ning-ning-BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA | 2019/08/19 Mon 09:53:21 | e!e@freenode/staff/spy.edk |
2096 | chrysalis | <chrysalis> Imagine being this addicted to victimhood, that some random going "thats a lot to spend to grind coffee" is seen as a personal insult, an affront, like we share the same bank account and I'm bitching about the exhorbitance <caze> chrysalis: Remember when you made fun of me for having a $3300 espresso grinder? That will forever be my first impression of you. | 2021/10/15 Fri 16:55:34 | chrysalis!~Lindis@user/lindis |
2098 | chrysalis | <chrysalis> Christianity *is* a race condition btw | 2021/10/17 Sun 14:35:29 | nf! |
2164 | Ckat | <Ckat> abandom them right away then just let them die alone | 2022/07/05 Tue 15:46:40 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2165 | Ckat | <Ckat> if its white and creamy it might as well be mayo | 2022/07/06 Wed 10:15:29 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2172 | Ckat | <Ckat> but based on people I know from other shit countries you should still be able to get crypto through shady real life meetups | 2022/07/30 Sat 15:15:52 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2174 | Ckat | <Ckat> not everything is about penises | 2022/07/31 Sun 07:19:10 | NRK!~nrk@2001:470:69fc:105::4e30 |
2205 | Ckat | <Ckat> for a moment I thought something was running in this terminal and tried to ^c it but it was just you talking | 2022/09/06 Tue 13:29:06 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2210 | Ckat | <Ckat> extra dangly | 2022/09/25 Sun 14:17:48 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2233 | Ckat | <Ckat> you can enter through the back door | 2022/12/04 Sun 09:01:57 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2171 | Ckat | <Ckat> there was supposed to be a nice ice age <Ckat> I burned all that plastic for nothing | 2022/07/30 Sat 12:40:08 | NRK!~nrk@2001:470:69fc:105::4e30 |
2173 | Ckat | <Ckat> if you set out to do nothing it can only go better than planned <Ckat> if you plan to do something you'll just do nothing | 2022/07/31 Sun 07:10:59 | NRK!~nrk@2001:470:69fc:105::4e30 |
2370 | constxd | <constxd> WHO IS Donald Trump? For the hungry, it's bread. In mathematics, he is my solution. In history, he is my King. In mythology, he is my God. For the blind, it's Light. For me, Everything. | 2024/11/04 Mon 11:03:31 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1682 | cousteau | <cousteau> yeah the poo looks better if it's brown | 2020/12/07 Mon 10:25:45 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1683 | cousteau | <cousteau> so this chat program wouldn't allow you to send C code to other people without messing it up, but it allowed you to send different colored poops at high resolution | 2020/12/07 Mon 10:31:26 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1739 | cousteau | <cousteau> maybe if you mix cheese with water | 2021/01/23 Sat 12:26:44 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1770 | cousteau | <cousteau> pragma-: didn't we already discuss about it grabbing the original ass? | 2021/03/08 Mon 08:24:54 | nf! |
1806 | cousteau | <cousteau> Did you realize that gender is an anagram of garden if you spell it wrong? | 2021/03/18 Thu 10:57:15 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
2077 | cousteau | <cousteau> I have no idea what it's about but the text looks good | 2021/10/01 Fri 07:41:46 | nf! |
2195 | cousteau | <cousteau> pragma-: can you make penis longer? | 2022/08/26 Fri 11:44:10 | Bou!sid274843@user/bou |
2196 | cousteau | <cousteau> Bou: how dare you grab my penis | 2022/08/26 Fri 11:47:47 | cousteau!~cousteau@user/cousteau |
2258 | cousteau | <cousteau> so like, when there's a 50% chance for you to die (e.g. playing Russian roulette with a revolver with 3 out of 6 bullets), you never experience the universe where you died, because that's impossible to experience | 2023/01/06 Fri 10:13:30 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1676 | cousteau | <cousteau> it's three languages wearing a trenchcoat pretending to be one <cousteau> oh wait, that was English | 2020/12/07 Mon 08:38:02 | nf! |
1685 | cousteau | <cousteau> so "illisible" means something like "je cannot lis that" <cousteau> whereas "illegible" means "ego not able to lego that", and "unreadable" "I not able to read that" | 2020/12/09 Wed 09:14:22 | nf! |
1819 | cousteau | <cousteau> I AM OYSTER <cousteau> NICKCHANGE coysterau | 2021/03/25 Thu 08:39:32 | nf! |
1383 | d3bug | <d3bug> cloudfare does not log queries | 2020/02/25 Tue 11:42:11 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1209 | d^-^b | <d^-^b> I got pizza too <d^-^b> umm so fucking good\r | 2018/06/23 Sat 13:56:58 | sjohnson! |
2097 | deadk | <deadk> your snobbery is too one-dimensional | 2021/10/15 Fri 18:18:41 | nf! |
2099 | deadk | <deadk> the film is the sort of film where you don't really notice that it's over | 2021/10/19 Tue 12:58:11 | hardo! |
2105 | deadk | <deadk> i am a dumb | 2021/10/19 Tue 14:16:17 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2109 | deadk | <deadk> what whisky should i listen to | 2021/10/20 Wed 14:44:14 | nf! |
2111 | deadk | <deadk> you have some weird fucking complexes dude | 2021/10/21 Thu 10:33:50 | nf! |
2114 | deadk | <deadk> bass glottles | 2021/10/28 Thu 09:06:29 | nf! |
2192 | Dean | <Dean> i should just get married to a homeless person from over seas | 2022/08/21 Sun 08:30:10 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2193 | Dean | <Dean> i learn my social skills from 9gag by posting comments and checking the upvote/downvote ratio. that way i know what is correct/incorrect to say. | 2022/08/21 Sun 08:37:17 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
750 | dho | <dho> Something short like, "Hi there, I'd like to be considered for your open position <x>, which I learned about through <y>. This position interests me because <thing I like about the position>, and I particularly value <specific thing I like about the company>. I believe my skills at <x, y, and z> will help <company> in achieving your goals of <primary mission of company>. Please find my resume attached. Ki | 2017/03/17 Fri 10:25:29 | caze!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
833 | dho | <dho> i'm gae storage sre | 2017/08/23 Wed 20:28:37 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
834 | dho | <dho> hey, not my fault you suck at javascript | 2017/08/24 Thu 20:09:50 | e!e@freenode/staff/spy.edk |
875 | dho | <dho> i feel like mma / boxing / etc are this weird adult extension of "my dad can kick your dad's ass" | 2017/09/21 Thu 11:52:10 | sjohnson! |
876 | dho | <dho> i'll map/reduce you off the internet, son | 2017/09/21 Thu 11:56:03 | sjohnson! |
1270 | dho | <dho> you're wrong, but you're still wrong, and now even more wrong. | 2019/07/10 Wed 14:02:49 | nil! |
1271 | dho | <dho> your statement that it is easy to learn gender is wrong, because i did not find it easy. | 2019/07/10 Wed 14:09:31 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1319 | dho | <dho> i witnessed | 2019/10/30 Wed 10:22:54 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1330 | dho | <dho> k is superior to all humans | 2019/11/12 Tue 12:01:54 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1339 | dho | <dho> nil: 20:37 <pragma-> I LIKE TO TOUCH MYSELF WHILE LOOKING AT HENTAI OF WHAT I IMAGINE NIL LOOKS LIKE | 2019/11/21 Thu 12:45:45 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1348 | dho | <dho> me banana. | 2019/12/04 Wed 12:53:37 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1572 | dho | <dho> one! and another one is two! and another one is (me!) that's three! five four three two one it's time for some numberfun! you can count on us, we're the numberblocks! | 2020/08/20 Thu 10:03:34 | nf! |
836 | dho, Chris | <dho> i really don't like spoogler as a term <Chris> It's efficient shorthand <dho> i think it sounds like a load of semen | 2017/08/24 Thu 20:20:38 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1005 | dorp | <dorp> In that case, if I were racist, I would've called-off jp for being racist by labeling atk as a racist. But since I'm definitely not a racist, I would refrain from doing that, even so jp demonstrated clear racist characteristics | 2018/01/14 Sun 01:52:35 | jp! |
1111 | e | <e> i like meth | 2018/03/24 Sat 14:43:58 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1113 | e | <e> I'M AN ANGRY WHITE BOY | 2018/03/24 Sat 15:00:48 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1183 | e | <e> why do you even bother trying to communicate with humans | 2018/06/09 Sat 14:04:41 | mar77i! |
1232 | e | <e> i died of boredom while reading it, but i got sent back because the gatekeepers of the next world died of boredom hearing about how i died | 2019/04/10 Wed 15:51:37 | iamgarp!~amgarp@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1235 | e | <e> it's like snacking on nuts that aren't quite salty enough | 2019/04/13 Sat 15:01:48 | iamgarp!~amgarp@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1475 | e | <e> i stood on my balcony and watched it raining on all the people who were being rained on | 2020/06/17 Wed 15:11:11 | nil! |
1490 | e | <e> none of this e crap | 2020/07/05 Sun 09:20:18 | garp!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1717 | e | <e> i detest fun | 2021/01/07 Thu 14:19:08 | nf! |
1718 | e | <e> causality schmausality | 2021/01/08 Fri 11:15:52 | nf! |
1788 | e | <e> are you a mass of packing tape and styrofoam pretending to be a person | 2021/03/15 Mon 16:18:06 | nf! |
1793 | e | <e> 5 hours later: <pragma-> i move my horsey into your MIND, maaaan | 2021/03/16 Tue 12:23:16 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1809 | e | <e> yes i bet ducks drown in you daily | 2021/03/19 Fri 12:56:03 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1823 | e | <e> my gender is the feeling of relief you feel when you think you've forgotten your keys but then you feel them in your pocket | 2021/03/27 Sat 11:00:57 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1049 | e | <e> where the fuck <e> did the wangs come from | 2018/02/03 Sat 13:23:32 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1184 | e | <e> we were talking about å <e> you mongoloid | 2018/06/09 Sat 14:05:01 | cousteau!~cousteau@unaffiliated/cousteau |
1229 | e | <e> there is no perl science <e> only perl dark magic | 2019/04/08 Mon 06:02:12 | nai! |
1783 | e | <e> my memories cause me enough grief as it is <e> last thing i need is a book reminding me of all the ones i've managed to forget | 2021/03/14 Sun 09:23:25 | nf! |
1789 | e | <e> the star wars sequels were all shit <e> anyone who enjoyed them doesn't understand cinema | 2021/03/15 Mon 16:19:03 | nf! |
1833 | e | <e> oh fuck oh balls <e> oh shit oh piss | 2021/03/31 Wed 12:51:58 | nf! |
1125 | edge_hay | <edge_hay> I love penises | 2018/04/06 Fri 14:08:38 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1909 | edk | <edk> i think it's because the engineers there know that if they accidentally make a good product that isn't pointlessly overcomplicated or nonstandard or broken, google will kill it | 2021/06/19 Sat 12:00:01 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1910 | edk | <edk> pragma- what would you do if you woke up one day and you were made of cheese | 2021/06/19 Sat 13:39:44 | nf! |
1937 | edk | <edk> if i had a gun i'd probably just shoot smokers with it constantly | 2021/07/05 Mon 10:06:41 | nf! |
1950 | edk | <edk> it's not tiny pragma- you just don't understand the world | 2021/07/14 Wed 13:26:26 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1952 | edk | <edk> and i... do know very much | 2021/07/15 Thu 12:07:53 | nf! |
1960 | edk | <edk> and then nf is like, NON NON NON BAGUETTE OUI D'ACCORD LA GUERRE DE PBOT N'A PAS EU LIEU | 2021/07/21 Wed 06:18:51 | nf! |
1961 | edk | <edk> i am the zen | 2021/07/22 Thu 12:11:10 | nf! |
1965 | edk | <edk> why are both your brains made of wicker baskets and candlewax | 2021/07/27 Tue 14:35:59 | nf! |
1967 | edk | <edk> you're a defective fucking typewriter | 2021/07/29 Thu 04:58:10 | nf! |
1977 | edk | <edk> if you came home after work and sat down in front of the fire with a glass of wine and mergesort was curled up on the rug in front of you, you'd know you'd lived a good life | 2021/08/03 Tue 11:03:44 | nf! |
1981 | edk | <edk> you banned him into leaving | 2021/08/07 Sat 15:11:48 | nf! |
2002 | edk | <edk> foxes are the cats of the dog world | 2021/08/12 Thu 03:58:25 | tk!~tk@ircpuzzles/staff/tk |
2010 | edk | <edk> pragma-: you reminded me of a phrase in a book i recently reread: tonight you dance by the light of ancient mistakes | 2021/08/14 Sat 08:37:28 | nf! |
2035 | edk | <edk> responding is for chumps | 2021/09/07 Tue 09:07:15 | nf! |
2036 | edk | <edk> you're not old enough to be that miserable | 2021/09/08 Wed 14:13:34 | nf! |
2066 | edk | <edk> those who do not know history are doomed to listen to people who do know history repeating platitudes about those who do not know history | 2021/09/24 Fri 11:04:31 | k! |
2074 | edk | <edk> oumuamua | 2021/09/29 Wed 16:00:42 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2075 | edk | <edk> ok so you know that space rock oumamalamadingdong | 2021/09/29 Wed 16:01:16 | nf! |
2076 | edk | <edk> i accidentally wrong most of a backtracking sudoku solver for work once | 2021/09/30 Thu 16:13:16 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2119 | edk | <edk> will you stop doing actions that involve my bodily fluids | 2021/11/06 Sat 18:24:36 | nf! |
1959 | edk | <edk> god <edk> i wish i was drunk | 2021/07/20 Tue 05:23:26 | nf! |
2051 | edk, k | <edk> <k> i am made of poo <k> true | 2021/09/15 Wed 12:55:44 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2373 | emanuele6 | <emanuele6> approximately | 2024/11/19 Tue 00:25:34 | Scissors!~me@ |
1316 | esselfe | <esselfe> I suppressed lots of compiler warnings by casting | 2019/10/26 Sat 13:29:39 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1452 | esselfe | <esselfe> I ordered speed tonight | 2020/05/22 Fri 14:27:45 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1628 | esselfe | <esselfe> I should lock my bot in a chroot when I go to sleep | 2020/09/27 Sun 07:13:04 | nf! |
1888 | esselfe | <esselfe> I must be a noob somehow | 2021/05/15 Sat 13:38:06 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1670 | esselfe | <esselfe> I feel high man, idk why <esselfe> ...time to smoke one... | 2020/11/29 Sun 15:57:39 | nf! |
1671 | esselfe | <esselfe> I wanted a 8th server <esselfe> my fucking bank refused to pay ovh, pos <esselfe> fucking jerks, this is stupid | 2020/12/01 Tue 06:51:50 | nf! |
1462 | esselfe, pragma- | <esselfe> lolita means mexican/spanish chick <pragma-> esselfe: that's latina | 2020/06/04 Thu 13:54:13 | Remavas!~Remavas@unaffiliated/remavas |
2072 | fizzie | <fizzie> There's a spider living out there in the concave thing made by the balcony and the wall thing, we call it Frank though that might not be its real name. | 2021/09/27 Mon 12:17:19 | nf! |
1983 | floatcomplex | <floatcomplex> my butt hurts far more than my arms | 2021/08/07 Sat 18:50:41 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2014 | floatcomplex | <floatcomplex> this is some next level horseshit | 2021/08/18 Wed 15:33:13 | nf! |
2028 | floatcomplex | <floatcomplex> x86_64 is the c++ of cpu architectures | 2021/08/31 Tue 10:20:11 | k! |
2102 | floatcomplex | <floatcomplex> pretty sure the most offensive thing i've experienced today was being lumped in with donald fart by an illiterate bear | 2021/10/19 Tue 13:39:02 | hardo! |
2115 | floatcomplex | <floatcomplex> that's not an infinity symbol, that's a greek butt emoji | 2021/10/28 Thu 10:13:12 | deadk!edk@libera/staff/edk |
2121 | floatcomplex | <floatcomplex> for a while i legitimately thought unrealircd was an unreal engine mod that had gotten out of hand | 2021/11/06 Sat 19:40:12 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2125 | floatcomplex | <floatcomplex> nobody knows what the fuck they are doing and they double down on their learned dogma instead of finding and fixing actual problems | 2021/11/16 Tue 17:29:34 | Bakunin!~Lindis@user/lindis |
2150 | floatcomplex | <floatcomplex> driving 5.5 hours for a sausage is a bit of a stretch though | 2022/03/03 Thu 16:36:30 | nf! |
2198 | floatcomplex | <floatcomplex> my ass is soaked | 2022/08/31 Wed 20:39:06 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2206 | floatcomplex | * floatcomplex peed a lot of places | 2022/09/07 Wed 21:58:48 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2228 | floatcomplex | <floatcomplex> it's so cold that i just took out the trash and my tauntaun froze before i reached the first marker | 2022/11/28 Mon 17:51:50 | Bou!sid274843@user/bou |
2242 | floatcomplex | <floatcomplex> "having your computer set up just the way you like it" is an antipattern | 2022/12/20 Tue 16:10:37 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2243 | floatcomplex | <floatcomplex> i wrote python code today wherein an indexing error resulted in a fork bomb | 2022/12/20 Tue 20:06:43 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2256 | floatcomplex | <floatcomplex> fuck i hope i don't turn into a haskell person | 2023/01/01 Sun 02:12:17 | Bou!sid274843@user/bou |
