Related channels
From C
Other channels exist to cover things in more detail, or are more appropriate to the topic you raise, e.g.,
- ##c-basic as an alternative to ##c
- ##c++ for C++
- ##csharp for C#
- #macdev for Mac Programming, typically Objective-C with Carbon or Cocoa Frameworks
- ##objc for Objective-C
- #editor-wars for discussion of various editors
- #emacs for editing with GNU Emacs
- #gtk+ on for GTK+
- ##kernel to discuss "any" kernel, though their topic has only Linux info
- #kernelnewbies on for Linux kernel issues
- ##posix for Posix related discussions, for example programs written to the POSIX standards, rather than the ANSI or ISO C standards
- #sockets for sockets and user mode network programming issues
- ##stdio for a place to brag about your project, or just talk
- #tcpip for the TCP/IP and related protocols
- #vile for editing with vile
- #vim for editing with VIM
- #winprog on for WIN32 platform issues
- #xemacs for editing with XEmacs
- #workingset for POSIX tool chain questions (make file, assemblers, debuggers, etc.
- #wxwidgets for WxWidgets
- #Xlib for Xlib and X11 related protocols