2288 | floatcomplex | <floatcomplex> it takes a tough man to make a tender chicken | 2023/03/10 Fri 18:17:20 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2298 | floatcomplex | <floatcomplex> wait is this #c or #c-buttstuff | 2023/03/29 Wed 23:54:42 | Bou!~boudewijn@user/bou |
2308 | floatcomplex | <floatcomplex> pragma-: please delete my quotes off there | 2023/04/04 Tue 09:48:32 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2316 | floatcomplex | <floatcomplex> but we did have to wake him up a few times to get him to type his password because nobody could fucking type their passwords into the machine he'd switched to dvorak | 2023/04/27 Thu 22:06:55 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
775 | fluter_ | <fluter_> caze: no, fuck no retard | 2017/05/12 Fri 21:51:11 | caze!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
1296 | Foaly | <Foaly> i found that you find good pictures of butter when you search for "butter wallpaper" | 2019/08/25 Sun 08:59:37 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1374 | Foaly | <Foaly> shake what your mama forced out of her vagina! | 2020/01/25 Sat 11:37:44 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1520 | Foaly | <Foaly> if i fell from my bed, i could die | 2020/07/23 Thu 12:47:23 | nil! |
1360 | Foaly | <Foaly> we send our school children to france so they can experience the baguette <Foaly> and in return they send their children to germany so they can experience the wurst | 2019/12/26 Thu 14:58:49 | atk!~Arch-TK@ircpuzzles/staff/Arch-TK |
1105 | forbidden, e | <forbidden> hitler was a far leftist <e> as an actual scotsman, i lay claim to the fallacy you are currently employing | 2018/03/18 Sun 16:23:04 | jp! |
1061 | g- | <g-> my C book is a lot easier to read now that I got a new lamp. | 2018/02/16 Fri 17:42:36 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1466 | garp | <garp> a wave of a penis washed over me | 2020/06/08 Mon 23:39:41 | nh!~NextHendr@unaffiliated/nexthendrix |
1477 | garp | <garp> nothing makes any sense | 2020/06/19 Fri 09:19:49 | nil! |
1485 | garp | <garp> i am just throwing arrays and operators into perl and seeing what sticks. | 2020/06/29 Mon 11:22:23 | nil! |
1501 | garp | <garp> atk: motherfucker, yo should see caze and atk talking abou... oh wait, you're atk | 2020/07/10 Fri 09:11:20 | nil! |
1506 | garp | <garp> i do not need to think to talk | 2020/07/12 Sun 16:01:30 | nil! |
1509 | garp | <garp> i do not have a clean ass | 2020/07/14 Tue 12:12:11 | nil! |
1513 | garp | <garp> i am hamster than you | 2020/07/16 Thu 13:12:36 | nil! |
1525 | garp | <garp> zalt: 2 of my rocket league accounts are banned for unsportsmanlike conduct | 2020/07/26 Sun 15:29:26 | nil! |
1569 | garp | <garp> good luck kicking me now, retard | 2020/08/18 Tue 16:05:23 | taylor! |
1689 | garp | <garp> I HAVE BEEN IN GITNYPGITNY FOR GNOOEYS | 2020/12/09 Wed 12:59:00 | nf! |
1497 | garp | <garp> nil: i watch porn all day <garp> i know what sex is like | 2020/07/07 Tue 11:31:11 | nil! |
1522 | garp | <garp> I'M NOT INSECURE <garp> MY PENIS THROBS MIGHTILY | 2020/07/25 Sat 08:10:38 | nil! |
1476 | garp | <garp> a machine assembling itself <garp> so it can build better machines <garp> thats basically what life is, nil <garp> that's what we are | 2020/06/18 Thu 14:28:44 | e!e@freenode/staff/spy.edk |
1496 | garp | <garp> a <garp> t <garp> r <garp> o <garp> c <garp> i <garp> o <garp> u <garp> s | 2020/07/07 Tue 11:22:06 | nil! |
1765 | Hail_Satan | <Hail_Satan> u still mad about Jesus bro | 2021/02/22 Mon 15:24:24 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
2106 | hardo | <hardo> YOU SHIT ON MY ASSHOLE <hardo> SHIT IS A NOUN NOT A VERB THERE | 2021/10/19 Tue 14:19:25 | deadk!edk@libera/staff/edk |
2107 | hardo | <hardo> hey i just had an idea <hardo> jumping jackoffs | 2021/10/20 Wed 10:45:38 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1233 | iamgarp | <iamgarp> i only read the last 3 sentences | 2019/04/10 Wed 16:05:46 | e!e@freenode/staff/spy.edk |
1237 | iamgarp | <iamgarp> i bet hitler caused the genocide because somebody said "please calm down" to him | 2019/04/20 Sat 13:46:35 | e!e@freenode/staff/spy.edk |
1297 | izabera | <izabera> I had an idea but it was stupid | 2019/08/25 Sun 19:54:51 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1364 | izabera | <izabera> i'm naked on the bed and he's playing with his arduino instead | 2020/01/01 Wed 16:40:25 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1579 | izabera | <izabera> nf: gotta keep the race pure by stopping at the 3rd child to avoid creating more gays | 2020/08/24 Mon 09:25:49 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1911 | izabera | <izabera> don't comment on my hands | 2021/06/19 Sat 13:53:28 | edk!edk@libera/staff/edk |
2047 | izabera | <izabera> My new unicorn bubble bath smells like marshmallows | 2021/09/13 Mon 14:53:27 | nf! |
1372 | izabera | <izabera> you know what's big? <izabera> here, let me upload a pic of my penis | 2020/01/16 Thu 16:52:24 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1571 | izabera | <izabera> i want to kill every single idiot that worked on autotools <izabera> "but i only submitted a patch that fixed a typo in the ukranian po files" i don't care i want to kill you too | 2020/08/20 Thu 08:52:43 | nf! |
1817 | izabera | <izabera> like wtf no you can go play outside, here's a ball, here's a skateboard, don't come back before 6pm <izabera> i'm going to be a wonderful mother one day | 2021/03/24 Wed 04:31:02 | nf! |
1874 | izabera | <izabera> 1. e4?? e5!! <izabera> Playing against nh and he's clearly losing | 2021/04/24 Sat 14:46:45 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1629 | izabera, pragma- | <izabera> I'm in airbnb with no heating <pragma-> izabera: fill a trash can with paper and light it <pragma-> izabera: take a hot shower <pragma-> izabera: do some push ups <pragma-> izabera: wrap yourself in more blankets | 2020/09/28 Mon 08:12:00 | nf! |
2381 | JAA | <JAA> Apparently I haven't said anything ,grab-worthy yet. | 2024/12/05 Thu 13:56:17 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
785 | javaisnom- | <javaisnom-> look at more dog dicks before talking shit | 2017/06/03 Sat 12:44:29 | kg!~kg@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
787 | javaisnom- | <javaisnom-> here's her when I put it in | 2017/06/03 Sat 14:59:32 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1260 | jenkins | <jenkins> lolol watch I'll make a meme command to spam this and repeat it 5 times! xDxD | 2019/06/20 Thu 07:50:01 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1860 | ji | <ji> I have been Multiple kids in my life | 2021/04/20 Tue 02:27:22 | nf! |
1006 | jp | <jp> wtf i keep getting drunk and making new responsibilities for myself | 2018/01/14 Sun 04:40:09 | dorp! |
1009 | jp | <jp> i am like a sex offender | 2018/01/14 Sun 14:11:31 | e!e@enucs/spy.edk |
1026 | jp | <jp> "tries to wrestle k but gets a finger up the ass" | 2018/01/23 Tue 13:32:58 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1079 | jp | <jp> cat is dumbs | 2018/03/03 Sat 00:46:37 | sjohnson! |
1085 | jp | <jp> god i am too fat | 2018/03/09 Fri 16:55:22 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1097 | jp | <jp> one of my friends fapped so hard he broke his chair | 2018/03/16 Fri 11:48:23 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1098 | jp | <jp> that polish pornstar i had a crush on | 2018/03/16 Fri 12:05:42 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1119 | jp | <jp> rocks and cock may rock k's socks but words will never hurt him | 2018/03/27 Tue 12:51:59 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1122 | jp | <jp> crumble my ass | 2018/03/30 Fri 22:13:30 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1141 | jp | <jp> you people and your orifices | 2018/04/19 Thu 15:58:22 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1164 | jp | <jp> why jp, why are you like this | 2018/05/19 Sat 17:16:06 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1046 | jp, e | <jp> korans: trees are not sentient <e> right <e> that's just how humans is | 2018/02/02 Fri 14:44:36 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1063 | jp | <jp> my eyes tunnel visioned <jp> i saw goat | 2018/02/17 Sat 01:56:54 | jp! |
1018 | jp | <jp> rip <jp> i am <jp> string | 2018/01/19 Fri 18:39:28 | e!e@enucs/spy.edk |
1121 | jp, pragma- | <jp> pragma-: you really should get your butt fixed; it's a very important organ <pragma-> jp: that's a pain in the ass | 2018/03/30 Fri 15:17:39 | jp! |
2168 | Juliu | <Juliu> You guys are just cretains <Juliu> cretengs? however you spell that | 2022/07/11 Mon 13:03:40 | ncf! |
992 | k | <k> when i talk about my iced coffee do i sound like sjohnson with his saran wrap sandwiches? | 2018/01/09 Tue 19:52:09 | sjohnson! |
993 | k | <k> i'd watch an sjohnson cooking show | 2018/01/09 Tue 19:59:08 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
994 | k | <k> RafiX: don't refer to me with homophobic slurs you cunt | 2018/01/10 Wed 10:16:53 | cousteau!~cousteau@unaffiliated/cousteau |
997 | k | <k> gay is harder than god | 2018/01/12 Fri 12:23:21 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1010 | k | <k> my conviction is limp and flaccid | 2018/01/14 Sun 15:29:30 | jp! |
1050 | k | <k> I WANGT THE D | 2018/02/10 Sat 09:01:07 | e!e@enucs/spy.edk |
1091 | k | <k> god jp you are like a little kitten that i just have to play with | 2018/03/12 Mon 14:08:13 | jp! |
1112 | k | <k> someone call nine wang wang | 2018/03/24 Sat 14:55:43 | jp! |
1117 | k | * k puts the cable in his ass | 2018/03/25 Sun 12:28:40 | jp! |
1156 | k | <k> I've got nothing against homosexuals. Let them be free to do their gay thing in peace, I say. But when they start sucking my cock, then I've got a real problem. | 2018/05/05 Sat 18:00:38 | jp! |
1165 | k | <k> pragma- is like a box of chocolates | 2018/05/26 Sat 17:54:40 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1178 | k | <k> but instead i threw boiling oil out of the second story on them to make them go away because they showed up while i was masturbating | 2018/06/07 Thu 23:47:52 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1196 | k | <k> well, it shows how stupid the average pedophile is | 2018/06/10 Sun 19:35:10 | sjohnson! |
1198 | k | <k> MY SHIT kEy IS NOT WORKINGF | 2018/06/11 Mon 16:17:40 | jp! |
1255 | k | <k> hey what's that penis doing there | 2019/06/02 Sun 23:56:01 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1258 | k | * k invents khess, a chess variant where the positions of all the pawns are randomized at the start of each game | 2019/06/19 Wed 12:20:33 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1265 | k | <k> it's so tiny and tight | 2019/06/30 Sun 12:03:16 | bungee!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1275 | k | <k> feeling cute might see spiderman tomoz idk | 2019/07/15 Mon 23:33:38 | sjohnson! |
1282 | k | <k> it penised the wangs properly | 2019/07/30 Tue 15:51:04 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1315 | k | <k> pragma- has deaf eyes and blind ears | 2019/10/19 Sat 13:13:08 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1317 | k | <k> pragma-: we can make eggs together then | 2019/10/27 Sun 09:52:27 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1322 | k | <k> pragma-: you see but you do not comprehend | 2019/11/04 Mon 09:27:01 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1334 | k | <k> god i hate those snobby elf hippie scum | 2019/11/19 Tue 07:24:09 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1352 | k | <k> i found a new way to bend my middle finger | 2019/12/08 Sun 13:52:50 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1362 | k | <k> ,qalc 6.5 inches to cm | 2020/01/01 Wed 14:50:31 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1371 | k | <k> i am a mop | 2020/01/12 Sun 14:01:12 | nil! |
1378 | k | <k> my shit doesn't smell bad | 2020/02/10 Mon 16:25:44 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1393 | k | <k> i am honkosexual | 2020/03/04 Wed 14:10:37 | nil! |
1395 | k | <k> it would be nice to grab candide | 2020/03/07 Sat 15:18:52 | nil! |
1396 | k | <k> i was too busy thinking about my penis | 2020/03/08 Sun 12:05:58 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1405 | k | <k> HOYBOY COWDUNK | 2020/03/11 Wed 15:37:29 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1406 | k | <k> *fingers A minor* | 2020/03/11 Wed 17:50:08 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1436 | k | <k> i never thought earwax would be a problem | 2020/05/02 Sat 13:06:24 | nil! |
1453 | k | <k> i just wanna oh yes oh honk lol efijeofijosiejfoisejfoisjeofjsoeifjoseijfosiehg oise heofihsoeifh soeif yellow orange brown yellow blue green honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk honk oh yes oh honk fork bonk it's the end of the world as we know it and i feeel fiiiiiiinnnneeeee | 2020/05/23 Sat 03:41:46 | nil! |
1465 | k | <k> god is a dumbass | 2020/06/06 Sat 12:20:00 | k! |
1470 | k | <k> i don't see what's wrong with master/slave | 2020/06/15 Mon 14:30:58 | garp!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1478 | k | <k> garp: | 2020/06/24 Wed 12:05:29 | garp!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1495 | k | <k> garp is like a sitcom writer desperately trying to get credit for every joke | 2020/07/07 Tue 11:08:52 | nil! |
1499 | k | <k> i accidentally left my phone wi-fi hotspot on when i went to bed and was almost asleep when i realized it was burning a hole in my pocket | 2020/07/09 Thu 09:46:43 | nil! |
1517 | k | * k is retarded | 2020/07/22 Wed 11:03:21 | nil! |
1519 | k | <k> it hurts when i bend over to do something for long enough | 2020/07/23 Thu 12:43:44 | garp!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1524 | k | <k> i wish i could listen to several songs at once | 2020/07/26 Sun 10:31:02 | nil! |
1534 | k | <k> i should read mein kampf | 2020/08/01 Sat 14:56:45 | sjohnson! |
1538 | k | <k> this cryptic crossword has a lot of fish talk | 2020/08/02 Sun 11:03:21 | nil! |
1539 | k | <k> i feel like i'm looking at a giant throbbing cock | 2020/08/02 Sun 12:48:11 | nil! |
1543 | k | <k> my eyes are dry | 2020/08/05 Wed 05:23:48 | nil! |
1551 | k | <k> nh: my testicles are masculine | 2020/08/11 Tue 10:43:55 | nil! |
1564 | k | <k> poetry is gay | 2020/08/16 Sun 11:56:05 | ncf! |
1636 | k | <k> still can't believe karl urban's chin didn't win an oscar for dredd | 2020/10/09 Fri 10:53:10 | deadk!e@freenode/staff/spy.edk |
1669 | k | <k> i'm the only person she knows with good taste in tv | 2020/11/27 Fri 10:01:40 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1672 | k | <k> i took a picture making it look like i was putting a bottle of kahlua up my ass but it was too graphic | 2020/12/01 Tue 10:13:25 | nf! |
1693 | k | * k is mentally challenged | 2020/12/11 Fri 09:39:58 | nf! |
1746 | k | <k> god i need bigger eggs | 2021/02/03 Wed 13:26:14 | nf! |
1747 | k | <k> my eggs are too small | 2021/02/03 Wed 13:26:20 | nf! |
1748 | k | <k> fuck a child | 2021/02/03 Wed 13:32:56 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1753 | k | <k> don't you talk shit about morrissey i'll cut you | 2021/02/06 Sat 01:16:37 | nf! |
1785 | k | <k> le piss flappeur | 2021/03/15 Mon 10:21:39 | nf! |
1787 | k | <k> IT'S LIKE DOWNLOADING A MOVIE IN NAZI GERMANY | 2021/03/15 Mon 15:28:26 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1797 | k | <k> every time i use ffmpeg i end up on the fourth page of the google results questioning whether i'm actually a competent computerist | 2021/03/17 Wed 12:27:50 | nf! |
1804 | k | <k> i've been getting really into monster truck rallies and destruction derbies lately | 2021/03/18 Thu 05:25:21 | nf! |
1812 | k | <k> your ontology is merely a malapropism | 2021/03/20 Sat 12:42:27 | nf! |
1820 | k | <k> WHY COME IT DO LIKE THE BE IT IS DO | 2021/03/26 Fri 13:55:19 | nf! |
1821 | k | <k> they don't think it be like it do but it am | 2021/03/26 Fri 13:55:26 | nf! |
1840 | k | <k> hat on head :) | 2021/04/05 Mon 11:37:11 | nf! |
1848 | k | <k> fuck a drill | 2021/04/10 Sat 15:35:48 | nf! |
1855 | k | <k> mine is tiny | 2021/04/16 Fri 01:59:35 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1862 | k | <k> everything i've ever said in this channel was a typo | 2021/04/21 Wed 02:22:56 | nf! |
1865 | k | <k> i am vertically endowed | 2021/04/21 Wed 16:33:48 | nf! |
1866 | k | <k> being 16 is good | 2021/04/21 Wed 17:18:24 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1872 | k | <k> there's being made of human being all the way to experiencing a thousand lifes as a slice of your hand | 2021/04/23 Fri 09:00:17 | nf! |
1883 | k | <k> where is bacon smelling from | 2021/05/08 Sat 10:13:16 | nf! |
1885 | k | <k> i should get poppers | 2021/05/11 Tue 10:47:44 | nf! |
1886 | k | <k> i fuck on your mother | 2021/05/12 Wed 12:01:16 | nf! |
1890 | k | <k> and i developed a habit of walking weirdly to stabilize my head | 2021/05/23 Sun 23:11:09 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1917 | k | <k> pragma- has a habit of pointing things out about people | 2021/06/20 Sun 12:53:47 | nf! |
1920 | k | <k> i was cursed by a witch to have infinite knowledge but only at 50% accuracy | 2021/06/23 Wed 12:59:59 | nf! |
1990 | k | <k> the only meat i eat is chicken mcnuggets | 2021/08/09 Mon 15:02:31 | nf! |
1992 | k | <k> i build things that are theoretically perfect but practically useless | 2021/08/10 Tue 08:56:40 | nf! |
1997 | k | <k> he's like a human golden retriever | 2021/08/11 Wed 11:36:19 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2005 | k | <k> paypal banned me for selling livers on ebay | 2021/08/13 Fri 11:09:16 | nf! |
2008 | k | <k> i don't understand the french academic calendar | 2021/08/14 Sat 07:36:32 | nf! |
2017 | k | <k> i have important factory adult business documents to review before my people can consider your proposal to watch "crank 2" at 2 pm | 2021/08/24 Tue 11:34:56 | nf! |
2020 | k | <k> second-order polymorphisms as they relate to the banach interpretation of homostatic endoforms within the closed monadic division of stochastic polynomials | 2021/08/25 Wed 11:24:00 | nf! |
2024 | k | <k> i have never been 17 | 2021/08/30 Mon 06:31:03 | nf! |
2025 | k | <k> i don't have a problem with whale sperm | 2021/08/30 Mon 12:19:35 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2040 | k | <k> i'm bigger than that now a little | 2021/09/11 Sat 14:57:44 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2049 | k | <k> And blood-black nothingness began to spin. A system of cells interlinked within cells interlinked within cells interlinked within one stem... And dreadfully distinct against the dark, a tall white fountain played. | 2021/09/14 Tue 11:58:01 | k! |
2050 | k | <k> "bruh, when you change moods 5 times in 3 minutes, call me otherwise fuck off" - Dr. Garp | 2021/09/15 Wed 12:22:40 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2061 | k | <k> tk: i'm not a fan of backdoor shenanigans | 2021/09/22 Wed 12:13:05 | nf! |
2063 | k | <k> the point is that bad things happen to everyone and what defines you is how you respond to them | 2021/09/23 Thu 22:44:26 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2081 | k | <k> what does this have to do with running naked through fields | 2021/10/02 Sat 18:41:21 | nf! |
2088 | k | <k> i almost did /nick hitler | 2021/10/11 Mon 15:51:35 | Mindscape!~Lindis@user/lindis |
2091 | k | <k> having-epints-at-the.epub | 2021/10/15 Fri 06:30:54 | nf! |
2093 | k | <k> i bet if we put our minds together we'd be the same retarded but there would be more of us | 2021/10/15 Fri 14:38:59 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2104 | k | <k> ontology is a solved problem you fucking idiot | 2021/10/19 Tue 14:15:17 | nf! |
2118 | k | <k> wow themes wow such delight and joy | 2021/11/03 Wed 16:30:57 | nf! |
2140 | k | <k> i forgot to get ant bait | 2022/02/16 Wed 15:31:51 | nf! |
2152 | k | <k> yeah no i'm not retarded | 2022/05/11 Wed 19:26:13 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2162 | k | <k> i had to shove tourists around for two blocks | 2022/06/19 Sun 19:44:25 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2175 | k | <k> black and spic | 2022/07/31 Sun 11:18:22 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2194 | k | <k> i agree with Ckat for once | 2022/08/22 Mon 10:49:07 | Ckat!~Ckat@xn--z7x.xn--6frz82g |
2197 | k | <k> i listened to the satanic verses on audiobook and it made me feel intrigued about indian movies | 2022/08/26 Fri 17:55:45 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2203 | k | <k> but i couldn't compare my achievements to what hitler achieved either | 2022/09/03 Sat 21:52:57 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1236 | k, iamgarp | <k> i feel intellectually stimulated <iamgarp> k: because you're playing with your butt? | 2019/04/18 Thu 22:24:09 | iamgarp!~amgarp@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1192 | k | <k> i saw a video of a cum omelette once <k> it was pretty disgusting | 2018/06/10 Sun 13:38:32 | sjohnson! |
1276 | k | <k> what if we somehow monetize the chinese social credit system <k> turn it into a stock market | 2019/07/15 Mon 23:42:05 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1400 | k | <k> HEY <k> I'M NOT RETARDED | 2020/03/10 Tue 16:22:13 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1633 | k | <k> ask not for whomst'd've had the bells tolled for them <k> they'd've'stdn't've toll'd'n'tn't for thee | 2020/10/08 Thu 12:27:09 | nf! |
1668 | k | <k> thanksgiving dinner turned out to be kfc <k> no ragrets | 2020/11/26 Thu 20:30:58 | nf! |
1722 | k | <k> new zealand is easy <k> everything is upside down and everyone is pretending they're not australians | 2021/01/12 Tue 01:15:02 | nf! |
1756 | k | <k> maybe that's what i remember as the shower <k> perhaps i was just pissing in my face for fifteen minutes | 2021/02/10 Wed 12:24:12 | nf! |
1762 | k | <k> it's my left arm that hurts <k> i don't masturbate with my right arm | 2021/02/12 Fri 09:42:49 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1803 | k | <k> this track is fun <k> it sounds like not being depressed | 2021/03/17 Wed 15:42:46 | nf! |
1859 | k | <k> i have a very erotic dance i've been working on lately <k> oops wrong channel | 2021/04/19 Mon 09:00:04 | nf! |
1882 | k | <k> why can't you explain puns to kleptomaniacs <k> they always take things literally | 2021/05/08 Sat 10:06:00 | nf! |
1900 | k | <k> * pragma- falls down the stairs * <k> <pragma-> saved a bit of time at least | 2021/06/14 Mon 09:10:40 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1901 | k | <k> let me phrase it differently to help you understand <k> i'm gay | 2021/06/14 Mon 19:33:13 | nf! |
1993 | k | <k> i was trying to calculate garp's age and i was like wait what year is it 2014 or 2015 right <k> then i remembered the last seven years | 2021/08/10 Tue 12:22:47 | nf! |
1994 | k | <k> i am comfy <k> then i remembered the last seven years | 2021/08/10 Tue 12:24:14 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2027 | k | <k> i went to a clinic after the heart thing and the form was asking what drugs i had done in the past few months <k> i was like haha yes | 2021/08/31 Tue 10:03:47 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2060 | k | <k> caze: it is not normal to "epilate", express, bleach, or exfoliate your asshole <k> for a straight man | 2021/09/22 Wed 12:09:19 | nf! |
2080 | k | <k> zalt was a heavy hashish user for a long time <k> then he discovered nazism and eurocentrism | 2021/10/02 Sat 18:36:11 | nf! |
2092 | k | <k> i would never <k> respect the dead | 2021/10/15 Fri 08:27:38 | nf! |
1034 | k | <k> YOU CAN'T HAVE SEX IN A CANOE <k> THEY'RE SMALL <k> THEY WOBBLE | 2018/01/26 Fri 19:27:42 | jp! |
1157 | k | <k> let me reiterate <k> their asses <k> are _very_ nice jp | 2018/05/05 Sat 22:09:39 | jp! |
1875 | k | <k> hfhdjldlrfk <k> oops <k> typo <k> i meant fjdjjdsijdbd | 2021/04/24 Sat 14:52:56 | nf! |
1694 | k | <k> std <k> wet <k> etf <k> wtd <k> wyd <k> wtf | 2020/12/12 Sat 13:18:36 | nf! |
1278 | k, pragma- | <k> but i didn't change anything <k> it just stopped working <pragma-> that is the life of a programmer | 2019/07/26 Fri 20:09:45 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1779 | k, nh | <k> are you saying paris or penis <nh> tennis <k> oh | 2021/03/11 Thu 12:47:28 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1326 | k, NH | <k> i should've used my kosher halal vegan non-gmo fine grain himalayan pink salt <NH> >be k <NH> >have gay ass salt | 2019/11/10 Sun 12:56:41 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1361 | k, pragma- | <k> hueg like xbox <pragma-> why is everything k says so retarded | 2020/01/01 Wed 14:27:53 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1397 | k, pragma- | <k> say np if you're gay <pragma-> np | 2020/03/09 Mon 14:02:38 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1460 | k, pragma- | <k> i am schmk <pragma-> you're a schmuck | 2020/06/01 Mon 14:26:55 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
2087 | k, pragma- | <k> where do the new facts come from, pragma- <pragma-> the factory | 2021/10/09 Sat 15:45:38 | nf! |
2089 | k, pragma- | <k> <pragma-> your drugs are very powerful | 2021/10/12 Tue 07:38:38 | k! |
1040 | k, sjohnson | <k> not that sriracha sauce is hot <sjohnson> one drop of that shit makes me want to cry if i mix it with Kraft Dinner | 2018/01/29 Mon 17:45:21 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1106 | k, sjohnson | <k> sjohnson: junior soprano orders murders like you and i order coffee <sjohnson> sounds violent | 2018/03/20 Tue 14:01:45 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
708 | Karou | <Karou> I have a problem <Karou> Heb | 2017/02/16 Thu 15:34:08 | phox! |
1152 | kevin-oculus | <kevin-oculus> my cat enjoys watching moslems singing on tv | 2018/04/28 Sat 12:13:18 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1161 | kevin-oculus | <kevin-oculus> no I think pragma did not liked girls bacon girls pussy was to much pork | 2018/05/11 Fri 14:18:24 | sjohnson! |
2255 | kevin-oculus | <kevin-oculus> putin is damp rag | 2022/12/31 Sat 08:21:06 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
788 | kg | <kg> why do i even come here | 2017/06/03 Sat 15:03:03 | javaisnom-!~javaisnom@ |
782 | kg, pragma- | <kg> humans are obsessed with em <kg> penises, i mean <pragma-> penises are obssessed with you? <kg> of course! | 2017/05/28 Sun 17:36:58 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1934 | KillerWasp | <KillerWasp> where sell drinks of grape, fooling, and pineapple?? <KillerWasp> forget of fooling... | 2021/06/30 Wed 11:18:42 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1358 | koisoke | <koisoke> uncharitably toward myself, i felt more comfortable participating on here when i was confident that no matter how low-effort and rambly i got, there was at least one long-timer whose contributions were even worse | 2019/12/13 Fri 18:30:28 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1066 | krizoek | <krizoek> i've heard that there is lots of gays in developer communities | 2018/02/18 Sun 12:42:35 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
774 | krok_ | <krok_> that's the second shitty grab i've done today! | 2017/05/11 Thu 20:36:19 | masochist!sid227365@gateway/web/ |
1698 | kurahaupo | <kurahaupo> duck honk. duck flap wings. bang. duck stop flapping wings. duck delicious | 2020/12/20 Sun 05:07:49 | nf! |
823 | lambda443 | <lambda443> c++ is awesome, it's like c on steroids! | 2017/08/08 Tue 03:11:26 | Jumpforce!~alarm@unaffiliated/jumpforce |
877 | lambda443 | <lambda443> "The longest zucchini was 2.52 m (8 ft 3 in) long" * lambda443 shoves it up pragma-'s ass | 2017/09/23 Sat 11:40:18 | dho! |
1150 | Learath2 | <Learath2> now that's some furious masturbation | 2018/04/28 Sat 10:42:16 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
791 | mar77i | <mar77i> what state are we actually living in if not prostate? denial? | 2017/06/05 Mon 09:16:45 | javaisnom!~javaisnom@ |
713 | marchelzo | <marchelzo> tires that's how i want him to hold my head while i gag on his dick <marchelzo> he really changed my perspective on penis | 2017/02/21 Tue 21:38:06 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
686 | marchelzo, pragma- | <marchelzo> pragma-: wanna come over later? <pragma-> marchelzo: I'll come all over you later, sure | 2017/02/01 Wed 13:42:28 | atk!~Arch-TK@fsf/member/Arch-TK |
777 | masochist, pragma- | <masochist> "The acceptance of current society as covered in the lens of the feminist frame." < the fuck <pragma-> this is why i don't hold doors open any more | 2017/05/14 Sun 21:54:48 | krok_!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
1126 | meth | <meth> I hacked them a few times before | 2018/04/06 Fri 15:42:52 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1148 | meth | <meth> I love the jews | 2018/04/26 Thu 11:17:45 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1159 | meth | <meth> the ips didn't responds so i used namp to search the 24 subnet and ping the live ones | 2018/05/08 Tue 14:36:43 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1149 | meth | <meth> I'm not racist at all <meth> germans don't accept/have humor | 2018/04/26 Thu 15:59:25 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1222 | meth, pragma- | <meth> no. I live in both africa and asia <pragma-> meth is so fat | 2018/07/27 Fri 11:26:25 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1174 | mnrmnaugh | <mnrmnaugh> prugmu | 2018/05/31 Thu 13:42:21 | sjohnson! |
2329 | mnrmnaugh | <mnrmnaugh> your spellong is pretty off btw, cyk kurwa | 2023/05/25 Thu 08:20:47 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1158 | mort | <mort> I have jerked off more than a few times to text | 2018/05/07 Mon 14:16:50 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1131 | mr-robert, jp | <mr-robert> whats wrong with banging your sister <jp> nothing if she isn't your kid sister | 2018/04/08 Sun 11:57:47 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
858 | mthowe- | <mthowe-> thank God i identify as an Apache helicopter | 2017/09/03 Sun 00:34:30 | alyptik! |
865 | mthowe- | <mthowe-> tea is for women and weeaboos | 2017/09/04 Mon 08:16:58 | mthowe-!uid249081@gateway/web/ |
743 | naptime | <naptime> Oh, never mind. I somehow thought candide's mode change had to do with pragma-'s pooping. | 2017/03/13 Mon 06:30:25 | naptime! |
1272 | NextHendrix | <NextHendrix> i learned complex analysis | 2019/07/10 Wed 15:21:16 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1286 | nh | <nh> worcestershire = wuh-stuh-shuh | 2019/08/03 Sat 13:18:27 | Remavas!Remavas@gateway/shell/xshellz/x-Remavas |
1309 | nh | <nh> i like a nice big banana | 2019/09/06 Fri 18:04:52 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1426 | nh | <nh> i just assigned the value true to the signal penis | 2020/04/16 Thu 10:52:33 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1435 | nh | <nh> nil: do the french have a napoleon day | 2020/04/30 Thu 15:55:28 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1438 | nh | <nh> it's like they're trying to take their jaw and place it somewhere above their right ear | 2020/05/03 Sun 17:27:08 | nil! |
1521 | nh | <nh> curried to the seat | 2020/07/24 Fri 15:04:20 | nil! |
1530 | nh | <nh> back in time for tea pip pip bobs yer uncle skippety skap and scooby doo | 2020/07/30 Thu 15:12:07 | nil! |
1601 | nh | <nh> atk: BANGULAR | 2020/09/05 Sat 06:07:16 | nf! |
1634 | nh | <nh> a ngwing is just a vietnamese x-wing fighter | 2020/10/09 Fri 10:44:09 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1637 | nh | <nh> cock balls piss shart fuck and cunt | 2020/10/09 Fri 10:56:34 | nf! |
1638 | nh | <nh> i am drowning in flags | 2020/10/09 Fri 10:56:50 | nf! |
1778 | nh | <nh> tastes like foot-armpit and smells like armpit-pissflap | 2021/03/11 Thu 06:28:45 | nf! |
1798 | nh | <nh> true, false, somewhat true, quite true, somewhat false, quite false, quite something, somewhat something, BZZZT and who cares | 2021/03/17 Wed 13:47:10 | nf! |
1800 | nh | <nh> mfw pragma- asks his wife for a takeback | 2021/03/17 Wed 13:49:18 | nf! |
1805 | nh | <nh> atk: make being french a syntax error | 2021/03/18 Thu 10:12:42 | nf! |
1816 | nh | <nh> oi swer down oi'll bonk yer gibber in | 2021/03/23 Tue 17:43:43 | nf! |
1824 | nh | <nh> my IEEE1164 gender is '-' | 2021/03/27 Sat 11:01:20 | nf! |
1835 | nh | <nh> anyway time to grab my massive knob and pull myself up the stairs to bed | 2021/03/31 Wed 14:55:56 | k! |
1843 | nh | <nh> e, maybe the americans would have joined the war on time and stopped fighting when it ended if they weren't so preoccupied with spending 20 minutes pronouncing the -r on the end of words | 2021/04/06 Tue 15:38:52 | nf! |
1876 | nh | <nh> its-a me, izaberio | 2021/04/27 Tue 08:50:57 | nf! |
1368 | nitrix | <nitrix> God Haskell is so stupid. | 2020/01/07 Tue 11:42:46 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1589 | nitrix | <nitrix> nh, I'm working on a Pet Brothel hentai game >_> | 2020/08/28 Fri 07:28:26 | nh!NextHendri@unaffiliated/nexthendrix |
1590 | nitrix | <nitrix> mvm, Oh my god, 12k FPS! | 2020/08/28 Fri 07:28:46 | nh!NextHendri@unaffiliated/nexthendrix |
1792 | nitrix | <nitrix> When in doubt, , , , , ,,, ,, ,,, , , , | 2021/03/16 Tue 11:25:04 | nf! |
1908 | nitrix | <nitrix> I'm just shit. | 2021/06/19 Sat 11:47:10 | nf! |
2143 | nitrix | <nitrix> osti de criss the calice de tabarnak de ciboire de sacrament a chier de troup du cul de vache de marde. | 2022/02/22 Tue 12:33:27 | nf! |
2344 | nitrix | <nitrix> Website looks 20 years old so you know it's reliable. | 2024/03/26 Tue 19:16:11 | ponycat!sid524992@smol/hors |
1507 | nitrix, e | <nitrix> That re-enforces my point. Rust brings a few new ideas onto the table. <e> it's just C++'s ownership model formalised and bolted on to a shit version of haskell's type system | 2020/07/13 Mon 07:31:13 | nil! |
1223 | nor | <nor> i mean i always considered myself an above average gamer and this kid would blow the shit out of me | 2018/07/27 Fri 20:51:26 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1445 | nor | <nor> honestly probably some of the best ive had was under 20 | 2020/05/15 Fri 01:11:23 | nh!~NextHendr@unaffiliated/nexthendrix |
2187 | NRK | <NRK> bro, it worked on my machine | 2022/08/09 Tue 12:10:50 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2185 | NRK | <NRK> i just realized today that you can do strchr(s, '\0'); <NRK> which is just a retarded way of doing `s + strlen(s);` | 2022/08/06 Sat 12:29:23 | NRK!~nrk@2001:470:69fc:105::4e30 |
2325 | ntwk | <ntwk> I guessed Blind Sign Language. | 2023/05/20 Sat 19:39:35 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
704 | phox | <phox> maybe run a tor relay through #perl or something. <phox> because fuck those monkeys and their incompetent language | 2017/02/10 Fri 15:29:36 | vktec!~vktec@torbaytechjam/samadivk |
707 | phy1729 | <phy1729> "lets not say stupid shit" isn't that what this channel is for? | 2017/02/15 Wed 18:45:40 | sjohnson! |
1661 | pikapika | <pikapika> Maths is complicated and violent | 2020/11/18 Wed 14:52:45 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1678 | pikapika | <pikapika> nf, please excuse me if my perception is wrong but you give the vibe of a horny twink to me for some reason lol | 2020/12/07 Mon 08:47:20 | nf! |
1679 | pikapika | <pikapika> nf, are you sure you don't have jew blood in you? | 2020/12/07 Mon 09:03:05 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1680 | pikapika | <pikapika> I am not skilled enough in race to distinguish the various types of blacks though | 2020/12/07 Mon 09:18:03 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1681 | pikapika | <pikapika> Yeah k you have interesting bones | 2020/12/07 Mon 09:37:54 | nf! |
1684 | pikapika | <pikapika> My head hurts after a few minutes of thinking | 2020/12/07 Mon 12:40:40 | garp!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1811 | pikapika | <pikapika> I am not a high iq person | 2021/03/20 Sat 12:33:53 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1856 | pikapika | <pikapika> Blacks are an interesting bunch | 2021/04/16 Fri 12:25:02 | k! |
1675 | pikapika, cousteau | <pikapika> C++ is not a single language, its like a family of languages or a metalanguage <cousteau> it's three languages wearing a trenchcoat pretending to be one <cousteau> oh wait, that was English <cousteau> and PHP | 2020/12/07 Mon 08:36:49 | cousteau!~cousteau@unaffiliated/cousteau |
2369 | ponycat | <ponycat> DICKS | 2024/11/03 Sun 16:45:00 | Bou!~boudewijn@user/bou |
872 | praggy | <praggy> Its hard to be friendly when I'm surrounded by idiots. | 2017/09/06 Wed 14:08:19 | kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
694 | pragma- | <pragma-> grab me hard | 2017/02/04 Sat 12:48:25 | sjohnson! |
699 | pragma- | <pragma-> You wash your penis? | 2017/02/07 Tue 16:53:45 | phox! |
706 | pragma- | <pragma-> you'd be surprised at how many people out there are masturbating inefficiently, or even just blatantly incorrectly. | 2017/02/13 Mon 16:37:27 | phy1729!~phy1729@zsh/wizard/phy1729 |
719 | pragma- | <pragma-> jiggity bag doogity donk a donk. | 2017/02/26 Sun 11:19:53 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
728 | pragma- | <pragma-> stop sucking stallman's cock you faggot | 2017/03/05 Sun 02:55:48 | sjohnson! |
730 | pragma- | <pragma-> it's better to keep your mouth shit and bee thoguht a foool than to open it and remove all doubt | 2017/03/05 Sun 16:16:04 | krok_! |
745 | pragma- | <pragma-> byte these nuts | 2017/03/13 Mon 14:13:10 | krok_! |
767 | pragma- | <pragma-> i'm convince you're both fucking idiots | 2017/04/27 Thu 14:44:46 | krok_! |
773 | pragma- | <pragma-> DISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS | 2017/05/11 Thu 20:35:59 | krok_! |
778 | pragma- | <pragma-> i like the long one better | 2017/05/24 Wed 00:44:14 | caze!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
786 | pragma- | <pragma-> fuck that elephant | 2017/06/03 Sat 14:31:04 | javaisnom-!~javaisnom@ |
789 | pragma- | <pragma-> i just pooped the messiest poop of my life right? i mean, this stuff was just squishy mushy splurty stuff. but when I went to wipe my ass... it was prestine. spotless. not a single blemish on the toilet paper when i inspected it. amazing! | 2017/06/03 Sat 15:06:54 | javaisnom-!~javaisnom@ |
796 | pragma- | <pragma-> nope, i'm retarded. | 2017/06/20 Tue 19:45:57 | fluter_!~fluter@fedora/fluter |
802 | pragma- | <pragma-> when i'm not doing anything with my hands i subconsciously hold my penis and cup my balls | 2017/07/09 Sun 00:34:23 | fluter_!~fluter@fedora/fluter |
807 | pragma- | <pragma-> i have the healthiest prostate on my block | 2017/07/21 Fri 14:27:10 | krok!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
812 | pragma- | <pragma-> but i can feel the other half of that turd i pinched off still in my ass | 2017/07/31 Mon 15:23:29 | Tires_!40864289@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ |
826 | pragma- | <pragma-> ;;jfjtf youa afj BOY | 2017/08/10 Thu 15:07:39 | sjohnson! |
827 | pragma- | <pragma-> i did replace it with a longer and thicker model | 2017/08/10 Thu 17:20:45 | dho! |
828 | pragma- | <pragma-> I'M A WARRIOR BITCH | 2017/08/16 Wed 15:46:36 | sjohnson! |
830 | pragma- | <pragma-> WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY CODE | 2017/08/21 Mon 13:45:36 | atk!Arch-TK@ircpuzzles/staff/Arch-TK |
841 | pragma- | <pragma-> SJOHNSON IS SUCH BULLSHIT | 2017/08/26 Sat 15:08:03 | sjohnson! |
842 | pragma- | <pragma-> are you going to use it to install putty instead of putty-tray so you can support trump? | 2017/08/27 Sun 17:35:14 | sjohnson! |
844 | pragma- | <pragma-> SJOHNSON PAID FOR WINRAR | 2017/08/28 Mon 18:17:43 | sjohnson! |
845 | pragma- | <pragma-> whats wrong with a good reaming? | 2017/08/28 Mon 23:57:17 | alyptik! |
847 | pragma- | <pragma-> i have to show the world | 2017/08/29 Tue 03:59:27 | qwename!~qwename@unaffiliated/qwename |
849 | pragma- | <pragma-> i thought he was showing me your thing | 2017/08/31 Thu 01:40:36 | alyptik! |
850 | pragma- | <pragma-> i am suck | 2017/08/31 Thu 18:00:21 | alyptik! |
852 | pragma- | <pragma-> i should have just learned python | 2017/09/01 Fri 02:56:36 | alyptik! |
853 | pragma- | <pragma-> and i consider myself very good at communicating and empathy | 2017/09/01 Fri 16:06:00 | dho! |
855 | pragma- | <pragma-> BUT SOMEBODY ON THE INTERNET IS BEING WRONG | 2017/09/02 Sat 15:53:13 | sjohnson! |
863 | pragma- | <pragma-> sjohnson: i masturbate at least twice a day | 2017/09/03 Sun 17:33:35 | alyptik! |
878 | pragma- | <pragma-> learn more vernaculars | 2017/09/24 Sun 13:10:18 | kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
888 | pragma- | <pragma-> dogs are retarded and cats are evil | 2017/10/13 Fri 15:48:23 | kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
991 | pragma- | <pragma-> sjohnson: i am a suck | 2018/01/08 Mon 10:33:11 | sjohnson! |
998 | pragma- | <pragma-> FUCK YOUR GOFDAMEND APPLE CRUMBLE | 2018/01/12 Fri 12:29:17 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1008 | pragma- | <pragma-> i am a whale | 2018/01/14 Sun 13:34:59 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1022 | pragma- | <pragma-> Hey, if you're looking for a guy who has a great personality, you're in luck! I have multiple! | 2018/01/23 Tue 08:29:46 | mnrmnaugh!~mnrmnaugh@unaffiliated/mnrmnaugh |
1025 | pragma- | <pragma-> we need more sex toys | 2018/01/23 Tue 12:42:44 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1033 | pragma- | <pragma-> STOP LIKING THINGS | 2018/01/26 Fri 15:00:34 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1036 | pragma- | <pragma-> i thought peurto rico was in south america | 2018/01/27 Sat 12:41:45 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1042 | pragma- | <pragma-> YOU GOPAT A WPROBLEM WITH YM TPYING? | 2018/01/29 Mon 17:51:21 | sjohnson! |
1059 | pragma- | <pragma-> tigy? | 2018/02/16 Fri 00:21:38 | sjohnson! |
1080 | pragma- | <pragma-> i used to fap to girls gone wild commercials | 2018/03/04 Sun 19:49:54 | sjohnson! |
1083 | pragma- | <pragma-> it isnot pilot to laugh at retarfds | 2018/03/08 Thu 14:32:00 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1103 | pragma- | <pragma-> i should just toss out the pancake mix and drink straight from the maple syrup bottle | 2018/03/18 Sun 10:36:57 | mnrmnaugh!~mnrmnaugh@unaffiliated/mnrmnaugh |
1109 | pragma- | <pragma-> k: fix this pls, i am too old and stupid now | 2018/03/22 Thu 10:54:55 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1127 | pragma- | <pragma-> i wear a strap | 2018/04/06 Fri 17:31:20 | edge_hay!~dork@2a02:a03f:4423:aa00:e41f:c173:c71d:cc55 |
1138 | pragma- | <pragma-> k: you are lacking or marked by lack of inellectual acuity | 2018/04/13 Fri 14:13:44 | e!e@enucs/spy.edk |
1155 | pragma- | <pragma-> as a member of the internet, i resent that | 2018/05/04 Fri 21:42:56 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1216 | pragma- | <pragma-> my penis is function pointer | 2018/07/03 Tue 19:41:41 | jp! |
1225 | pragma- | <pragma-> atk is so stupid | 2018/07/28 Sat 14:38:49 | nai! |
1244 | pragma- | <pragma-> why not just the tits | 2019/05/10 Fri 12:16:12 | e!e@freenode/staff/spy.edk |
1257 | pragma- | <pragma-> liquid noxigen | 2019/06/18 Tue 13:46:25 | dho!~dho@freenode/staff/dho |
1259 | pragma- | <pragma-> while you 2 morons are over there congratulating yourselves, i'm sitting over here winning this argument. | 2019/06/19 Wed 12:47:53 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1281 | pragma- | <pragma-> look at this madness | 2019/07/30 Tue 15:25:32 | NextHendrix!NextHendri@unaffiliated/nexthendrix |
1298 | pragma- | <pragma-> you say some stupid things, bro | 2019/08/26 Mon 19:48:55 | taylor!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1299 | pragma- | <pragma-> pernnilumn is beter | 2019/08/27 Tue 09:25:47 | e!e@freenode/staff/spy.edk |
1300 | pragma- | <pragma-> i am retarded | 2019/08/27 Tue 10:59:40 | christopher!NextHendri@unaffiliated/nexthendrix |
1307 | pragma- | <pragma-> i'm gonna eat a slice of cheese brb | 2019/09/05 Thu 12:35:53 | e!e@freenode/staff/spy.edk |
1314 | pragma- | <pragma-> i bet i could skip that final turd across a lake were i to poop at its shore | 2019/10/19 Sat 12:42:11 | Foaly! |
1318 | pragma- | <pragma-> SOMEBODY JUST SHOTGUNNED ME IN THE HEAD WHILE I WAS CONFIGURING DHO | 2019/10/30 Wed 10:10:01 | dho!~dho@freenode/staff/dho |
1320 | pragma- | <pragma-> k: how to not be pragma-? | 2019/11/04 Mon 08:27:01 | nil! |
1321 | pragma- | <pragma-> k: you listen but you do not hear | 2019/11/04 Mon 09:26:33 | esselfe!~bsfc@unaffiliated/esselfe |
1324 | pragma- | <pragma-> muhsroom onaronolelete with hsanrhsbrowns | 2019/11/09 Sat 10:10:26 | nil! |
1337 | pragma- | <pragma-> this quote is not very leet | 2019/11/20 Wed 05:38:02 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1345 | pragma- | <pragma-> you probably put it there | 2019/11/28 Thu 09:42:58 | nil! |
1349 | pragma- | <pragma-> k is a bright lad | 2019/12/05 Thu 20:37:05 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1367 | pragma- | <pragma-> idk i guess im talking out of my ass | 2020/01/05 Sun 10:37:03 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1382 | pragma- | <pragma-> cold is better than heat | 2020/02/23 Sun 09:03:18 | esselfe!~bsfc@unaffiliated/esselfe |
1388 | pragma- | * pragma- flings his penis over his shoulder | 2020/02/27 Thu 18:41:53 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1389 | pragma- | <pragma-> brog | 2020/02/28 Fri 11:02:08 | nil! |
1399 | pragma- | <pragma-> porn is very obscure | 2020/03/10 Tue 15:59:04 | nil! |
1404 | pragma- | <pragma-> JUST STOP THINKING IMPURE THOUGHTS ABOUT HER REGARDLESS OF HER AGE | 2020/03/11 Wed 11:43:23 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1418 | pragma- | <pragma-> now that i look at it carefully i realize that my dehighlight_nicks() functions is utter shit | 2020/03/24 Tue 12:48:48 | nil! |
1421 | pragma- | <pragma-> humans are shitty people | 2020/04/03 Fri 16:47:58 | zalt__!~zalt@unaffiliated/lambda443 |
1427 | pragma- | <pragma-> once you've powdered your balls you'll understand. | 2020/04/16 Thu 12:12:13 | nil! |
1442 | pragma- | <pragma-> well i swallowed each shot | 2020/05/10 Sun 15:29:59 | nil! |
1446 | pragma- | <pragma-> i's just sayin', yo, man, let me represent, like, she was a he and now he's a she, is all. | 2020/05/19 Tue 09:36:29 | nil! |
1455 | pragma- | <pragma-> this better not awaken anything weird in me | 2020/05/26 Tue 00:11:10 | k! |
1457 | pragma- | <pragma-> GOOGLE ACTIVELY CONSORTS TO FUCK ON ME | 2020/05/30 Sat 15:23:59 | k! |
1464 | pragma- | <pragma-> i'm always untying my penises every 3 or 4 hours | 2020/06/05 Fri 13:15:20 | nil! |
1527 | pragma- | <pragma-> mspaint is to image editing what ms notepad is to text editing | 2020/07/29 Wed 12:36:55 | sjohnson! |
1529 | pragma- | <pragma-> i was in k | 2020/07/29 Wed 19:23:13 | nil! |
1541 | pragma- | <pragma-> Xu95: I ANAL too | 2020/08/03 Mon 11:23:06 | nil! |
1544 | pragma- | <pragma-> I SHOULD HAVE JUST BECOME A PAINTER OR A CARPENTER | 2020/08/05 Wed 07:44:42 | nil! |
1545 | pragma- | <pragma-> nh: the length of a function is perpendickular to its circumcision | 2020/08/05 Wed 12:52:11 | sjohnson! |
1549 | pragma- | <pragma-> variety ist he space of life, nicejf | 2020/08/09 Sun 08:56:57 | nil! |
1550 | pragma- | <pragma-> thats why catholics like anal sex so much | 2020/08/09 Sun 14:29:41 | nil! |
1566 | pragma- | <pragma-> there oughta be a law against making things illegal! | 2020/08/17 Mon 10:52:41 | not-pragma!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1575 | pragma- | <pragma-> i dont know why everyone is so hostile to me. i am a gentleman and a scholar. | 2020/08/22 Sat 18:02:10 | taylor! |
1580 | pragma- | <pragma-> nick colors are for people who have insufficient braincells to follow a conversation | 2020/08/24 Mon 09:29:53 | nf! |
1581 | pragma- | <pragma-> everything is a state of mind until the mind is out of state. | 2020/08/24 Mon 11:34:50 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1582 | pragma- | <pragma-> when one ceases to know one is known to cease | 2020/08/24 Mon 11:34:58 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1593 | pragma- | <pragma-> i'm gonna bake some ice cream | 2020/08/31 Mon 10:34:30 | nf! |
1596 | pragma- | <pragma-> i used to read playboy for the articles | 2020/09/01 Tue 16:01:00 | taylor! |
1602 | pragma- | <pragma-> how do i know so much and yet still so little | 2020/09/06 Sun 15:26:16 | taylor! |
1606 | pragma- | <pragma-> I remember seeing Dave spill a few drops of coffee while he was pouring it. He probably agonized all day about it. "Man, pragma saw me spill the coffee!" But in reality I don't even care about it at all. Sure I still remember even now that he spilled the coffee. In fact, I'm telling a story about him spilling his coffee right now. But still I don't care about it at all. | 2020/09/06 Sun 15:46:09 | taylor! |
1607 | pragma- | <pragma-> i dont think its mentally ill to reject existence | 2020/09/08 Tue 12:31:07 | taylor! |
1612 | pragma- | <pragma-> see you later alligator he said. she replied in a while crocodile. | 2020/09/13 Sun 09:11:59 | nf! |
1614 | pragma- | <pragma-> hitler is funny | 2020/09/14 Mon 11:44:15 | nf! |
1616 | pragma- | <pragma-> showers are good for the fires | 2020/09/18 Fri 12:16:40 | nf! |
1617 | pragma- | <pragma-> it kind of makes sense in a weird way that doesn't make sense | 2020/09/19 Sat 08:44:02 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1622 | pragma- | <pragma-> ignorant slut | 2020/09/21 Mon 13:51:21 | sjohnson! |
1623 | pragma- | <pragma-> its so good to eat a hotdog after 4 days of potato | 2020/09/22 Tue 21:45:27 | taylor! |
1635 | pragma- | <pragma-> deadk: i have a theory that consciousness is just a single threaded cpu that rapidly context switches between multiple brains... we're all being run by the same one cpu so we're all technically the same one person | 2020/10/09 Fri 10:51:52 | k! |
1640 | pragma- | <pragma-> my existence spams multiple lives | 2020/10/10 Sat 11:59:32 | nf! |
1645 | pragma- | <pragma-> i just tried to take a picture of my phone with my phone and it didn't work... oh wait, i could use a mirror. | 2020/10/16 Fri 16:03:32 | nf! |
1648 | pragma- | <pragma-> nf: time is an irrelevant concept when you are stoned and getting your butthole eaten out | 2020/10/20 Tue 11:24:26 | nf! |
1649 | pragma- | <pragma-> i'm trying to read "solanum" but i keep reading it as "anal" | 2020/10/22 Thu 12:28:37 | nf! |
1651 | pragma- | <pragma-> english ain't got no deep grammar, you chucklefuck. | 2020/10/25 Sun 10:41:58 | nf! |
1654 | pragma- | <pragma-> and then bam its soft and sickly sweet | 2020/11/03 Tue 14:03:55 | Redfoxmoon!~red@unaffiliated/redfoxmoon |
1656 | pragma- | <pragma-> i have all the best quotes | 2020/11/14 Sat 18:15:27 | nh!~NextHendr@unaffiliated/nexthendrix |
1657 | pragma- | <pragma-> lisp is too simple to be poorly designed | 2020/11/14 Sat 18:17:37 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1659 | pragma- | * pragma- shakes her head. | 2020/11/18 Wed 05:50:18 | Redfoxmoon!~red@unaffiliated/redfoxmoon |
1660 | pragma- | <pragma-> my knowledge of geology is sedimentary | 2020/11/18 Wed 07:42:42 | nf! |
1697 | pragma- | <pragma-> because i was 15 and super hot and sexy in a masculine virile way | 2020/12/19 Sat 12:17:07 | nf! |
1714 | pragma- | <pragma-> my computer is an extension of my body | 2021/01/04 Mon 11:04:56 | nf! |
1715 | pragma- | <pragma-> bananas are one of my passions | 2021/01/04 Mon 14:07:53 | nf! |
1720 | pragma- | <pragma-> I AM BOTTOM CHEF | 2021/01/09 Sat 12:44:17 | nf! |
1723 | pragma- | <pragma-> as a strongly virile manly man with lots of testosterone i am not threatened by another manly man slapping my buttock in a manly way | 2021/01/12 Tue 10:53:26 | k! |
1728 | pragma- | <pragma-> i only said that to sound funny to k. i do not agree with what i just said at all. | 2021/01/13 Wed 20:52:16 | k! |
1730 | pragma- | <pragma-> as a deaf man this is a big reason why i am unable to join a band | 2021/01/14 Thu 12:55:36 | nf! |
1732 | pragma- | <pragma-> mentally i am lost | 2021/01/15 Fri 07:21:12 | nf! |
1751 | pragma- | <pragma-> my womb wasn't warm enough | 2021/02/05 Fri 14:05:33 | nf! |
1763 | pragma- | <pragma-> smh my head in irl life | 2021/02/15 Mon 11:21:44 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1775 | pragma- | <pragma-> i chipped my tooth masturbating | 2021/03/09 Tue 09:23:13 | nf! |
1794 | pragma- | <pragma-> i can make green, red, blue and yellow | 2021/03/16 Tue 12:24:22 | e!e@freenode/staff/spy.edk |
1810 | pragma- | <pragma-> all my leards a written words | 2021/03/19 Fri 14:31:44 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1813 | pragma- | <pragma-> i am not good enough to play against myself yet | 2021/03/23 Tue 05:07:00 | nf! |
1818 | pragma- | <pragma-> what am i | 2021/03/24 Wed 13:32:30 | nf! |
1826 | pragma- | <pragma-> no it's stupid because i had to make myself stupid enough to understand why it's stupid | 2021/03/27 Sat 14:06:01 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1828 | pragma- | <pragma-> each step yo momma takes sends an update to the earthquake sensor in peru | 2021/03/29 Mon 09:56:58 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1830 | pragma- | <pragma-> i'm deaf wtf am i gonna do with a microphone | 2021/03/30 Tue 14:33:43 | nf! |
1834 | pragma- | <pragma-> ITS A GODDAMNED TYPE OF PIZZA U FRONK MIDGET | 2021/03/31 Wed 14:15:52 | nf! |
1842 | pragma- | <pragma-> pft i showed you both mine | 2021/04/06 Tue 15:06:29 | k! |
1861 | pragma- | <pragma-> carrot top was cool until he turned into a muscular woman | 2021/04/20 Tue 17:56:30 | k! |
1869 | pragma- | <pragma-> my master password to my password manager is just my favorite 5 passwords chained together | 2021/04/22 Thu 06:31:13 | e!e@freenode/staff/spy.edk |
1877 | pragma- | <pragma-> so stretchy and snappy | 2021/04/27 Tue 17:12:47 | caze!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
1878 | pragma- | <pragma-> I am hyper-sensitive of touches. Especially in the mouth. | 2021/05/03 Mon 18:47:39 | caze!~caze@unaffiliated/caze |
1881 | pragma- | <pragma-> $3,000 is chump change | 2021/05/08 Sat 08:27:18 | nf! |
1889 | pragma- | <pragma-> i used to go to a gay club | 2021/05/20 Thu 09:49:48 | nf! |
1906 | pragma- | <pragma-> I am somewhat annoyed now that a lot of people think I'm a moron because I've been acting like a moron in this specific channel for years. | 2021/06/19 Sat 10:40:28 | k! |
1919 | pragma- | <pragma-> you made my yellow pink | 2021/06/23 Wed 12:12:56 | edk!edk@libera/staff/edk |
1933 | pragma- | <pragma-> i've been in several jails | 2021/06/28 Mon 11:46:28 | nf! |
1942 | pragma- | <pragma-> your image is a weapon | 2021/07/10 Sat 14:04:24 | edk!edk@libera/staff/edk |
1962 | pragma- | <pragma-> you should choose your parents based on their internet plan | 2021/07/22 Thu 16:13:50 | nf! |
1966 | pragma- | <pragma-> he's pretty brave just jamming his fingers in that hole | 2021/07/28 Wed 18:53:29 | caze!~caze@user/caze |
1971 | pragma- | <pragma-> i would look great in a red dress though | 2021/08/02 Mon 05:35:10 | Red! |
1972 | pragma- | <pragma-> I WOULD SHOVE MY COCK IN YOUR EYEBALLS IF I WERE THERE RIGHT NOW | 2021/08/02 Mon 07:23:59 | tk!~tk@ircpuzzles/staff/tk |
1976 | pragma- | <pragma-> i clicked on the screenshot of the vm in my web browser and thought it was locked up | 2021/08/02 Mon 15:42:57 | nf! |
1980 | pragma- | <pragma-> မိူင်း | 2021/08/07 Sat 09:51:34 | nf! |
1996 | pragma- | <pragma-> you can be funny in a positive way, you know | 2021/08/11 Wed 11:31:46 | k! |
1998 | pragma- | <pragma-> i dont like being smart | 2021/08/11 Wed 12:18:00 | nf! |
2016 | pragma- | <pragma-> I AM SMARTER THAN YOU IN ALMOST EVERY WAY EXCEPT MATHS | 2021/08/22 Sun 10:19:23 | k! |
2022 | pragma- | <pragma-> its literally identical to what i pasted except being much higher quality and showing more of the surrounding context | 2021/08/25 Wed 23:33:52 | k! |
2023 | pragma- | <pragma-> these pictures look better than any frozen pizza | 2021/08/26 Thu 20:27:12 | caze!~caze@user/caze |
2029 | pragma- | <pragma-> its a type thingamajig like a function prototype in C dewango innit | 2021/09/01 Wed 07:03:19 | nf! |
2031 | pragma- | <pragma-> you are both disgusting and this is inappropriate. | 2021/09/03 Fri 17:27:00 | nf! |
2043 | pragma- | <pragma-> you know, one day someone is going to build a thing that lets you fall in a loop somehow | 2021/09/12 Sun 09:54:02 | nf! |
2045 | pragma- | <pragma-> i am a functioning humaning boing | 2021/09/13 Mon 11:30:35 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2067 | pragma- | <pragma-> gotta find some hooker on a street corner and pay her $20 to walk around my apartment listening for noises | 2021/09/25 Sat 08:50:18 | nf! |
2083 | pragma- | <pragma-> my mind and body connection have always been at war | 2021/10/04 Mon 15:39:01 | k! |
2084 | pragma- | <pragma-> what do these numbers mean | 2021/10/04 Mon 15:42:43 | nf! |
2116 | pragma- | <pragma-> good tamale from homemade mexican lady so good | 2021/10/31 Sun 15:02:18 | hardo! |
2130 | pragma- | <pragma-> trust me. i know big words but i use small words to fit in. | 2021/12/28 Tue 14:09:32 | k! |
2131 | pragma- | <pragma-> autocorrext is for infodles | 2021/12/29 Wed 14:17:43 | cousteau!~cousteau@user/cousteau |
2133 | pragma- | <pragma-> the rectum aborbs things like alcohol and oils very, very efficiently | 2022/01/12 Wed 18:48:24 | floatcomplex!~floatcomp@wireguard/tunneler/floatcomplex |
2135 | pragma- | <pragma-> k: I trust the internet. | 2022/01/23 Sun 10:47:25 | k! |
2155 | pragma- | <pragma-> let me be clear, you don't see any spunk or ejaculate. no semen. it's a river of light. | 2022/05/21 Sat 18:01:33 | k! |
2166 | pragma- | <pragma-> you don't have to be a misogynist to observe that the women are bumbling oafs and the men are full of virile athletic prowess | 2022/07/08 Fri 21:32:24 | k! |
2169 | pragma- | <pragma-> its amazing how content i was to live in mediocrity until i realized there were better things out there | 2022/07/12 Tue 11:54:58 | ncf! |
2170 | pragma- | <pragma-> be right brb because i'm smh my head in irl life while lol out loud | 2022/07/22 Fri 08:29:36 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2177 | pragma- | <pragma-> smaller can be better! | 2022/08/01 Mon 14:42:21 | Ckat!~Ckat@xn--z7x.xn--6frz82g |
2181 | pragma- | <pragma-> a penis is a warm gun | 2022/08/04 Thu 12:51:46 | Ckat!~Ckat@xn--z7x.xn--6frz82g |
2184 | pragma- | <pragma-> i know my erotic rights! you can't tell me what i can and cannot put in my butt! | 2022/08/06 Sat 07:53:57 | Ckat!~Ckat@xn--z7x.xn--6frz82g |
2201 | pragma- | <pragma-> women are just kids with bigger breasts | 2022/09/03 Sat 16:02:39 | Ckat!~Ckat@xn--z7x.xn--6frz82g |
2202 | pragma- | <pragma-> i used to hate math notations but now that i'm learning about what they mean i still hate them | 2022/09/03 Sat 17:34:06 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2204 | pragma- | <pragma-> i imagine the heat and pressure of my hand probably felt good too | 2022/09/05 Mon 11:19:58 | caze`!~caze@user/caze |
2207 | pragma- | <pragma-> idk i'm sure that'll be funny one day | 2022/09/07 Wed 21:59:43 | floatcomplex!~floatcomp@wireguard/tunneler/floatcomplex |
2209 | pragma- | <pragma-> imagine being sucked by hairy lips | 2022/09/25 Sun 12:44:13 | Bou!sid274843@user/bou |
2225 | pragma- | <pragma-> i rontnhwbe thwt 4j,ojo | 2022/11/18 Fri 11:35:38 | Bou!sid274843@user/bou |
2226 | pragma- | <pragma-> Ckat is a far more functional alcoholic than yetimach | 2022/11/19 Sat 11:56:16 | Bou!sid274843@user/bou |
2229 | pragma- | <pragma-> archimedeez nuts, son | 2022/11/30 Wed 12:41:45 | sjohnson! |
2231 | pragma- | <pragma-> what's updog? | 2022/12/03 Sat 14:28:31 | Ckat!~Ckat@xn--z7x.xn--6frz82g |
2235 | pragma- | <pragma-> mfr will put anything on his ass and in his car | 2022/12/05 Mon 16:50:38 | sjohnson! |
2239 | pragma- | <pragma-> i pronounce gif as gif but not as gif because gif makes more sense than gif unless you change it a little to be more like gif instead of gif compared to gif because gif sounds better than gif. | 2022/12/19 Mon 08:24:22 | sjohnson! |
2240 | pragma- | <pragma-> i'm annoyed that over 50% of the grabs are by me | 2022/12/19 Mon 08:44:18 | floatcomplex!~floatcomp@wireguard/tunneler/floatcomplex |
2245 | pragma- | <pragma-> wew, 1.7m lines added, 900k lines deleted over a 40k line codebase has sure taught me a lot about refactoring code with a dynamically typed language! | 2022/12/20 Tue 20:08:45 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2249 | pragma- | <pragma-> trying to be fellow kids is a bit sus ngl | 2022/12/22 Thu 19:55:06 | sjohnson! |
2250 | pragma- | <pragma-> i am happy with my windows 10, mostly. it is a good windows 10. it plays my games and my videos and lets me record regions of my desktop and do all the things i want to do. | 2022/12/22 Thu 19:59:20 | sjohnson! |
2260 | pragma- | <pragma-> you need to enjoy your body | 2023/01/07 Sat 09:49:27 | sjohnson! |
2265 | pragma- | <pragma-> hand me a bowel and i will move the world | 2023/01/22 Sun 08:18:18 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2274 | pragma- | <pragma-> because java is a decent language | 2023/02/13 Mon 11:16:15 | floatcomplex!~floatcomp@wireguard/tunneler/floatcomplex |
2276 | pragma- | <pragma-> WHY IS THE -C FUSTIKE JF I4 P AP PROTEELLO | 2023/02/14 Tue 12:07:13 | Bou!~boudewijn@user/bou |
2280 | pragma- | <pragma-> i once ragequit a university class when i found out they were strictly only using ios machines | 2023/02/19 Sun 15:56:54 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2286 | pragma- | <pragma-> can you two move your mating ritual to /msg | 2023/02/28 Tue 01:05:39 | siw5ohs0!~aiw5ohs0@user/aiw5ohs0 |
2291 | pragma- | <pragma-> i will fuck a thing | 2023/03/19 Sun 14:03:21 | Bou!~boudewijn@user/bou |
2319 | pragma- | <pragma-> oh no my dong is floating pointing upwards poking out of the white bubbles like a pink island peeking through the clouds | 2023/05/06 Sat 11:02:33 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2324 | pragma- | <pragma-> i don't believe in gravity. i'm not falling for that! | 2023/05/17 Wed 20:05:04 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2332 | pragma- | <pragma-> ok im gonnamporkchop mriri skfut to soapy paradise bbl | 2023/06/08 Thu 09:30:23 | Bou!~boudewijn@user/bou |
2343 | pragma- | <pragma-> the things you don't miss until you realize they exist... | 2024/03/17 Sun 03:54:18 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2354 | pragma- | <pragma-> blud i'm based and bussin' fr fr, cookin' in 4k, no clapback, dab on you with dank memes, wearing sick drip, ded, don't be extra on my flex, trying to gatekeep my glowup, i am the goat, i just hit different, ok boomer, netflix and chill, ong, salty about my skibidi, i got the rizz, secure the bag, slayed, bit sus tbh, touch grass, i understood the assignment and passed the vibe check, uwu | 2024/06/28 Fri 17:57:32 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2356 | pragma- | <pragma-> "pragma, use this to cut up your turds from now on" | 2024/09/20 Fri 12:40:36 | JAA!~JAA@user/meow/JAA |
2364 | pragma- | <pragma-> i am officially old now | 2024/11/01 Fri 11:47:57 | JAA!~JAA@user/meow/JAA |
2365 | pragma- | <pragma-> my poop is extremely personal | 2024/11/01 Fri 11:57:56 | k! |
2379 | pragma- | <pragma-> i had to learn arcane linux commands to do it | 2024/12/03 Tue 01:02:55 | caze!~caze@user/caze |
2380 | pragma- | <pragma-> yes, i pressed the e but it didn't go all the way in | 2024/12/03 Tue 17:26:39 | caze!~caze@user/caze |
2382 | pragma- | <pragma-> just flashing gapps now | 2024/12/05 Thu 20:15:16 | caze!~caze@user/caze |
766 | pragma-, atk | <pragma-> I think kate looks good with a beard. <atk> Beardho > Shavedho | 2017/04/21 Fri 10:46:42 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
2366 | pragma-, Bou | <pragma-> they want my dna to build a clone army of me <Bou> if there's only a tiny chance of that being true, PLEASE don't send it | 2024/11/01 Fri 12:12:20 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1346 | pragma-, ChoHag | <pragma-> when you die, jesus christ is going to spank you <ChoHag> There are people who will become believers for a promise like that. | 2019/11/28 Thu 09:45:13 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
2217 | pragma-, Ckat | <pragma-> is that your mom's onlyfans name <Ckat> shes only just started using email, give it some time | 2022/10/18 Tue 12:27:29 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1837 | pragma-, dho | <pragma-> i had sex in an empty classroom on the teacher's desk once <dho> alone | 2021/04/01 Thu 09:05:19 | nf! |
2053 | pragma-, edk | <pragma-> phish food is so good but i can only eat like a spoon per few hours <edk> /r/americanproblems | 2021/09/16 Thu 14:10:32 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1825 | pragma-, Hail_Satan | <pragma-> hail satin <Hail_Satan> prince of softness | 2021/03/27 Sat 11:15:45 | nf! |
1665 | pragma-, izabera | <pragma-> izabera: fafanculu! <izabera> that was odd | 2020/11/20 Fri 11:02:18 | nf! |
1742 | pragma-, k | <pragma-> horizontal and vertical <k> bisexual lines | 2021/01/24 Sun 15:22:36 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
2153 | pragma-, k | <pragma-> k <k> what <pragma-> i was washing my body and my eyes had to stare somewhere, right? <pragma-> i was absent mindedly washing my penis while staring at your nick on my propped up tablet | 2022/05/13 Fri 16:39:11 | k! |
1447 | pragma-, nh | <pragma-> <nh> nil's idea of a hotpocket | 2020/05/19 Tue 15:26:44 | k! |
687 | pragma- | <pragma-> the fuck is wrong with you <pragma-> this channel doesn't mean you can move C discussion here | 2017/02/01 Wed 18:19:48 | phox! |
882 | pragma- | <pragma-> throwing up on people is fine. <pragma-> being thrown up on is disgusting. | 2017/09/30 Sat 11:15:21 | kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
1023 | pragma- | <pragma-> i just inject the cookie dough <pragma-> right into my anus | 2018/01/23 Tue 10:40:44 | Learath2!~learath2@unaffiliated/learath2 |
1039 | pragma- | <pragma-> i use cygwin <pragma-> it is just like sshing into linux | 2018/01/29 Mon 15:11:47 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1041 | pragma- | <pragma-> c is alright <pragma-> but it doesnt have classes | 2018/01/29 Mon 17:47:27 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1060 | pragma- | <pragma-> welp <pragma-> i think my penis got smaller | 2018/02/16 Fri 12:28:08 | jp! |
1075 | pragma- | <pragma-> i have gained weight <pragma-> and my penis has shrunk | 2018/02/26 Mon 12:05:36 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1081 | pragma- | <pragma-> i once tried to have anal sex <pragma-> but i couldn't fit my whole butt in their vagina | 2018/03/07 Wed 13:52:55 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1136 | pragma- | <pragma-> hey <pragma-> the snoogie is boogie with the woogie | 2018/04/12 Thu 16:38:26 | sjohnson! |
1199 | pragma- | <pragma-> k has the unique talent of being able to dumb himself down in order to understand what morons could be thinking <pragma-> k: quick, tell me what i'm thinking | 2018/06/13 Wed 12:04:28 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1207 | pragma- | <pragma-> if i could bottle my farts and spritz them with a spray, that would be fantastic <pragma-> everybody would enjoy essence au de promga | 2018/06/22 Fri 23:59:46 | sjohnson! |
1243 | pragma- | <pragma-> english is like <pragma-> php | 2019/05/09 Thu 14:32:48 | nil! |
1251 | pragma- | <pragma-> there is ntohing good on the internet today <pragma-> i'mg oing to take a bath | 2019/05/22 Wed 13:18:51 | nil! |
1280 | pragma- | <pragma-> y'all having stroke <pragma-> stroooooke | 2019/07/30 Tue 15:25:02 | e!e@freenode/staff/spy.edk |
1363 | pragma- | <pragma-> i can smell poop on my thumb <pragma-> i'm kind of enjoying sniffing my thumb tho | 2020/01/01 Wed 15:26:34 | nil! |
1380 | pragma- | <pragma-> this code is retarded * pragma- drools | 2020/02/14 Fri 20:02:24 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1561 | pragma- | <pragma-> only morons buy laptops <pragma-> i'd rather buy a tablet | 2020/08/13 Thu 12:10:37 | nil! |
1574 | pragma- | <pragma-> i am allowed to mock you <pragma-> even if i'm wrong | 2020/08/22 Sat 08:16:25 | nf! |
1591 | pragma- | <pragma-> i dont like saying the h word tho <pragma-> it makes me feel queer | 2020/08/30 Sun 07:35:40 | nf! |
1677 | pragma- | <pragma-> i took a picture of my penis on my phone once <pragma-> and i showed it to my uncle | 2020/12/07 Mon 08:46:54 | nf! |
1705 | pragma- | <pragma-> and i was thinking to myself "huh thats an interesting braiding on that cat5 cable" <pragma-> then i realized its the arm of the chair | 2020/12/29 Tue 13:43:12 | nf! |
1726 | pragma- | <pragma-> dofjasdfo afj teh fdja dfja oefja fja <pragma-> er, the | 2021/01/13 Wed 10:06:57 | nf! |
1745 | pragma- | <pragma-> california, missouri, new york, georgia, florida <pragma-> by american standards i am a well-traveled cultured worldly person | 2021/02/03 Wed 04:47:30 | nf! |
1752 | pragma- | <pragma-> i have seen so many good movies <pragma-> i have lived a full life | 2021/02/05 Fri 17:19:21 | k! |
1772 | pragma- | <pragma-> outdoor painting is fun <pragma-> actually fuck painting | 2021/03/09 Tue 08:45:11 | nf! |
1773 | pragma- | <pragma-> should have become a landscaper <pragma-> riding lawn mowers, planting flowers, rearranging hills | 2021/03/09 Tue 08:45:37 | nf! |
1831 | pragma- | <pragma-> be in a movie theater. mouth-speaker goes "buh buh buh" and everyone goes "sssshhhhh!!!" <pragma-> deaf-speaker goes "sign sign sign" and everyone goes "neat movie" | 2021/03/30 Tue 14:42:05 | nf! |
1841 | pragma- | <pragma-> why are you smarter than me <pragma-> knock it off | 2021/04/06 Tue 13:53:57 | nf! |
1864 | pragma- | <pragma-> it is the twenty and one of the month of ape in the year of our lord twenty and one <pragma-> the wedness of day | 2021/04/21 Wed 13:15:58 | nf! |
1868 | pragma- | <pragma-> i was gonna say something <pragma-> but it was retarded | 2021/04/21 Wed 17:40:42 | nf! |
1894 | pragma- | <pragma-> all the time i walk past "keep out!" signs without paying them any mind <pragma-> i extend this to software licenses | 2021/05/29 Sat 10:35:13 | k! |
1898 | pragma- | <pragma-> now i want to completely rewrite candide in perl 6 <pragma-> i must be insane | 2021/06/10 Thu 11:18:24 | nf! |
1914 | pragma- | <pragma-> i should probably grab the communist one in front if it for extra luls <pragma-> the universe made us from star dust, we should work together to create wondrous things for the universe! | 2021/06/20 Sun 10:49:59 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1953 | pragma- | <pragma-> i've seen it like 4 or 5 times <pragma-> it's not really my favorite movie | 2021/07/15 Thu 12:35:57 | nf! |
1978 | pragma- | <pragma-> my life would be different if my birth language was japanese instead of retardese <pragma-> i am a babbling retard, look at me | 2021/08/03 Tue 17:24:15 | nf! |
2011 | pragma- | <pragma-> this is one of my great fears about visiting an asian country <pragma-> like i might be groaning as i get up and someone thinks i just insulted their heritage | 2021/08/14 Sat 08:41:44 | nf! |
2013 | pragma- | <pragma-> /everything/ causes perl to parse differently <pragma-> if you sneeze while it's parsing, it'll switch contexts | 2021/08/18 Wed 07:56:42 | nf! |
2019 | pragma- | <pragma-> i was diagnosed with adhd as a kid <pragma-> but i never paid attention to them | 2021/08/25 Wed 11:19:29 | nf! |
2030 | pragma- | <pragma-> i hate it when trolls team up against me <pragma-> its so unfair | 2021/09/02 Thu 10:23:16 | nf! |
2123 | pragma- | <pragma-> i enjoyed that swirl <pragma-> i enjoyed molesting it | 2021/11/09 Tue 10:56:46 | k! |
2176 | pragma- | <pragma-> lol i am huntband pevkingnwith one finger in 55he bathtub <pragma-> the bablet is low on battery | 2022/08/01 Mon 10:13:33 | Ckat!~Ckat@xn--z7x.xn--6frz82g |
2180 | pragma- | <pragma-> this is shit. * pragma- reverts. | 2022/08/03 Wed 11:23:49 | Ckat!~Ckat@xn--z7x.xn--6frz82g |
2221 | pragma- | <pragma-> fuck me <pragma-> i am an ass man | 2022/10/19 Wed 10:13:29 | Ckat!~Ckat@xn--z7x.xn--6frz82g |
2315 | pragma- | <pragma-> take away the schools and books and watch how quickly humans themselves turn into poop flinging baboons <pragma-> hell, even with the addition of schools and books, plenty of humans are still just poop flinging baboons except their poop is made out of words | 2023/04/25 Tue 09:33:43 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1004 | pragma- | <pragma-> OH MY GOD <pragma-> I AM GOING TO EXPLODE FROM MY ASS <pragma-> BRB | 2018/01/13 Sat 17:33:16 | jp! |
1020 | pragma- | <pragma-> I DONT EVEN CARE <pragma-> la la la <pragma-> ^ me not caring | 2018/01/21 Sun 10:42:46 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1087 | pragma- | <pragma-> i am smooth <pragma-> and vigorous <pragma-> i am rubbing my nipples | 2018/03/10 Sat 09:02:11 | jp! |
1153 | pragma- | <pragma-> *<|:-) <pragma-> thats a smiley <pragma-> with a birthday hat | 2018/04/30 Mon 12:13:03 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1181 | pragma- | <pragma-> because he has a deep-seated paranoid fear of himself getting busted <pragma-> he wants to be prepared and know what to say <pragma-> he's studying how they got busted so he can avoid it | 2018/06/08 Fri 12:04:18 | sjohnson! |
1193 | pragma- | <pragma-> i saw them put the cum in the frying pan <pragma-> and i closed it <pragma-> i wasn't about to see them scramble the cum | 2018/06/10 Sun 13:39:18 | sjohnson! |
1434 | pragma- | <pragma-> i have weighed my balls and my penis <pragma-> i have a scale <pragma-> i rested my nuts on the scale and noted the result | 2020/04/30 Thu 13:39:36 | nil! |
1546 | pragma- | <pragma-> everything you say gets me mad <pragma-> until i think about it for 5 minutes <pragma-> and realize you're right | 2020/08/05 Wed 14:54:27 | nil! |
1565 | pragma- | <pragma-> do you ever take a poop that looks like a dried up grape? <pragma-> i'm sorry, i tried to stop my fingers from typing that. <pragma-> sometimes i wish i could take messages back. | 2020/08/17 Mon 09:30:17 | ncf! |
1632 | pragma- | <pragma-> red baron special deluxe pizza thin crust <pragma-> its a fine pizza <pragma-> at a fine price | 2020/10/06 Tue 10:29:55 | nf! |
2006 | pragma- | <pragma-> my other senses are heightened to compensate for my complete lack of a whole sense <pragma-> right? <pragma-> or am i just retarded | 2021/08/13 Fri 12:12:51 | nf! |
2041 | pragma- | <pragma-> k: the interview with james franco <pragma-> k: i should rephrase <pragma-> k: "The Interview", starring James Franco. | 2021/09/12 Sun 08:17:01 | nf! |
2052 | pragma- | <pragma-> on the internet anybody could be a dog <pragma-> you never know what people's dogs are doing while their owners are at work <pragma-> they probably browse web and troll on irc | 2021/09/16 Thu 13:51:40 | nf! |
1139 | pragma-, k | <pragma-> it'd probably be easier to just kill all the mexicans on mars instead. there'll be what, 3 or 4? <pragma-> but then <pragma-> they wont have tacos <k> fake tacos are fine | 2018/04/13 Fri 22:32:35 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1592 | pragma- | <pragma-> just when i think i'm starting to understand something comfortably, when i'm starting to feel like "yep, i know how this works and why it works like this..." ... BOOM, i read some blog post or an article and suddenly i realize there is so much more to the thing... there are alternative theories and methods and ways of doing things... <pragma-> it's like child-you spent considerable time and effort mapping and charting every last corner and crevice in your crib only to be taken out of the crib and placed on the bedroom floor... then you chart and map your entire bedroom and you think you understand your world... and then somebody opens the bedroom door... "holy shit, that door opens!" and now you're exploring the house... and you <pragma-> haven't even found the front door to the outside yet... <pragma-> then you go outside and you learn about baseball and you start playing baseball and you think you understand the sport... then you learn that people play baseball differently in other places and they call it cricket... | 2020/08/31 Mon 10:20:58 | nf! |
2056 | pragma- | <pragma-> SOMEONE IS MAKING FUN OF MY WIFI <pragma-> my wifi name is Pork and Beans <pragma-> their wifi is Mac and Cheese <pragma-> my sides | 2021/09/18 Sat 01:55:38 | nf! |
1713 | pragma-, k | * pragma- bites k * pragma- eats k * pragma- disgests k * pragma- poops k * k is acted upon in many different ways | 2021/01/03 Sun 23:44:05 | nf! |
720 | pragma- | <pragma-> i sued coconut oil to make the brownies <pragma-> good stuff <pragma-> jiggity bag doogity donk a donk. <pragma-> I JUST FARTED <pragma-> AND NOW THE WHOLE ROOM STINKS LIKE WEED | 2017/02/26 Sun 11:22:37 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
1413 | pragma- | <pragma-> cold is fantastic <pragma-> computers run faster in cold <pragma-> computers run like shit in heat <pragma-> cold > heat <pragma-> fuck anyone who disagrees <pragma-> do you disagree? fuck you! | 2020/03/15 Sun 10:42:56 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1709 | pragma-, taylor | <pragma-> i haven't been okay for a long time <pragma-> but most of the time i ignore it <pragma-> not much else i can do <taylor> i should get starbucks for breakfast | 2020/12/31 Thu 11:41:11 | nf! |
1279 | pragma-, Remavas | <pragma-> what's wrong with sodomy? <Remavas> nothing, I am more surprised it worked this time around. | 2019/07/29 Mon 15:53:51 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
783 | pragma-, sjohnson | <pragma-> and i mentioned anally fingering a wheelchair-bounded woman <sjohnson> sorry to hear about your mom. | 2017/05/29 Mon 10:31:10 | Random832!~random@unaffiliated/random832 |
1166 | pragma-, sjohnson | <pragma-> u gay gay with u buddy <sjohnson> i dunno i liked it. | 2018/05/28 Mon 13:24:51 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
698 | pragma-, vktec | <pragma-> you know what's more stupid? bitching about people bitching about a text editor. <vktec> pragma-: See, now you're bitching about people bitching about people bitching about a text editor ;) | 2017/02/07 Tue 15:54:33 | phox! |
1707 | pragma-, yetimach | <pragma-> i am going to make a burrito <yetimach> Do you have a tortilla? <pragma-> yetimach: nah, i thought i'd put the beans between two slices of white bread | 2020/12/30 Wed 17:43:39 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1897 | Preston | <Preston> i love refrigerator | 2021/06/08 Tue 00:13:59 | nf! |
818 | qwename | <qwename> I have used your bot and much like it. | 2017/08/04 Fri 04:50:44 | qwename!~qwename@unaffiliated/qwename |
820 | qwename | <qwename> Real security lies in knowing there isn't. | 2017/08/04 Fri 06:13:00 | qwename!~qwename@unaffiliated/qwename |
824 | qwename | <qwename> This would be 750 lines in base 7.397052847 | 2017/08/08 Tue 04:20:00 | sj0rz! |
2190 | raj | <raj> You are the kind of idioit who thinks people are stupid just because they won't eat meat or believe that the earth is flat | 2022/08/13 Sat 00:19:36 | k! |
2283 | raj | <raj> openssl is far better library than any made so far its also well mantained and tested and certified | 2023/02/25 Sat 16:02:22 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2285 | raj | <raj> women have said that i have a good body odor | 2023/02/27 Mon 18:22:55 | Bou!~boudewijn@user/bou |
2292 | raj | <raj> i am tired of using tooth brush | 2023/03/23 Thu 12:15:14 | Bou!~boudewijn@user/bou |
2293 | raj | <raj> i think iam becoming deumber | 2023/03/23 Thu 12:31:03 | Bou!~boudewijn@user/bou |
2289 | raj, candide | <raj> candide: say something in hindi <candide> something in hindi | 2023/03/14 Tue 13:18:05 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2305 | raj | <raj> ok so i desire making a webapp in c what is weong with it ? <raj> i just need a bunch of string operations | 2023/04/04 Tue 05:00:40 | Bou!~boudewijn@user/bou |
1415 | rajrajraj | <rajrajraj> I have a stupid belief | 2020/03/19 Thu 21:10:55 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1417 | rajrajraj | <rajrajraj> its a female not a human | 2020/03/24 Tue 10:40:45 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1704 | reberti | <reberti> Life is a gambit | 2020/12/29 Tue 12:44:41 | nf! |
1303 | Remavas | <Remavas> I just enter my boot loader into the front panel. | 2019/08/30 Fri 12:30:54 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1336 | rk4 | <rk4> so like, having a penis doesn't make you any less of a woman | 2019/11/20 Wed 05:33:56 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
2317 | seninha | <seninha> i need to have asiatic friends just to ask about the wetness of their ear | 2023/05/03 Wed 19:38:41 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1082 | siiky | <siiky> holy fuck! im such a retard! | 2018/03/08 Thu 14:30:33 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1197 | siiky | <siiky> he could spread his cheeks with happiness | 2018/06/11 Mon 14:58:27 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1110 | sj^ | <sj^> oh man i can’t wait to just get home and beat off. | 2018/03/23 Fri 18:48:10 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
769 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> just as long as you're smoking and doin' crack though, probably safe :) | 2017/05/04 Thu 21:56:46 | dho! |
779 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> for some reason i just really like the sensation of something tugging on your rod | 2017/05/24 Wed 17:17:05 | Random832!~random@unaffiliated/random832 |
804 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> i paid for an evil angel subscription, but i used one of those 75% off coupons. | 2017/07/20 Thu 13:22:26 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
821 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> pragma-: i used to walk around town with a mousetrap in my ass | 2017/08/06 Sun 12:14:54 | kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
838 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> it isn't. i lost my virginity at 32. | 2017/08/25 Fri 22:12:09 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
839 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> pragma- even admitted that he's retarded. | 2017/08/25 Fri 22:20:46 | dho! |
854 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> ! lick atk | 2017/09/01 Fri 19:04:25 | alyptik! |
864 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> i was kid in school. | 2017/09/03 Sun 18:14:39 | kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
870 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> pragma-: you and your goddamn sexy mind. | 2017/09/04 Mon 22:42:49 | alyptik! |
881 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> i slapped my buddy's ass once in public and he was not happy | 2017/09/28 Thu 18:19:35 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
884 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> just needed an instrument to allow me to play songs of sadness and sorrow. | 2017/10/03 Tue 03:23:40 | lambda443!~lambda443@unaffiliated/lambda443 |
1064 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> i like sucking and being sucked. i like to kiss. | 2018/02/18 Sun 09:33:25 | atk!Arch-TK@ircpuzzles/staff/Arch-TK |
1065 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> i definitely could use some sex. | 2018/02/18 Sun 09:48:43 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1096 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> i need a second opinion actually. anything wrong with me videotaping myself pretending to shit myself in public? | 2018/03/15 Thu 02:50:40 | jp! |
1104 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> so it's all good. and i went to mcdonald's. i had a coupon. | 2018/03/18 Sun 14:19:49 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1118 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> i wonder if i have to install C++ to get the compiler working | 2018/03/25 Sun 16:52:46 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1128 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> i'm starting to think that maybe pragma- is smart, and i'm just dumb. | 2018/04/06 Fri 17:41:32 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1133 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> all i have to do is mention the time my dad told me to quit faking my orgasms when i was jerking off in my room the other day | 2018/04/11 Wed 10:50:17 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1134 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> i like fries and mayo | 2018/04/11 Wed 19:40:45 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1146 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> i'm gayer than they are | 2018/04/23 Mon 01:14:54 | atk!~Arch-TK@ircpuzzles/staff/Arch-TK |
1151 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> my dad put cyber nanny on my computer | 2018/04/28 Sat 11:21:44 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1179 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> jp: my hottest fantasy is if pragma is a little boy and i get to seduce him | 2018/06/08 Fri 11:54:11 | jp! |
1180 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> heh, fell asleep listening to pedos getting busted on facebook. that explains why i was having really weird dreams of people getting interrogated and called "filthy bastard" all the time, lol | 2018/06/08 Fri 11:54:22 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1182 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> a pedo nazi is the worst kind of nazi | 2018/06/09 Sat 13:54:36 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1188 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> just saw this on my facebook newsfeed | 2018/06/10 Sun 13:03:08 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1189 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> because facebook is so popular if you look hard enough you will find interesting stuff. | 2018/06/10 Sun 13:32:26 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1190 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> facebook is like crack i can't stop | 2018/06/10 Sun 13:32:37 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1194 | sjohnson | * sjohnson goes back to watching pedo videos | 2018/06/10 Sun 16:13:53 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1195 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> i've watched enough pedo videos to know the difference between right and wong | 2018/06/10 Sun 19:12:31 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1208 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> my uncle put his thumb in me | 2018/06/23 Sat 11:46:27 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1210 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> also i had a thought yesterday that pragma- hates me so i'm toning it down. | 2018/06/27 Wed 15:54:29 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1230 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> yeah i couldn't get hard the first time. | 2019/04/08 Mon 15:57:00 | amgarp!~amgarp@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1234 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> because i am gay | 2019/04/13 Sat 03:33:13 | atk!~Arch-TK@ircpuzzles/staff/Arch-TK |
1254 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> that was kinda... anti-clamatic | 2019/05/31 Fri 14:18:00 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1256 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> JUST CAUSE I LIKE KIDS DOESN'T MAKE ME A PEDO | 2019/06/07 Fri 13:55:54 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1262 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> you know how you twirl around whipped cream on a cupcake in circles? i wanna do that to atk's dick with my tongue once in my life. before i die. | 2019/06/21 Fri 14:36:44 | nil! |
1266 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> spigot | 2019/07/02 Tue 12:40:27 | bungy!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1313 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> i whacked off one time with mechanic soap | 2019/10/16 Wed 12:20:56 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1432 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> this dude i know held his breath and did like 8 | 2020/04/27 Mon 13:26:13 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1554 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> the false self is "my identity". aka, "ego" in spiritual parlance. | 2020/08/11 Tue 14:24:03 | nil! |
1556 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> nh: i made an mspaint comic to pin-point exactly why k and nil and others have put me on /ignore. | 2020/08/11 Tue 16:29:34 | nh!NextHendri@unaffiliated/nexthendrix |
1557 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> nh: | 2020/08/11 Tue 16:35:00 | nil! |
1576 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> do you know the diff between girl animes and boy animes? | 2020/08/23 Sun 18:23:56 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1594 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> i'm retired from thinking. | 2020/08/31 Mon 10:53:51 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1611 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> pragma-: any interest in re-watching that ep? it was kinda slow so i don't blame you if you fell asleep | 2020/09/12 Sat 15:10:25 | nf! |
1624 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> have you ever shitposted on reddit? | 2020/09/25 Fri 10:33:40 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1625 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> the voting system sort of just buries all my gems to the bottom | 2020/09/25 Fri 10:35:58 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1626 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> at that time i thought, holy smokes. maybe if i keep this up i might get more people interested in whatever bullshit i think. | 2020/09/25 Fri 10:44:36 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
2230 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> my parents think i'm retarded. | 2022/12/01 Thu 20:08:42 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2241 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> wtf is a slide rule | 2022/12/19 Mon 10:12:59 | Bou!sid274843@user/bou |
2246 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> i was amazed by candide's functionality, flexibility, general organizational structure to produce an IRC bot to chat with people on IRC. | 2022/12/20 Tue 20:10:21 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2247 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> lol i wasn't serious | 2022/12/20 Tue 20:11:12 | floatcomplex!~floatcomp@wireguard/tunneler/floatcomplex |
2253 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> 99.9% of followers and who i was following are all Trump supporters. | 2022/12/26 Mon 12:05:05 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2259 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> i did NOT want to become literally the "40 Year Old Virgin", and thankfully i escaped that at the age of 32. | 2023/01/06 Fri 14:15:23 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2355 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> it's a bit more complicated than what i understand, all of this. | 2024/07/11 Thu 10:59:27 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
693 | sjohnson, pragma- | <sjohnson> i just hate it when it becomes "popular" enough that hipster's take it over. <pragma-> you might be a hipster then | 2017/02/04 Sat 12:44:13 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
843 | sjohnson, pragma- | <sjohnson> pragma-: i hope i'm not irritating you when i talk and say dumb shit <pragma-> your mere existence irritates me | 2017/08/28 Mon 14:44:23 | kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
856 | sjohnson, pragma- | <sjohnson> i blinked and it was over <pragma-> thats what she said | 2017/09/02 Sat 15:54:32 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1019 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> i should use the private browsing mode more often. <sjohnson> it sucks when someone wants to google something and the autocomplete keeps suggesting porn fetishes | 2018/01/20 Sat 07:54:56 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1088 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> i'm a detective on the side. solving crimes and cold-cases that the police force doesn't have time to deal with. <sjohnson> make extra cash on the side. | 2018/03/10 Sat 09:39:29 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1135 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> i left a roast beef sandwich with mayonnise in my car for a week <sjohnson> before eating it | 2018/04/12 Thu 11:05:57 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1185 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> well i installed the VPN software <sjohnson> now i can click on links and shit that might be illegal | 2018/06/09 Sat 15:36:25 | jp! |
1186 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> overclocking your cpu was "k00l" like 20 year ago <sjohnson> just let your cpu do what it normally does at the stock setting | 2018/06/09 Sat 22:09:30 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1187 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> why doesn't anyone want to talk to me <sjohnson> is it because i'm a pedophile? | 2018/06/09 Sat 23:01:23 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1289 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> ♪ ♫ fuck white supremacy... fuck white supremacy ♪ <sjohnson> not going to vote for any politician who goes along with this shit. | 2019/08/09 Fri 13:26:55 | e!e@freenode/staff/spy.edk |
1365 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> i think the guys in that show are even better looking than the girls <sjohnson> they are hot | 2020/01/02 Thu 13:34:07 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1292 | sjohnson, pragma- | <sjohnson> shush let me think <sjohnson> can i think?! <pragma-> press [x] to doubt | 2019/08/18 Sun 17:44:58 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1206 | sjohnson | <sjohnson> we talked to girls in bikinis and they were whining we didn't take them boating. <sjohnson> to be fair i went with my gut feeling and tried to talk about something i liked, like C++ <sjohnson> but that didn't go over well. | 2018/06/22 Fri 16:44:27 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
2216 | spookynumbers | <spookynumbers> maybe if you stopped blindly suckling on the teat of reddit you'd have more editorial control over what you forward to your peers | 2022/10/18 Tue 11:19:36 | Ckat!~Ckat@xn--z7x.xn--6frz82g |
1301 | taylor | <taylor> i might add discord to birch | 2019/08/29 Thu 10:54:00 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1586 | taylor | <taylor> how do i use a scale remotely | 2020/08/27 Thu 11:11:52 | nf! |
1587 | taylor | <taylor> thank you jesus for the cancer | 2020/08/27 Thu 11:14:59 | nf! |
1588 | taylor | <taylor> i was unoriginal first | 2020/08/27 Thu 11:29:29 | taylor! |
1595 | taylor | <taylor> you don't really live in a place until you masturbate there | 2020/09/01 Tue 10:56:51 | nf! |
1597 | taylor | <taylor> pragma-: i respectfully disagree, retard | 2020/09/02 Wed 10:25:15 | nf! |
1599 | taylor | <taylor> | 2020/09/03 Thu 14:32:24 | taylor! |
1603 | taylor | <taylor> do you ever neglect your body and then it gets mad at you and you get mad at it | 2020/09/06 Sun 15:28:19 | nf! |
1609 | taylor | <taylor> mount the milk and horse the honk | 2020/09/09 Wed 13:21:44 | nf! |
709 | tir | <tir> who needs secutirya | 2017/02/19 Sun 15:47:50 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
723 | tires | <tires> Gah I was hoping for DONG. | 2017/02/28 Tue 05:17:23 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
831 | Tires | <Tires> what are some sweet irc chats I can join? | 2017/08/21 Mon 19:55:14 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
851 | Tires | <Tires> sweaty butthole is moist. | 2017/08/31 Thu 18:54:18 | helfwot! |
1893 | tk | <tk> I can jizz like a few metres... from accidents... | 2021/05/28 Fri 10:37:56 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1904 | tk | <tk> sounded cooler to call it a choo choo train | 2021/06/16 Wed 09:49:33 | edk!edk@libera/staff/edk |
1925 | tk | <tk> I could have any job | 2021/06/26 Sat 12:01:00 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1929 | tk | <tk> if we just bomb india | 2021/06/26 Sat 19:29:36 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1944 | tk | <tk> progma y hef complen abote spilling probulem? | 2021/07/11 Sun 11:35:27 | nf! |
1957 | tk | <tk> it's getting nice and wet atm | 2021/07/18 Sun 10:53:53 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1958 | tk | <tk> "buzzword buzzword, using a buzzword model of buzzword buzzword you can buzzword your buzzword into buzzword for faster and more private buzzword | 2021/07/19 Mon 06:48:45 | nf! |
1968 | tk | <tk> I had mcdonalds coffee recently and it said it was arabica but they've somehow managed to breed / roast arabica into tasting like robusta | 2021/07/30 Fri 11:09:50 | nf! |
1969 | tk | <tk> my mother, who is not a coffee fanatic, could taste the blueberry notes in some naturally processed ethiopian coffee I brought her | 2021/07/30 Fri 11:12:37 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1973 | tk | <tk> an nf is just a twat in the category of annoyances | 2021/08/02 Mon 09:10:43 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1979 | tk | <tk> nf: I've had an idea | 2021/08/07 Sat 09:20:40 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1985 | tk | <tk> I'll take the hunk of meat | 2021/08/08 Sun 10:42:05 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1987 | tk | <tk> I AM DOING MY JOB THE WAY MY COMPANY IS PAYING ME TO DO IT | 2021/08/08 Sun 16:47:14 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2007 | tk | <tk> okay, apparently that's correct, but anywat | 2021/08/13 Fri 13:29:45 | nf! |
2037 | tk | <tk> it's difficult to explain how annoying a pain in the ass is until you get a pain in the ass | 2021/09/08 Wed 14:14:32 | nf! |
2046 | tk | <tk> SQL is fun | 2021/09/13 Mon 12:10:39 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2057 | tk | <tk> my 500 accupuncture needles should arrive this week | 2021/09/18 Sat 16:20:24 | nf! |
2062 | tk | <tk> how can you consider yourself so important but also simultaneously have a porn collection? | 2021/09/23 Thu 10:11:37 | nf! |
2068 | tk | <tk> pragma-: do me | 2021/09/25 Sat 13:47:10 | nf! |
2073 | tk | <tk> you have no idea how many times I've struggled to add 5 and 3 | 2021/09/28 Tue 09:37:24 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2110 | tk | <tk> the code I wrote is to convert from the style that nim uses to my preferred style when it comes to completions and vim syntax highlighting | 2021/10/21 Thu 06:08:37 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2117 | tk | <tk> time to do some big-data analysis with awk | 2021/11/01 Mon 09:13:33 | nf! |
2122 | tk | <tk> the problem is that what I sacrificed for not having to enable clangd is that I had to click a popup and then experience vscode shitting random json over my codebase | 2021/11/07 Sun 06:31:43 | zalt!~zalt@user/zalt |
2126 | tk | <tk> I have wondered how hard it would be to use something like treesitter to make something like haskell into a language with no camel-case | 2021/11/23 Tue 14:59:15 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2178 | tk | <tk> but I don't have the right wood | 2022/08/02 Tue 15:35:46 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2179 | tk | <tk> I used softwood | 2022/08/02 Tue 15:37:19 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2378 | tk, pragma- | <tk> bought a bunch of coffee I liked the sound of <pragma-> silly tk. you don't buy coffee to listen to it | 2024/12/01 Sun 17:32:20 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1899 | tk | <tk> XDG_DBUS_DBUS_SESSION_BUS_DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS <tk> It's the dbus session bus address of the dbus session bus of freedesktop dbus | 2021/06/10 Thu 11:33:04 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
702 | tlahtoani | <tlahtoani> People who unironically like C++ are niggercattle | 2017/02/08 Wed 20:16:59 | marchelzo!~marchelzo@unaffiliated/marchelzo |
710 | tlahtoani | <tlahtoani> How do I stop people from sending dick pics x.x | 2017/02/19 Sun 17:40:39 | javaisnom!~javaisnom@ |
689 | tlahtoani, marchelzo | <tlahtoani> Is it geeky to write C in a strip club? <marchelzo> that's full blown autism | 2017/02/02 Thu 17:35:53 | phox! |
701 | tlahtoani | <tlahtoani> Make is gay <tlahtoani> Tf is DAG | 2017/02/08 Wed 14:31:07 | phox! |
1391 | tuu | <tuu> i used my calculator to cheat in english | 2020/03/01 Sun 19:09:43 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1422 | tuu | <tuu> i program by trial and error | 2020/04/06 Mon 18:23:57 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1429 | tuu | <tuu> today i learned that 0 - 1 is -1 | 2020/04/16 Thu 15:02:10 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1641 | tuu | <tuu> I play sort(1). | 2020/10/13 Tue 15:38:00 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1642 | tuu | <tuu> I turn lights on and off with a stick or towl. | 2020/10/13 Tue 16:42:03 | nf! |
1274 | uso_ | <uso_> I guess mouse is better for reading, keyboard better for writing, what this article seems to miss, and I think is really hard to calculate is the context switch cost the brain need to switch from keyboard usage to mouse <uso_> dho: ok,I admit didn't read it | 2019/07/15 Mon 09:13:29 | dho!~dho@freenode/staff/dho |
984 | VLetrmx | <VLetrmx> I had a fucked up nightmare <VLetrmx> about the fucking mafia and systemd <VLetrmx> what the fuck | 2018/01/03 Wed 23:11:46 | jp! |
1706 | yetimach | <yetimach> Does anybody like beans? I am gonna eat some garbanzos for dinner. | 2020/12/30 Wed 13:09:53 | taylor! |
1708 | yetimach | <yetimach> I have also been in lots of holes. | 2020/12/30 Wed 20:10:47 | nitrix!~nitrix@haskell/developer/nitrix |
2146 | yetimach | <yetimach> It reminds me of a time when I was in junior high and a big kid asked me if I was gay. I answered, "I wouldn't know". I'm still not sure what I meant. | 2022/02/22 Tue 22:21:05 | k! |
2158 | yetimach | <yetimach> It ain't easy being a idiot. | 2022/06/16 Thu 21:03:22 | k! |
2163 | yetimach | <yetimach> (black dick is perfectly fine but it scares me). | 2022/06/22 Wed 01:42:48 | Bou!sid274843@user/bou |
2222 | yetimach | <yetimach> I'm cumming in my pants. | 2022/10/21 Fri 09:02:33 | Bou!sid274843@user/bou |
2314 | yetimach | <yetimach> I'm gonna buy the cheap ground beef today. It smells kind of bad until you boil it for 20 min. | 2023/04/17 Mon 14:24:57 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2318 | yetimach | <yetimach> It's a shame it doesn't matter and everything is bullshit. | 2023/05/06 Sat 10:47:29 | Bou!~boudewijn@user/bou |
2149 | yetimach, k | <yetimach> k is a fixture of #c-offtopic <k> thanks yetimach you too | 2022/02/26 Sat 13:39:50 | nf! |
1017 | zalt | <zalt> i have both pragma- and candide ignored, the channel is much better | 2018/01/19 Fri 11:20:30 | jp! |
1377 | zalt | <zalt> wtf, i sent a signal in gdb to my process and it killed XOrg instead | 2020/02/08 Sat 18:37:45 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1379 | zalt | <zalt> it's chineese or indian or thai or whatever | 2020/02/11 Tue 11:43:41 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1416 | zalt | <zalt> it's okay to have sex with your cousins | 2020/03/23 Mon 22:13:35 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1508 | zalt | <zalt> look at those benchmarks | 2020/07/13 Mon 12:37:13 | garp!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1514 | zalt | <zalt> k: wtf, how did you know i wasn't joking | 2020/07/16 Thu 16:01:49 | k! |
1542 | zalt | <zalt> you may or may not have the chance to do so, we know very little about the nervous system during asshole electrocution | 2020/08/03 Mon 23:08:59 | zalt!~zalt@unaffiliated/lambda443 |
1548 | zalt | <zalt> such decadence | 2020/08/09 Sun 08:24:04 | nil! |
1941 | zalt | <zalt> i feel like i have gathered enough wisdom to share with young people like nf | 2021/07/10 Sat 09:06:36 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
1951 | zalt | <zalt> Ckat: so when the attacker calls, the security professional that is being social engineered will be confused and be like "Yeah, but i don't know if we have servers. hello? they didnt give me the ssh keys, do you want my windows administrator password?" | 2021/07/14 Wed 17:11:03 | zalt!~zalt@ |
2100 | zalt | <zalt> you can get anything you want, women can drive camels, and the culture has become more open. | 2021/10/19 Tue 13:18:40 | nf! |
2103 | zalt | <zalt> i don't know how to use irc | 2021/10/19 Tue 14:10:55 | deadk!edk@libera/staff/edk |
1553 | zalt | <zalt> am i shorter than i thought <zalt> fuck | 2020/08/11 Tue 11:08:57 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1939 | zalt | <zalt> i didn't get laid yet, still a virgin <zalt> i have plenty of money, there are plenty of clean instagram bitches around me <zalt> i just don't have the time to talk with them | 2021/07/09 Fri 07:13:27 | nf! |
1302 | zalt_ | <zalt_> i want to think about sheep | 2019/08/29 Thu 11:42:50 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
id | author(s) | quote | date | grabbed by |
426 | pragma- | <pragma-> GNU C is best C | 2014/09/01 Mon 17:28:36 | fstd!~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted |
id | author(s) | quote | date | grabbed by |
1311 | k, pragma- | <k> now it's time for a breakfast shower <pragma-> that is such a fat people thing to say | 2019/10/13 Sun 10:28:28 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
id | author(s) | quote | date | grabbed by |
1935 | k | <k> i am looking so hard | 2021/07/03 Sat 21:36:12 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2137 | mpan | <mpan> Silly Afghan people. They do not know that blue glowsticks turn blue. | 2022/02/12 Sat 22:26:08 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2138 | mpan | * mpan decides to remain silent to not be grabbed. | 2022/02/12 Sat 22:34:24 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2156 | mpan | <mpan> I wonder how would a black hole taste. | 2022/05/21 Sat 20:53:17 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
id | author(s) | quote | date | grabbed by |
941 | [\ | <[\> I was born a God! | 2017/11/20 Mon 20:44:09 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
891 | alyptik | <alyptik> why is grab so arcane | 2017/10/16 Mon 15:46:29 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
972 | atk | <atk> I'm hairy as fuck | 2017/12/26 Tue 15:47:46 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
973 | atk | <atk> I am an expert at pragma- | 2017/12/27 Wed 12:23:12 | jp! |
976 | atk | <atk> I should take a shower today. | 2017/12/29 Fri 14:31:36 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
988 | atk | <atk> my dick is well proportioned | 2018/01/06 Sat 15:54:00 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
989 | atk | <atk> I don't have a chode | 2018/01/06 Sat 15:54:09 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1013 | atk | <atk> I don't do unit tests | 2018/01/16 Tue 13:00:14 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
985 | atk | <atk> I bet I could get this job if I got the interview and told the interviewers about just how miserable my current job is <atk> they would probably feel sorry for me | 2018/01/04 Thu 12:35:38 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
930 | atk, pragma- | <atk> I might have some terminal disease* <pragma-> we all have a terminal disease. its called life | 2017/11/12 Sun 10:31:49 | naptime!~naptime@unaffiliated/naptime |
1 | candide | <candide> Who's a bot? | 1969/12/31 Wed 16:00:00 | pragma- |
922 | jp | <jp> friends don't let friends be faggots | 2017/11/05 Sun 17:40:19 | kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
925 | jp | <jp> pretty sure kg is a 56-year old divorced potted plant | 2017/11/06 Mon 16:34:46 | kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
931 | jp | <jp> sry my asian was showing | 2017/11/12 Sun 11:11:37 | naptime!~naptime@unaffiliated/naptime |
946 | jp | <jp> i peed on the flior | 2017/11/24 Fri 16:22:20 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
953 | jp | <jp> some heroin addicts are cute | 2017/12/02 Sat 12:16:01 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
969 | jp | <jp> ,g xxx goat | 2017/12/22 Fri 16:50:45 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
983 | jp | <jp> i greped for cock and all i found was k | 2018/01/03 Wed 12:04:52 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
995 | jp | <jp> wtf black ppl can't be deaf | 2018/01/11 Thu 16:32:23 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1000 | jp | <jp> GOD WHY CAN'T YOU PEOPLE TYPE WITHOUT HAVING AN ORGASM ALL OVER THE TEXT | 2018/01/13 Sat 16:33:00 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1002 | jp | <jp> PENETRATE MY ASS | 2018/01/13 Sat 17:24:45 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1014 | jp | <jp> atk is an old man stuck in a small polish boy | 2018/01/16 Tue 14:43:11 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1027 | jp | <jp> i grabbed your ass-to-nut patch | 2018/01/23 Tue 19:43:30 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1132 | jp | <jp> i am tried of penis | 2018/04/09 Mon 19:53:01 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1147 | jp | <jp> i do have a secret tor life | 2018/04/24 Tue 16:33:45 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
932 | jp | <jp> k is a pervert <jp> that was a goat | 2017/11/12 Sun 11:14:15 | naptime!~naptime@unaffiliated/naptime |
933 | jp | <jp> lol bird sex <jp> nice | 2017/11/12 Sun 11:30:12 | naptime!~naptime@unaffiliated/naptime |
1090 | jp | <jp> this is boring <jp> wasting life on toilet | 2018/03/11 Sun 20:12:26 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
950 | jp, k | <jp> i am trying to penis.a pozza <jp> eat* <k> you're trying to eat a penis? | 2017/11/28 Tue 15:14:57 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1016 | jp, pragma- | <jp> i've given guys massage at raves <pragma-> butt? <jp> yes | 2018/01/16 Tue 18:48:06 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
926 | jp, pragma-, mnrmnaugh | <jp> i actually got a hole in one once <pragma-> who was the lucky guy? <mnrmnaugh> minigolf doesnt count | 2017/11/07 Tue 14:28:39 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
938 | k | <k> how big is your penis? | 2017/11/17 Fri 15:45:49 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
956 | k | <k> As you can see, this ferocious penis is showing some aggressiveness, crikey! | 2017/12/05 Tue 12:59:02 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
957 | k | * k np: Dead Kennedys - I Kill Children | 2017/12/05 Tue 17:36:32 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
963 | k | <k> cute cock | 2017/12/10 Sun 18:08:33 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
966 | k | <k> "What a penis! Come 'ere, penis, i'm gonna smack you again." | 2017/12/18 Mon 16:40:27 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
967 | k | <k> i'd rather eat the penis | 2017/12/18 Mon 20:20:15 | jp! |
979 | k | * k shakes his fist at the sky | 2017/12/30 Sat 18:26:36 | atk!Arch-TK@ircpuzzles/staff/Arch-TK |
980 | k | <k> pragma-: DON'T JUST DO SOMETHING STAND THERE | 2017/12/30 Sat 18:26:58 | atk!Arch-TK@ircpuzzles/staff/Arch-TK |
1001 | k | * k is impenetrable | 2018/01/13 Sat 17:02:19 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1047 | k | <k> if my nick was any more complicated i wouldn't be able to spell it | 2018/02/02 Fri 19:37:45 | jp! |
1048 | k | <k> they come in spurts for some reason | 2018/02/02 Fri 21:43:33 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1068 | k | <k> i only sucked one dick | 2018/02/21 Wed 16:32:43 | jp! |
1089 | k | <k> control my destiny jp | 2018/03/10 Sat 21:58:41 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1099 | k | <k> oisefmowevniwrungoiunjocqkenofnwiruvireufhoweidncokzosckqewfcpemwpoireiundciuwenwgiuhjreofiwpcqpscqkenfoicmzdivcdenuwewgoeiqeoifjqoi | 2018/03/16 Fri 15:43:25 | jp! |
1115 | k | <k> "Goatse aims to originate then propagate the freshest OC and dankest memes through providing a fertile blockchain enabled distributed meme ecosystem." | 2018/03/24 Sat 18:22:39 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1120 | k | <k> jp: i am installing arch linux on this laptop today | 2018/03/27 Tue 13:26:39 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1137 | k | <k> me suck pee pee in tee pee | 2018/04/12 Thu 16:53:59 | jp! |
1154 | k | <k> maybe you should swap the motherfucker for bitch | 2018/05/04 Fri 14:47:16 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1160 | k | <k> i'm glad there are no stupid people on irc | 2018/05/09 Wed 21:47:37 | jp! |
1167 | k | <k> they're like volunteers at an orphanage | 2018/05/28 Mon 18:09:18 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1175 | k | <k> latex is so gay | 2018/06/02 Sat 18:37:21 | jp! |
1200 | k | <k> small size is approachable | 2018/06/14 Thu 22:13:56 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
1201 | k | <k> why can't everyone just suck my dick all the time and tell me how great i am | 2018/06/16 Sat 11:33:42 | jp! |
1202 | k | <k> fuck off jp i am looking at picutres of vaginas | 2018/06/20 Wed 17:09:08 | jp! |
982 | k, atk | <k> you're black? <atk> I honestly have no idea | 2018/01/01 Mon 10:03:04 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
964 | k, jp | <k> i goated him <jp> k: DO ME | 2017/12/16 Sat 15:44:37 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
929 | k | <k> that which has been fucked cannot be unfucked. <k> especially if that thing is a man, and you are also a man. | 2017/11/11 Sat 16:41:07 | jp! |
974 | k | <k> yo this tv show is fucken insane <k> twink peaks | 2017/12/28 Thu 18:05:57 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
999 | k | <k> what do i plow <k> hot man ass prolly | 2018/01/13 Sat 16:29:09 | jp! |
1015 | k | <k> <k> god he's so hot | 2018/01/16 Tue 18:25:10 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
942 | k | <k> jp: have you found that porn yet? <k> this is a support channel for the pbot3 irc bot. <k> i don't know why you think it's appropriate to bring this kind of filth in here. | 2017/11/20 Mon 21:22:28 | jp! |
889 | kg | <kg> so how big is yours? | 2017/10/14 Sat 13:59:05 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
896 | kg | <kg> cruelty can be beautiful. | 2017/10/21 Sat 17:21:35 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
905 | kg | <kg> i love cocks. | 2017/10/27 Fri 21:34:21 | jp! |
911 | kg | <kg> raw potato does not have a very sexual texture. | 2017/10/29 Sun 20:22:31 | kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
912 | kg | <kg> are you not aware of kanye west's high regard as an artist? | 2017/10/29 Sun 20:44:44 | jp! |
909 | kg, jp | <kg> why the fuck is that useful? <jp> idk man | 2017/10/29 Sun 12:33:14 | kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
910 | kg | <kg> im not in the mood to give a blowjob <kg> wait no nvm <kg> i am | 2017/10/29 Sun 16:49:27 | jp! |
903 | kg, pragma- | <kg> you fuck rotirallas? <pragma-> yes | 2017/10/27 Fri 16:02:22 | kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
890 | pragma- | <pragma-> i'm maeking a boble bath | 2017/10/15 Sun 20:35:11 | kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
902 | pragma- | <pragma-> boxing is not a sport | 2017/10/27 Fri 11:10:22 | kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
924 | pragma- | <pragma-> I wish I read the ingredients for this cheese cake before i bought it | 2017/11/06 Mon 16:33:11 | kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
936 | pragma- | <pragma-> i am going to assault a donkey | 2017/11/15 Wed 21:42:16 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
948 | pragma- | <pragma-> KICKED jp! from #pbot2 (like a dewango on a pineapple) | 2017/11/26 Sun 12:39:36 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
959 | pragma- | <pragma-> mind your o2n beeswax u busybody | 2017/12/07 Thu 14:33:43 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
961 | pragma- | <pragma-> that ass is phat | 2017/12/09 Sat 14:24:26 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
962 | pragma- | <pragma-> i have a sugar addiction | 2017/12/10 Sun 16:09:04 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
965 | pragma- | <pragma-> my ass is plump | 2017/12/18 Mon 16:17:51 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
968 | pragma- | <pragma-> i am the wangiest wang that ever wanged | 2017/12/19 Tue 16:01:41 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
970 | pragma- | <pragma-> k has a very high iq | 2017/12/26 Tue 09:47:49 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
971 | pragma- | <pragma-> there's a very disconcerting lack of interest in butt stuff in here | 2017/12/26 Tue 13:37:28 | cousteau!~cousteau@unaffiliated/cousteau |
1021 | pragma- | <pragma-> wot in tarnation | 2018/01/22 Mon 13:48:19 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1031 | pragma- | <pragma-> we need vagrants | 2018/01/25 Thu 21:56:10 | e!e@enucs/spy.edk |
1057 | pragma- | <pragma-> POOPING IS SCARY | 2018/02/13 Tue 16:54:36 | jp! |
1095 | pragma- | <pragma-> i'mg oing to go have an angry shit | 2018/03/14 Wed 16:56:30 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
1100 | pragma- | <pragma-> I WHIP MY HAIR BACK AND FORTH | 2018/03/16 Fri 16:55:41 | jp! |
1055 | pragma-, k | <pragma-> nobody wants to give a blow job <k> speak for yourself | 2018/02/11 Sun 17:33:47 | jp! |
893 | pragma-, kg | <pragma-> kg: turn your head and cough * kg turns his head * kg coughs <pragma-> you have fine testicles | 2017/10/16 Mon 20:53:13 | alyptik! |
892 | pragma- | <pragma-> I WANT THE D <pragma-> alyptik: give me the d | 2017/10/16 Mon 15:47:16 | alyptik! |
897 | pragma- | <pragma-> because when i'm not talking about shooting cum into my own mouth <pragma-> i'm actually very super highly intelligent | 2017/10/21 Sat 17:45:10 | kg!~krok@unaffiliated/krok/x-1434802 |
943 | pragma- | <pragma-> i put firecrackers in my ass on the 4th of july <pragma-> i'm patroitic as fuck | 2017/11/22 Wed 13:39:42 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
987 | pragma- | <pragma-> all sports are stupid <pragma-> the only real sport is on the battlefield | 2018/01/06 Sat 15:52:20 | k!~krok@unaffiliated/krok |
904 | pragma- | <pragma-> PEAR GOOD <pragma-> MAKE PEAR LAST LONG TIME <pragma-> ONE PEAR PER DAY <pragma-> SIMPLE ECONOMICS | 2017/10/27 Fri 17:52:28 | jp! |
945 | pragma-, k | <pragma-> i pooped <pragma-> my ass is burning now <pragma-> never mind <pragma-> it's not like i'm gonna die <pragma-> from my butt <k> that would be a shitty way to go | 2017/11/24 Fri 13:53:45 | jp! |
871 | qwename | <qwename> When vertically challenged, go horizontal! | 2017/09/05 Tue 01:22:39 | qwename!~qwename@unaffiliated/qwename |
id | author(s) | quote | date | grabbed by |
2269 | clarity, pragma- | <clarity> But the bad ones tend to be short and swift. <pragma-> thats what she said | 2023/01/28 Sat 14:48:47 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
470 | edk, kate | <edk> pretending C++ doesn't exist solves a lot of the problems in my life, actually <kate> "edk! your rent's due!" "it's okay, C++ doesn't exist" | 2015/01/16 Fri 17:37:54 | pragma-!~chaos@unaffiliated/pragmatic-chaos |
2278 | kate | <kate> rate my snail porn | 2023/02/15 Wed 23:24:35 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2294 | nbjoerg | <nbjoerg> so, what's faster, Python on Linux or C on OpenBSD | 2023/03/23 Thu 14:53:54 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2282 | seebs | <seebs> anyway, i can imitate the words he uses to call cats well enough that they completely ignore me too. | 2023/02/23 Thu 07:45:03 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
id | author(s) | quote | date | grabbed by |
2357 | emanuele6 | <emanuele6> we will breastfeed | 2024/10/22 Tue 01:23:13 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2360 | pragma- | <pragma-> smh | 2024/10/24 Thu 16:33:20 | JAA!~JAA@user/meow/JAA |
2361 | pragma- | <pragma-> ridiculous | 2024/10/24 Thu 16:33:50 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2362 | pragma- | <pragma-> outrageous | 2024/10/24 Thu 16:33:56 | pragma-!~chaos@user/pragmatic-chaos |
2375 | pragma- | <pragma-> you broke it | 2024/11/19 Tue 18:35:58 | emanuele6!~emanuele6@user/emanuele6 |
2376 | pragma- | <pragma-> estoy rey | 2024/11/21 Thu 02:34:20 | emanuele6!~emanuele6@user/emanuele6 |